Reviews of General White.
General White
If you ask anybody what snus they use, chances are you will hear general. A favorite of most, and a pretty traditional snus so few will dislike it. I hear most describe it as a pretty general strong tobacco flavor with a bit of citrus, and I'd agree. Tobacco with a bit of kick to it, really if you plan to snus this has to be on your first order.
Sorry for the short review but I figure even my writing skills might be enough to get the ball rolling.
General White Portions
If I was forced to go to one snus (heaven forbid!), this would probably be it. I enjoy the taste of this one more than any snus I've sampled. It is not as strong as others, but it has just the right amount of salt and tobacco to start that slowly gives way to a faint citrus taste. I prefer a variety of snus during the day, but I could make this my sole snus - the taste is just right for me. It was the first Swedish snus I tried and is still the best flavor-wise. Highly recommended for those new to snus.
This is my go to snus. I think im gonna go the sweedish route and mostly use this from now on and just buy the occasional can or two of other kinds randomly.
It has a perfect taste although adjusting to the pepper at first was overwhelming. My throat was burning like hell. It took half a can to get past the overwhelming pepper and i got used to it. Thank goodness i did that.
This definitely is a snus I always have on hand, and usually will be the first I pop under my lip in the morning. I've never been a big fan of S/ES portions due to their occasional cause of throat irritation, but general white definitely gives off enough nicotine to last me a few hours. When i first pop one of these in, i try to let it do its own thing without messing around with it much. After about 10 minutes, some of the peppery notes will start to emerge. This quickly is met with a nice lemony-bergamot, which transforms into a more grapefruity-bergamot over time. After about an hour or so, the peppery notes subside with a nice earthy tobacco flavor taking stage backed by a light floral note. The portions rarely slide, last for a good 90 minutes, and are fairly discreet for a white portion. Maybe it's just the star formation? For sure worth trying!
Tied with Ettan Original Portions right now as my favorite snus. I've tried over 15 different kinds and I can say there's a reason why this is the second most popular snus in Sweden behind the original portions - it's that damn good. Still trying to decide which will become my sole portion snus as I'm ready to settle down and just start buying rolls and using only one kind with some General Ekstra Sterk los on hand for those times when I crave a little more kick. Right now I have to say this has the lead over Ettan, but I'm going to revisit Ettan before I make my final decision.
This is my goto staple. I love general white. It is "wifematerial" looks & tastes & smells gorgeous. Never ever lets me down. -i choose this over anything out there. I just ordered 10 rolls. It's also available 7 days a week at the liquor-store down the street in beverly hills!!! Jiminmaryland's review was spot on. That's all she wrote!!
I recently purchased a can of General White at the gas station out of curiosity, since I only had one can of this over two years ago. Sans the ugly warning labels, the design is very elegant, even more so than the Original Portions. The "star formation" is nifty, even though I fluff the portions before I put them in my mouth. The flavor improves on General Original Portion in every way; it contains a generous hints of tobacco, citrus, and pepper without the musty aftertaste of the Original Portions. I may be converted to this snus, since it tastes wonderful and can be bought locally for a decent price.
Originally posted by snusjus View PostI recently purchased a can of General White at the gas station out of curiosity, since I only had one can of this over two years ago. Sans the ugly warning labels, the design is very elegant, even more so than the Original Portions. The "star formation" is nifty, even though I fluff the portions before I put them in my mouth. The flavor improves on General Original Portion in every way; it contains a generous hints of tobacco, citrus, and pepper without the musty aftertaste of the Original Portions. I may be converted to this snus, since it tastes wonderful and can be bought locally for a decent price.