Göteborgs Prima Fint Los

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Göteborgs Prima Fint Los

    Reviews of Göteborgs Prima Fint Los.

  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Written: 13 September 09.

    After being suggested to try Göteborgs Prima Fint, I picked up a can on my last order and thought I'd give it a go. This is a really great snus, and if you're new to lös I definitely suggest this, as it is very easy for a first timer, even if you don't have an Icetool. I don't handbake, I'm not that good at it, but this is REALLY easy to handbake. The snus is almost clay-like, and very easy to form in your hand, not to mention in an Icetool, as it virtually does not come apart at all. It stays together from start to finish.

    When I opened the can, I smelled a sweet tobacco smell. I couldn't wait to get into this one. I made a good 3-click pris with my Icetool (I'm starting to be able to make bigger ones now, that's the thing about lös I love and especially the Icetool, I can form it based on what I want at the time) and put a portion in my mouth. I was immediately pleased with the mild, simple flavor of this. I think mild is the key word when describing this product. Not bland, and definitely not boring, the flavors are all perfectly balanced. The tobacco flavor is mild, but slightly sweet, with a mellow salt balance. The portion didn't start to run for about 45 minutes to an hour, and even then it was very slight. The flavor stayed strong until the end - a great mild, and slightly sweet pure tobacco taste. I would strongly suggest this if you're new to lös, as the flavor is mild, and the snus is very easy to bake.


    • f. bandersnatch
      • Mar 2010
      • 725

      Not nearly enough love for the prima fint here...

      Prima fint is first and foremost delicious. Part of this deliciousness comes from the simplicity. It is just sweetness and fine grind tobacco. And not the kind of proposed "sweetness" that goes into the "straight" american products. That tastes of fun dip and high fructose corn syrup. Prima fint tastes of fresh honeysuckle in summertime, or whatever your own personal idealized notion of sweetness may be. The tobacco is a very mild taste, complementing the sweetness with its taste, but with no bitterness, smokey flavoring or dirt undertones. This is just a nice, pleasant taste.

      Prima Fint is also super easy to bake. I personally do not use a tool, because I am obsessed with the tactile experience of using snus, and forming the tobacco with my finger tips. Prima Fint lends itself well to my obsession, because it is easy to work with, does not stick to the fingers or flake off all over the place. It also forms in the lip without sliding or breaking apart. It is not quite so easy to bake as RL, though, so it still does take some effort.

      Speaking of which, it is similar to Roda, both in grind and in flavor. They are both fine and clay like and both very mild (and good). Prima has just avoided the whole pruney, fruity obfuscation of the delicious mild tobacco at the base of the product.

      I would recommend Prima Fint to anyone, the one thing to consider is that it is a very, very mild flavor. It took me two cans to truly discern the flavor fully, probably due to my previous cig habit... If you find you prefer strong favors (like say Gotlands or such) it is probably not your cup of tea. Great baking, great lip comfort, great tobacco taste that does not overpower and is not confused with a whole bunch of additional flavors.


      • MGX
        • Jun 2010
        • 127

        Prima Fint is a great snus. The pris bakes easily, it is (very) much like a clay and reminded me of my soils testing labs. I think honeysuckle is a good fit, the taste really is terrific. You won't mistake it for anything else. Also spot on with the sweetness, its not at all what an American would think of sweet; its a natural sweet and very long lasting flavor.


        • AllanH
          • Mar 2010
          • 213

          I must concur with previous posters here. Another roll of Prima Fint is coming on wednesday!


          • raptor
            • Oct 2008
            • 753

            Prima Fint is my go-to can of natural lös tobacco, but I haven't tried Ettan or Grov yet. No smokiness, just natural tobacco with a hint of sweetness.


            • chadizzy1
              • May 2009
              • 7432

              Why aren't there many reviews of this? c'mon folks, this stuff rocks!


              • jagmanss
                • Jul 2010
                • 12213

                Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post
                Why aren't there many reviews of this? c'mon folks, this stuff rocks!
                Never had it.. Guess I need to try it at some point


                • Connavar
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 237

                  i love prima, in my top 3 los right behind ettan and skruff


                  • EricHill78
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 4253

                    I have two cans waiting to be opened soon.. I'm excited to give it a go.. I'm a fan of gote rape los so this I know will be a treat.


                    • chadizzy1
                      • May 2009
                      • 7432

                      Originally posted by EricHill78 View Post
                      I have two cans waiting to be opened soon.. I'm excited to give it a go.. I'm a fan of gote rape los so this I know will be a treat.
                      This is nothing like rape though, just so you know. It's gentle, simple, plain, but beautiful in it's simplicity.

                      Wow, that sounded dirty.


                      • SmokedEuro
                        • Aug 2010
                        • 280

                        I gotta try this and gote rape Los. Unfourtunatly it's going to have to wait until the next order months down the line . If I only knew I would love Los as much as I do now back then


                        • EricHill78
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 4253

                          Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post
                          This is nothing like rape though, just so you know. It's gentle, simple, plain, but beautiful in it's simplicity.

                          Wow, that sounded dirty.
                          That description really reminds of ettan los.. Beauty in simplicity.


                          • GoVegan
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 5603

                            Any salt to this? I would love to try it if there is.


                            • EricHill78
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 4253

                              Originally posted by SmokedEuro View Post
                              I gotta try this and gote rape Los. Unfourtunatly it's going to have to wait until the next order months down the line . If I only knew I would love Los as much as I do now back then
                              I know how you feel.. If you like the portions you'll love the los, it's a different animal.


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