Mustang Lös

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Mustang Lös

    Just got this today. Smells a bit like a pipe tobacco bowl. Partially fresh tobacco, partially burnt remains. Has a light flavor of cherry, and a prominent flavor of burnt tobacco. Interestingly, it doesn't use smoke flavor. Salt content is relatively low for a Swedish Match product. Flavor mellows out fairly quickly, so it can be considered inoffensive. It's /ok/. I can't give a blanket recommendation to buy, but it's worth a try, especially for the price. If nothing else, it's better than Kronan, but that's not a high bar to surpass :^D

    If it could be bought over the counter, I could see getting the occasional tin, especially if I were short on money, but barring it growing on me, these will be the last two tins I get. It's no Ettan.
  • Snusdog
    • Jun 2008
    • 6752

    Nice review brother

    I am on my first can of this and so far I really like it.

    My initial take is that the flavor profile falls somewhere between General and General ES................or a Prima Fint that you can actually taste. It is by far the best "bargain snus" I have tried (Pioneer, Kronan, Knox, Gringo). I would also buy it over several full priced snus brands out there (General, Prima to name two)

    I don't get the cherry that Lx detects.....but I do detect something going on (which may be the cherry......I'll have to spend a little time with it and see what it is)

    In my view this is well worth a try and has real rotation potential
    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      I'm still going with cherry. It's subtle, but that's the best approach with fruit and tobacco. If I had to say it tasted like something, I'd go with it being somewhere between Röda lös and portion. I'm liking it better as I use it. I still don't think I'll order anymore, but if I could get it over the counter, I would; short on money, or not.


      • Polluted
        • Dec 2014
        • 120

        I will probably never order it online, but as you said if it was over the counter at the normal prices I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Get us some new stuff over here swedish match! This product is obviously for Americans, so why not push it in our stores.


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          Originally posted by Polluted View Post
          This product is obviously for Americans, so why not push it in our stores.

          I was wondering the exact same thing. Why tailor a product for a market and then never release it in that market.......there is much about the Swedish Business model that baffles me.
          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • consigliere
            • Jun 2017
            • 120

            I haven't tried Grov or Roda Lacket yet but Mustang seems like the Maduro version of Ettan if you are familiar with cigars. Darker flavor profile less salt and a faint sweetness. So far I prefer Ettan but this isn't bad at all


            • Monkey
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2009
              • 3290

              Alright, Ive had this snus open for a week and I am ready to give my opinion. This snus is great!

              First off, the tin is a little weird, but I dig the maroon and gold. Not as classy as other Swedish Match tins, but not terrible. Personally esthetics is not important to me, and what is inside is the real star of the show, but the tin did me no favors when I was looking at los snus to pick maybe it is important? I just kept thinking about people in Ford Mustangs doing burnouts at stoplights...but I am glad I was not dissuaded by the tin.

              On to the snus: the grind is good, a little coarser than Roda Lacket, and it bakes and pinches well. It smells like snus and I don't get a burnt or burning pipe tobacco scent at all...maybe it is a little different from those early batches 9 years ago...idk. It definitely has a nice, dark, rich tobacco flavor and a mild fruity sweetness. I think the fruitiness keeps it from tasting "dry" or cuts the richness of the tobacco, so as stated the flavor is well balanced between the richness of the tobacco and the tart fruitiness. Knowing that Mustang portions became Kaliber portions, I feel confident saying that the fruit flavor in the background is pomegranate. It is a really good, well balanced snus and the fruitiness is not cloying or actually sweet. There is no smoke flavor in this snus (do y'all know how I feel about smoke flavor in snus? Bothers my throat, see any of my last 300 posts lol)​ and it is pleasantly mild in salt. I really like this snus and could see using it all day, as I have a for couple of days here...cause I am about halfway through this tin and my other open tins are left in the fridge, jealous, waiting for me to take a pinch.

              Lets talk about strength for a moment. This snus is 10mg/g, high for a Swedish Match los. It is also not as kick-you-in-the-cajones (I can say that, right?) as many sterks (I'm looking at you Skruf), and I am able to use a medium small size prilla (larger than a micro prilla, smaller than the normal 1 gram-ish Swedish Match size prilla I like) without I think the PH is normal-ish with possibly just a stronger tobacco base...

              Overall, if you haven't tried it based on the previous reviews from 9 years ago from reputable lossers (I almost didn't to be honest)​, or based on the name or packaging, try it. Get an Icetool can to carry it in if you are embarrassed of the tin. As for me, glad to be part of the 'Stang Gang*. If you never tried los, this is a good one to try, as almost any Swedish Match snus is. They're not the big dogs in the snus world for no reason...

              *I'm sorry, I will never refer to this snus with the 'Stang Gang statement again...well maybe.


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