Los this snus has a great mouthfeel, as can be expected from just about all of the los in the Swedish Match lineup. This is not the snus for the newly converted, but one for the long time snuser looking for something that steers away from the norm. It is more sweet than salty which can be a nice change.
Portion-wise, it still has some great flavor and a bit of kick, but you lose the silky mouthfeel that the los offers which is one of the main reasons I would order this again
I would recommend this to fans of Roda and N&J... it is different enough to make it interesting yet familiar enough to like on the first prilla.
If you prefer a more traditional snus or despise 'flavored' snus steer clear. However if you like to experiment and want to try something a bit different order yourself a can or two... it may not become a daily snus for you, but you'll develop a liking for it and it will hit the spot for you.
This is my favorite desert snus. It is on the sweeter side with a great fine grind. The flavor is great IMO, but one caveat is that people either love or hate this snus. So buyer beware that you will be either buying a lot more or be throwing it in the trash. I don't think it is whiskey flavored but it does have some of that aged wood flavor with the sweetness as well. I would say it reminds me a little of Southern Comfort because SoCo is sweet. I have not had that in a long time. I need to go look in my stash because I do not go through it very fast because I normally only have it once a day. Try it, review it. You will probably be on one end of the spectrum on this one.
Anybody else ever try this and think, Hmmm... Tastes exactly like Ettan LoS only sweeter because of the licorice and whiskey flavour?
You are absolutely right. The past few days (new to los) I have found the two to be identical except probe has a couple added flavors. But you can definately tase that Ettan in there very much so.
I think this is a perfect entry level snus. Tiny bit sweet, not too salty, closer to dip flavor.
Finally ordered a can as it's one I hadn't gotten around to. Upon opening the first smell that hit me was cheap blended whiskey. The first taste I got was of cheap blended whiskey. Granted, SM isn't going to use an exquisite single malt scotch for reasons of expense but it's too bad they don't (if they do they are not getting their money's worth). I'll finish the can as it's not bad enough to toss but I'll not be ordering it again any time soon. It was worth the experience, though. I'm sure a Probe single malt version would be expensive to both produce and purchase but it would be a much, much better snus.
This is one that kind of seduces you into trying a can but then leaves you wondering what to do with the remainder of the can (minus the pinch that you took out to try). My freezer space is far too precious and I'm not intending to take any chances with the possibility of cross contamination...
In the Probe Whiskey thread I mentioned I might just throw a shot of whiskey in to make it actually taste like whiskey... I was very let down by Probe...
For my second order at buysnus I went bold and ordered a mix los roll and a mixed los/portion roll. For my gift I also added an extra roll of random snus....