Wow I just got my first can of this, and spent about 20 minutes figuring out how to hand bake a pris... well worth the effort, this is like butter!
Awesome tobacco flavor, not too salty, not to earthy... if I had gone by the portion flavor I would never have put this in my mouth. This is amazingly smooth snus. I will probably only use lös at home as I can already tell my handbaking skills lack and it slides a bit. Still it seems like a very nice end of the day snus for me.
texastorm you definitely need a tool to use Ettan, either an Icetool (way cool and way pricey), or a 3ml syringe "ghetto tool". Do a search for "ghetto tool". Ettan and Roda are famed for being tricky to handbake but forming a pris of either is a snap with a ghetto tool, or an Icetool of course. A 3ml syringe is the best 30 cents you'll ever spend.
There is nothing else that I can add that hasn't been said already. Ettan los is my at home snus and when it comes out the relaxation starts. Grab a Coke Zero or a Diet Dr P and I am in the zone.
Well one time I got knocked out of the zone when I loaded the wrong end of the Pris Master. The learnt me real quick!
Overall, a good all around snus. I like Ettan Los far better than the portions. It has a very light tobacco taste with a hint of salt. I am also getting kind of a light butter taste. I tend to like a stronger salt/pepper taste in my snus but this stuff is pleasant. I would compare this to Kona coffee in that it is light and smooth but with a kick.
I've only tried 2 los so far Ettan and General.. Ettan is by far my favorite of the two.. rich pure tobacco taste.. The portions are great but the los is a whole lot better.
I love the stuff not sure what the taste is kind of sweet mild and a hint of chocolate were what I thought of it as, I was surprised it didn't have flavorings added, very good if you like the taste of tobacco you'll like this.
I still have a few los selections to try (only snusing for a couple months), but so far Ettan los is my favorite. When I want a bit more boldness then I grab Granit los.
Now as a few know, I am in a predicament similar to sagedil. Lucky Strikes are gone at the moment and I am searching for another go to brand. I have done...
Well, I finally heard back from SnusCentral/BuySnus today, after sending a follow-up this morning to my original complaint of 3 days ago. They were very...