Roda Lacket Portion

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  • G_Jones
    • Oct 2009
    • 69

    It's nice and in my regular rotation. Not as strong as Claq Quis, which I also like, but gentler. I use both regularly. Maybe there'll be a sterk version once Claq Quis is gone.


    • scylla
      • Feb 2010
      • 44

      I don't do reviews of snus I have used because almost every one I have tried I have liked or found to be at least tolerable. Nothing really stands out.

      I just had to do a review on roda lacket because it is the only one yet that I absolutely hate.
      Maybe I got a bad can, but when I opened it I got an overwhelming smell like cheap booze. I mean REALLY CHEAP WINO BOOZE.
      I thought that maybe the taste would be different but hell no it tasted even worse. It took nearly a whole day and half a can of general to get the taste out of my mouth.
      I would rather smoke cigarettes than use roda lacket.


      • desirexe
        • Feb 2008
        • 1170

        Tried RL portion a couple years ago when I started snus and didn't like it, also tried the los and liked the first can or 2 before it turned on me! So, it had been appx. 15 months since using any RL, I decided to give it a try again and ordered some portions. This time around, I could taste the 'sweetness' and 'fruity' flavors stated in the description!!! I absolutely love it now! The portions are soft and extremely tough! Best of all, I love the purdy can!!!


        • MrSnusNSnuff
          • Jun 2009
          • 280

          RL is simple and good. Tobacco, a bit of salt, and dried fruit. I have never detected a licorice taste in this, despite what the literature says.

          I always try to keep some around.


          • bakerbarber
            • Jun 2008
            • 1947


            best portion as far as soft snus. Like they really put the loose version of Roda into the portions. Like putty or clay. Not sticks and chaff.

            Goes good with cheap American beer.


            • myuserid
              • Jun 2010
              • 1645

              I finally opened my can of RL last week, and I really like it.

              A nice smooth berry flavor somewhat similar to GR No. 2.

              I only have the one can, so this will definitely be in my next order.


              • xMurderJunkiex
                • Aug 2010
                • 53

                I tried Roda Lackett in my search for what I found was the discontinued Claq Qui on referral from other members here.

                I think I was anticipating something similar to GR No.2, maybe a little less herbal. I was shocked to open the can. The sweet aroma smacks you in the face! The smell alone makes my mouth water. I get none of the usual saltiness. I liken the taste to Cranberry Apple or Cranberry Raspberry juice. The tobacco flavor, when it does come through, is very faint, but noticeable. The taste is enjoyable, but as far as nicotine, I feel like I'd have to double lip them to really get a nice hit.

                I can't say I really care for the can design. IMO paper labels just look cheap. If the entire can was painted like the design as opposed to labels (i.e. Skruf or Taboca) I think it would bump the class factor up.

                Overall, I like it, but I can't imagine it being an all day snus. The taste is just so stong, and the nicotine not so much. The can I have in my fridge will be there for a while. I like it as my last snus of the night before bed; I'm not all jacked up before laying down, but still snussed enough to do the dishes, straighten up, and setup the coffee pot. It's a nice snus to clean the palette and switch things up, even if for just a portion.

                It strikes me as very Spring or Summery. I'll have to give it a shot in a few months when I can sit outside and enjoy a nice Vodka and Iced Tea with it on the deck.

                I'll order a couple cans here and there in future orders, but a roll is not for me.
                7/10. Offer a sterk, and maybe 8/10.


                • Veganpunk
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 5381

                  It is definitely asummer snus. I always crack open a can around June-July.


                  • wadetheblade
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 572

                    I love it, since Claq Qui is gone is use it a lot


                    • Veganpunk
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 5381

                      Originally posted by wadetheblade View Post
                      I love it, since Claq Qui is gone is use it a lot
                      Wade, you completely out of Claq?


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432


                        It's been a LONG time since I've had Roda Lacket. Lately I've been revisiting old snuses in the past I've tried, but haven't reviewed for some reason. Roda Lacket is one of them. The bright red can is the current Roda Lacket can, and if it tells you how long it's been since I've had it, the last can of Roda Lacket I had is directly behind it. The old can had this cool little 80's vibe to it, the new can is a simple but classy red look. I don't know many Roda Lacket fans, but I know Anthony from is a big fan and uses Roda quite a bit. I don't remember much about my experience with Roda in the past, I remember it was okay - I do remember, however, that I didn't like Claq Qui, which was a strong, amped up version of Roda Lacket. Much to the discontent of hardcore fans, however, Claq Qui was discontinued 13 January 2009. One of the snuses I didn't like. I think I liked Roda because it wasn't as strong tasting, and much more mellow. I think others liked Claq Qui because it was so bold and strong. Anyways, moving along!

                        Roda is an old brand, the oldest next to Ettan. It was launched in 1850. Roda Lacket is a white portion snus from Swedish Match, meaning it is arranged in the star formation which is common to all Swedish Match white portion snuses. Last time I tried it they weren't doing this for all of them. The portions have that little moisture ring around the top of the portion which means this portion is going to be moist, always a good thing. The aroma is fruity, reminds me kind of GR No2 but without the juniper/floral/lemon thing going on. Just straight fruity. The taste is slightly sweet - a mellow berry flavor that tastes like a mix of cranberry and strawberry. The taste is very fresh, with a mild salt balance and a gentle flavor. I've heard in the past (and read in the product description) about a taste of licorice, I've never really detected this flavor. All things considered, Roda Lacket is pretty good - as I said with my review of Göteborgs Rapé, this is a snus that you can throw into your rotation to mix things up a bit. It's quite good.


                        • sirloot
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 2607

                          This is one of my favorite non sterk snus. RL White portion to me has almost a mild loose leaf chew flavor to it .. abit of rasin flavor but not overtly sweet...has just a hint? of salmiak to ballance it out. Standard star portion 24g/portions a good all around evryday snus imo. and the can lid never needs realignment !


                          • truthwolf1
                            • Oct 2008
                            • 2696

                            ROda lOs has been a fav from the start.
                            I do wish they would of made a regular portion over white but don't see that happening with everything else going on


                            • wadetheblade
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 572

                              This thread makes me sad seeing mentions of my beloved claq qui. Im about to order a roll of roda, and try revisiting roda los.
                              Oh and vegan if you read this.... Like 8 months later since you asked, i used my last claq qui at mardi gras :{(


                              • lxskllr
                                • Sep 2007
                                • 13435

                                I haven't had it since 2007. I think I rated it as /alright/, but got tired of the flavor quickly. It gets my vote for the most dramatic difference between los and portion. They're 2 completely different products.


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