General Classic Blend

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    General Classic Blend

    Reviews of General Classic Blend
  • wadetheblade
    • Jul 2009
    • 572

    I did not have high hopes for anything made for the "American" market, but this is a really good snus. taste like General with a little more citrus, not as dry as I thought and the portion size is nice. I could use a little more nicotine, but I have been using Oden's extreme lately so.... Never the less, this snus is the real deal. I will be pleased when I can buy it at a gas station, but it does suck you only get 12 portions for $4.


    • snusgetter
      • May 2010
      • 10903

      Originally posted by wadetheblade
      I did not have high hopes for anything made for the "American" market, but this is a really good snus. taste like General with a little more citrus, not as dry as I thought and the portion size is nice. I could use a little more nicotine, but I have been using Oden's extreme lately so.... Never the less, this snus is the real deal. I will be pleased when I can buy it at a gas station, but it does suck you only get 12 portions for $4.

      American style price gouging... gotta keep up with the Camels & Marlboros!!

      But I will definitely try it if I find it.


      • c.nash
        Banned Users
        • May 2010
        • 3511

        I want to try this and the Nordic blend. Gotta get my hands on some somehow.


        • sirloot
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2011
          • 2607

          Originally posted by c.nash
          I want to try this and the Nordic blend. Gotta get my hands on some somehow.
          same here and i coulda put a few more tins on my order buuuut .. if it does well in the test markets i could be able to pick them up down the street. So i wasnt in a really hurry to try them .. mint and classic anyway .. nothing realy new there cept 4$ for 15 portions instead of 4-5$ for 20-24 portions


          • Wrath
            • Jan 2011
            • 143

            Originally posted by wadetheblade
            I did not have high hopes for anything made for the "American" market, but this is a really good snus. taste like General with a little more citrus, not as dry as I thought and the portion size is nice. I could use a little more nicotine, but I have been using Oden's extreme lately so.... Never the less, this snus is the real deal. I will be pleased when I can buy it at a gas station, but it does suck you only get 12 portions for $4.
            I share this same story exactly. The portions are are quite comfortable, and it seems to be very similar to General white. The nic hit is minimal, especially if you are used to stronger snus. I first tried the Nordic Mint, and after that I had no real desire to try this one but I was pleasantly surprised. Hopefully, if this does become widely available in America, it will give people a nice wake up as to what snus should be, rather than the Americanized crap. Like you said, the price/portion is a unsettling.


            • snusjus
              • Jun 2008
              • 2674

              $4.00 for 15 portions? I hope Speedway gas stations in Ohio keep the standard General line; it costs $4.19 (after tax) for a can of General White, which has 24 portions. I will be pissed if they pull the regular line and replace it with Classic Blend and Nordic Mint.


              • snusjus
                • Jun 2008
                • 2674

                After reading reviews claiming General Classic Blend smells sweeter and has notes of caramel, I was skeptical this would be a diluted, sub-par product for the United States market. Thankfully, there is nothing sub-par or diluted about this product, besides the fact each can only contains 15 portions. Aside from that one flaw, there is nothing that could be said negative about General Classic Blend. The tobacco is moist (identical to standard Swedish brands), the aroma is inviting, the flavor is luscious, and the nicotine content and delivery is efficient. The only notable difference between this product and General White Portion, which shares many of its attributes, is the aroma; General Classic Blend gives off a more citrusy aroma. Another minor deviation from General White Portion is the decreased salt content, although the difference is negligible. If you want the best "American" snus product, General Classic Blend is a must-try -- it trumps all the competition (RJR, PMUSA) in every conceivable way.


                Imported from


                • Darwin
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 1372

                  Originally posted by snusjus
                  it trumps all the competition (RJR, PMUSA) in every conceivable way.
                  That is a very low bar indeed (they don't come any lower) but glad to hear it nonetheless.


                  • snusjus
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 2674

                    Originally posted by Darwin
                    That is a very low bar indeed (they don't come any lower) but glad to hear it nonetheless.
                    In a nutshell, General Classic Blend is General White Portion in thinner portions with slightly less salt. So yeah, it easily trumps Marlboro and Camel. Haha.


                    • granola
                      • Jul 2011
                      • 55

                      I'm actually a big fan of the Classic Blend. Finished my first tin and was sad. 15 portions for the price of a full regular tin isn't a good deal, otherwise I'd buy more.

                      I'm in Dallas, Texas right now on a business trip and I found a bar -- Billiards Bar on Greenville Ave -- that sells Classic and Nordic. Happily bought a tin for $5, but was disappointed to see it's a "Trial Size" and only has 10 (!) portions.

                      If General ever makes this available locally in SF in larger-sized tins, I'll be buying more of these locally.


                      • Tristik
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 654

                        Got a can of this in my latest order's actually very good! I love the portion shape. It's the same as a regular portion, but about 4/fifths of the width. Taste was spot on general, and in my opinion, the flavor actually comes out more than in General Whites. Although that could just be because I haven't had general in quite some time.

                        I think the nic is listed at 7mg/g? Correct that if it's incorrect, but I honestly didn't notice and I'm used to Thunder.

                        Also, love the can! Reminds me of my old N&J East coffin cans.


                        • 6pieceperal
                          • Jan 2012
                          • 49

                          I just bought 2 cans of their classic trail pack. Only 10 pouches per can. 3.00$ each. Dryer than their original. Maybe a tad wetter than white. It doesnt seem as strong (flavor)as either.
                          Still good tobacco flavor.


                          • CzechCzar
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 1144

                            Don't mean to hijack the thread, but I can't wait for my order to come on Monday. I got the nordic mint, and loved it. Ordered a 10-pack. It was like normal general mint, only a bit less in-you-face with the mint flavor. I have tried General, General mini white, General mint, and General Nordic mint.

                            Would you say that:

                            General Original : General Classic Blend
                            is kind of like
                            General Mint : General Nordic Mint?


                            • CzechCzar
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 1144

                              Any responses to this inquiry?


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