General Onyx

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  • endity
    • Jan 2010
    • 35

    This stuff is a great all around snus IMO. I just got my first try at it and it tastes preety damn good. It has the kind of general taste that is good with whatever. This is going to be my go to snus in between my Thunder ES. Good stuff love the can.


    • crookscomp
      • Sep 2010
      • 112

      I'm still pretty new to snus but have tried a few. Onyx is pretty good. I don't get much of the lemony flavor as much as i do the pepper. The portion material feels rough against my gum at first but don't last long. The nic hit is a little strong so i don't use but once or twice a day but always try to keep a can around for when i crave that strong hit. I would recommend trying it


      • Snus
        • Nov 2010
        • 20

        I didn't enjoy Onxy as much as I thought I would. Strong citrus, very strong nicotine - delicious, but certainly a distinct flavour. This one really kicks you in the backside; I'm a 20 year veteran smoker, but I have to adjust to the kick these give. Take a few ibuprofen in advance!


        • fishmeat
          • Feb 2011
          • 767

          What can I say that hasn't already been said about Onyx? General Onyx is the top of the mountain when it comes to the product line offered as General. This stuff is wonderful, portions are silky smooth and fit well either as the star wedge or fluffed, awesome nicotine hit that last long. As of right now I have had a portion in for two hours and the flavor is amazing. What really impressed me is the non existent drip that a portion would usually ring after such an amount of time. This will be an everyday for me as it provides a great nicotine hit and taste that last forever. If you like General white or regular you will love Onyx.


          • frazz
            • Mar 2011
            • 46

            I love the taste. Has a great nicotine hit. Smells like something I use to clean the bathroom (I can get by this though).

            1.5 Thumbs up.


            • jdman321
              Banned Users
              • Mar 2011
              • 616

              When I first started using snus I tried Onyx and didn't like it. To me it was way too...something...peppery? Salty? Either way, I put it in the back of the fridge for a few days and decided to give it another shot.

              Man, the nicotine hit is spot on for me, the initial overpowering taste/burn fades rather quickly (good thing) then the enjoyable taste lasts forever after that. The material used for the portions are very smooth and silky, despite the little hairs that seem to fray out, nothing bothersome about it. I'll be using this one, just no more than a couple portions a day mixed in with something a little more mild, like Grovsnus or Phantom Brown/Click White as my daily rotation.


              • Veganpunk
                • Jun 2009
                • 5381

                I love it. I open a can every other month. Can't use it too much as it can turn on you. Best SM sterk. R.I.P. Claq Qui.


                • enojy
                  • Jul 2010
                  • 150

                  Onyx is one of my favorites, but I only get it once or twice a year.

                  By the time I get to the end of a roll of Onyx (takes about two months rotating one or two other brands of snus,) I'm kinda tired of it.

                  Then, I start to miss it.

                  Then, I get it again, and the first can leaves me puzzled, thinking "what's the big deal, why did I like this snus so much?"

                  By the time I open the second can, I love it again. Then, by the 9th or 10th can, I find myself glad that I have other snus to try/use.

                  And the cycle repeats!


                  • Froofather
                    • Apr 2011
                    • 198

                    Everytime I take a portion of General Onyx I think. MMMMM The darth vader of snus. I love the stuff.


                    • Snus Boost
                      • Jan 2011
                      • 640

                      The flavor, portion material, mouth feel and just about everything else from the can, nicotine content and the amount it runs to the star configuration are just about perfect. For me at least. This is one that I should have just bought a roll of after the first portion I tried. I generally have a gift of finding something wrong with everything but I just like this that much.
                      The lemon and pepper blend perfectly with the tobacco this is one that everyone should give a shot.


                      • sirloot
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2011
                        • 2607

                        This Snus has great flavor but realy doesnt give me the nic kick .. and for about 50 cent more than N&J .. i think i'll stick with N&J and/or General long sterk

                        Addon: the can was kinda disapointing too i have seen other onyx cans with shiney silver catch lids but mine was a plain black lid with grey sticker .. kinda lame


                        • spinyeel
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 175

                          I am really enjoying this gear. It's the Snus that James Bond would prefer. Very smooth and a more than acceptable nic hit. Lovely.


                          • Lcarvone
                            • May 2011
                            • 425

                            Originally posted by Froofather
                            Everytime I take a portion of General Onyx I think. MMMMM The darth vader of snus. I love the stuff.
                            This statement is classic!

                            I am trying my first portion now and so far tastes just like others have described but just tastes/feels "higher quality" than the regular General products. Going to use this exclusively today to see how I feel about it after 6 or more consecutive portions.


                            • TheJanitor
                              • May 2010
                              • 260

                              Onyx was the first snus to turn on me. To this day I cannot use it. Yuck.


                              • Lcarvone
                                • May 2011
                                • 425

                                First 4 portions today were pretty good...flavor just as described by others but I feel it leans more to the pepper side at first then gets a bit more even over time with the citrus notes. My fifth portion was kinda harsh with a lot of sour throat (from drip?) but after a few swigs of pop (soda for some of you from other parts of the U.S.) it got better. Didn't really notice a huge nic difference versus others in similar ranges.

                                I am liking this brand but it is not a run away winner for me and won't be a go to snus but would definitely buy again.


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