Kronan Los

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Kronan Los

    Reviews of Kronan Los.
  • captncaveman
    • Jul 2008
    • 924

    Horrible stuff, i keep revisiting this thinking some how i may enjoy this. So far after 4 months of using a pris a day no luck. Tastes like salty dried fish.

    Packaging is quite, and that would be the only positive thing i can say.


    • bforse
      • Apr 2010
      • 29

      I gave this stuff a try and liked it. I can taste citrus and something else.....the only way for me to describe it is - when I went camping as a kid, and we had sprayed "Off" all over ourselves and our clothes, the residual smell of the "Off" the next morning is what Kronan tastes like. I know that sounds kinda nasty, but I like the taste. Maybe partly because it reminds me of going camping as a kid haha.


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        All you haters out there........................I like Kronan. To me it has a distinctive Earl Grey tea flavor that is unique among snus. I also find Gustavus to be in the same taste family with Gustavus being a good bit more salty and floral (if I remember correctly)

        Kronan is one of the more challenging snuses to bake especially when it dries a little.

        Speaking of drying Kronan is one of the fastest drying snuses out there. I go through a can of snus on average every 3-4 days (kept in the fridge the whole time). Midway through the Kronan (2 days) it is significantly dryer. This makes it even harder to bake and it also diminishes the flavor in a significant way. First day K is some of the best snus out there. By the end of the can I am glad to see it gone and wonder why I ever bought a stock of it.

        Over all I like it. But it is not on the top snus list for me. A nice change of pace---
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • LincolnSnuff
          • May 2010
          • 676

          Im about 20 minutes into my first pris of this and I like it so far. The flavor hasnt really started yet (definitely more floral than General) but nic is comparable to General los. Will edit review after a few more prillas...


          • Rattlesnake
            • Nov 2010
            • 891

            Kronan Los

            I wamt to get this out of the way first thing. It does have a little bit of a Dill Pickle taste, that is ok for me.
            The rest will be TMI.
            It has a medium grind which for me makes it easy to make any size pris easily. I has 8 mg/g nicotene. I use my trusty Prismaster tool for this Snus because it makes a exact 1 gm pris if turned backwards. When I am finished with this 1gm pris there will be only .5 gm left. Yes I actually swallow at least .5 gm of every Pris.
            Additional flavors I get range from chocolate sometimes to berries and even some old leather tones.
            The pris is very comfortable to me for start to finish wheter made with a tool or just hilbillyed and I don't notice any mudsliding.

            I like this stuff.


            • Monkey
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2009
              • 3290

              Kronan los is good stuff. I could end it there, but let’s keep going and see where this lands.

              Number one this is a budget snus and you can get it for a song if you go to the right place. Kronan means crown (if you didn’t know) and Kronan is King of the Budget Snus, and worth every penny.

              Green can, gold top and absolutely beautiful. No crap, it’s a simple, classy tin. Not much more to say about that.

              The smell is floral, tobacco, and citrus, but a blend where not one element stands out. Maybe a little grassy hay and leather, maybe a little barnyard, it is a nice complex scent. I dig it.

              The grind is more on the coarse side (but it ain’t no Gellivare) and I do believe it pinches well due to the small amounts of PG and VG Swedish Match uses in their los. Good strong prillas or farmers pinches that stay and last until you want to take it out. Really nice.

              It tastes good. Tobacco and citrus with a floral undertone, sweet and bitter elements that make this snus really good. I haven’t gotten any dill in this tin, and I don’t remember dill the last time I had this los. I really like it. It can get bitter at the end, but that is an opportunity to take a fresh pinch. Reminiscent of the quality and complexity of the Gotlandssnus los of days past, but not on the same level.

              The strength feels high, higher than Röda but on par with Göteborg’s Rapé, so maybe I was overzealous with my pinches and have a lower tolerance than I thought…because I am using smaller pinches overall and had to learn to pinch smaller.

              Sounds perfect, right?

              Almost…this snus does not go with coffee for me at all. No dark roast, no light roast, and definitely not medium roast. Not even that fancy coffee I have. It is a bad pairing.

              Tea? Chef’s kiss.

              Cola? Gimme two….

              I am sad about that, and I feel that the coffee brings out the bitterness of this snus, and makes the floral “perfume style” as opposed to a gentle whisper on the front end. It makes it like getting grandma’s perfume in your mouth, and I don’t like that flavor at all. (I had jokes for this line, but they are gross, use your imagination.) Overall this is a great snus, one of my favorites by Swedish Match, and I love it…but only after I have had my coffee.

              Will I buy a roll? I might have one on the way as we speak. (I do)

              Hail to the king, baby.
              Last edited by Monkey; 03-03-24, 03:03 AM. Reason: Bruh, spelling.


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