Ettan Los

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  • AussieSnuser
    • Sep 2013
    • 32

    This was my introduction to the wonderful world of snus and will always hold a high place in my list of favorites.I do keep some original portions and white portions at home but I'm not fond of the teabag effect or the characteristics that are inherent with portions.Perhaps being inducted into snusing by a Swedish friend has left me biased.
    There's no question about the quality of this snus.It does what it does very gracefully and provides a level of satisfaction that just never fades.


    • thorgrimnr
      • Jun 2007
      • 27

      Ettan Los is the epitome of Snus. I used portions for a very long time but find that they can irritate my gum line so I switched to lös. Not having the funds to get an ice tool or the desire to make a cheap one, I just learned to hand bake. Yes, the first 2 were awful messes but by the 6th one I was hand baking like a Viking. Even now after I mastered that I can take it "Live" as the swedes say, which is to grab a chunk and pop it in, little to no forming.

      Ettan is a rich snus with a smooth soft grind. There are chocolatey notes to it, that are more prominent in the original portions. The prillor stay formed well past an hour, maybe 90 minutes before it starts to get ragged at the edges. Ettan is aptly named and if possible I would make it my one and only brand. That being said, I am happy with anything put out by Swedish Match. Tack så mycket Jacob Fredrik Ljunglöf och Jacob Berzelius!
      Last edited by thorgrimnr; 07-10-13, 09:12 PM.


      • Monkey
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2009
        • 3290

        Ettan los is a wonderful snus. The smell is tobacco and baking chocolate and the flavor is the same.

        It is a really good snus, with a very good grind..I like it on occasion.

        I see lots of people talk about the smokiness of Ettan, and I know it is an ingredient, but there is not enough to irritate my throat. (Never had the portions, they might be too much for me). I also don’t pick that flavor up, mostly tobacco, salt and chocolate.

        I like to compare it to a milder Phantom brown. That snus was a chocolate bomb, and I did love it…dare I say more than Ettan?

        Yes. More than Ettan.

        So every time I have Ettan, I think about Phantom Brown and miss another snus gone to the sands of time.


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