My favorite los (right now). A smooth, mellow, creamy, smokey, buttery natural tobacco flavor. Nice fine grind which feels very comfortable in any position. Pris holds together very well, and for a long time. Goes great with coffee.
Ettan los hasn't been around for 200 years because it sucks.
I actually have a prilla in right now. One of my favorite sneese.
Smokey, no frills tobacco. Rather on the fine side of the grind for the sneese I've tried. It holds together quite well though. It's moist enough that it is easy to bake.
If you're into to the straight tobacco thing, it doesn't get much better than Ettan los. Some would argue that Grov los is better, but I see them more as counterparts than competitors.
Also, Ettan los goes quite well with coffee, or beer, or whiskey, or damn near any other beverage.
Ettan Los is very good. Pure simple smokey tobacco as others have said. I find it to be leaps and bounds better than the portions, which is why I hesitated so long to try it, the portions are nasty imo. It has a very rich but mild flavor, and holds together for as long as you want it to. This would definately be a great addition to coffee with its almost cocoa type taste.
When a product nears 200 years in production, it is not just a mistake. Having been introduced in 1822, Ettan stands out as a leader for a reason. Pure and smooth tobacco flavor with a undertone of chocolate, this one deserves a place in any serious lös snusser's rotation. The flavor just lasts and is one of the most consistent I've found to date. It is hard not to forget and want to just swallow this snus as it tastes so good.
At (8mg/g) nicotine don't let this one fool you. You can adjust the pris and easily fulfill.
One complaint-- despite its pleasant flavor, I find Ettan's grind annoyingly fine. It goes muddy quick, and never seems to establish a firm hold like coarser sneese do.
I might order up some Grov... seems like it might be a good alternative.
IMHO the very best snus available. I have completely ceased to use any snus other than this. I think it's telling that even when I was a cigarette smoker, I would continually switch brands: Camel one day, Dunhill the next, Nat Shermans from time to time and various RYO tobaccos. I love variety. Ettan los, however, is just that good. Thanks to generous forum members and various trades, I've been exposed to a lot of snus. Regardless, Ettan los has become my one and only. Bakes firmly without being too firm/clay-like (Roda Lacket), has a smooth grind, rich tobacco flavor without being over-powering and lingering, and minimal salt - yet still present just enough to compliment the tobacco.
Ettan in its loose form is just the very definition of Swedish snus.
To not try it would be denying yourself the perfect snus.
I love Ettan more and more. I used to think Grov Los was the best, but I have changed my mind. It is better than General Los and way better than most other brands. The only one that comes close is Skruf Stark Los. For the price, for the basic everyday enjoyment, and for the tradition, Ettan is the best. Goes great with coffee or beer! The flavor lasts about an hour and ready for some more. Besides, the football is also cool. Get that one while you still can!!
But get Ettan always.
Iv tried almost every brand in the swedish/danish/norwigian market, and there are always some few I cant live without - Ettan/General/Grov i can use the most, but these I always got in the fridge!
I'm not keen on Ettan portions, too limp, I prefer Grov. However, Ettan los is something else, 'fantastic' sums it up for me. Smells wonderful, tastes equally good, if only the portions were like this, how strange they differ so much? I have trouble keeping it from sliding inside an hour, so still need portions for non blackened teeth occasions, and that's where Grov comes in.
As was mentioned in another thread (by Monkey), stays moist for longer if you swap the lid for a portion top which fits much more tightly.
Hello, back in business after a long time of inactivity due to a fuc*** up situation at work.
My opinion is exactly as most keep saying in here that Ettan is the best out there.
Been using approximately 15 years snus on a 4-8 can/week level and Ettan is truely the best snus in comparison with any other brand.
I've tested almost all of the snus out there so I think I've figured this out finally.
Now as a few know, I am in a predicament similar to sagedil. Lucky Strikes are gone at the moment and I am searching for another go to brand. I have done...
Well, I finally heard back from SnusCentral/BuySnus today, after sending a follow-up this morning to my original complaint of 3 days ago. They were very...