Roda Lacket Portion

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Roda Lacket Portion

    Reviews of Roda Lacket Portion.

  • badlands
    • Jul 2009
    • 297

    This is one I had not gotten around to until yesterday. I do not use many white portions but i do love a general onyx or general white. So I am definately not against them. I ordered up a few cands of Roda Lacket since Claq Qui is among my very favorite snus'.

    I give it 5 stars. The taste is amazing. Its like a milder toned down Claq Qui but still very flavorful. It has a bit more of the fruity hints Claq Qui has. I taste a little less salt with Roda Lacket. Has a wonderful high quality tobacco flavor but not as heavy as Claq Qui I can see me reordering this perpetually. The taste kind of reminds me of the smell of cherry pipe tobacco (if that makes any sense). If you have not tried this..Get it.


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      This is one I just don't care for. Didn't care for it when I was new to snus, and then had a portion not long ago in the snus challenge, and that one I made a note of not liking. Might give it another try someday, but as I stand now, I don't care for it.


      • Sato
        • Dec 2009
        • 133

        Not caring much for it at the moment; I imagined the fruity taste to be different, but that's not to say I'm not acquiring a taste for it. Finding Claq Qui to be better (mainly because it's original & strong portion) but the taste is also a bit more pronounced.

        Update: Really grew on me last year, I think I'll order a can of the los in my next order and see how I like it.

        Also, R.I.P. Claq Qui.


        • MojoQuestor
          • Sep 2009
          • 2344

          I love this one. It's one of my very favorites. I don't know if I'll ever be able to whittle them down to a top five, but I'm sure Röda Lacket White will be in there.

          Early on, coming off cigarettes, I was doing a lot of starks, including Claq Qui. I didn't try Röda Lacket until later, and really had trouble tasting it. Now, a couple of months later, I find it delicious. I am glad I stuck with it.


          • N0mad
            • Nov 2009
            • 550

            Tried a can of this, it was just OK IMO it does smell good though.


            • skruf_mcgruff
              • Mar 2008
              • 267

              Thanks to a trade with premium parrots I was finally able to grab a few cans of this, and it is quickly becoming a favorite. I got more of a strawberry licorice taste than a black licorice, which I was glad about even if it is in my head. I would describe it as being slightly similar to göteborgs #2 but more mild in both scent and taste.


              • papawinkle
                • Sep 2009
                • 62

                Because of Claq Qui, Roda Lacket was the first full roll of snus I’ve ever bought without sampling first.

                CQ was the only “flavored” snus I might ever have used all day. However, though I’m a registered nicotine addict and inclined to consuming good things all day long, I limit my sterk usage and try never to wear out truly great tastes – like Claq Qui’s.

                The literature suggested Roda Lacket would be a sort of milder CQ. My first can of RL does not disappoint.

                The aroma and flavor is a bit more candy-like than the berry-richness of Claq Qui, but it evokes the kind of languorous preschool idylls I’m growing more and more fond of recalling as I slip into my scenescence. Yeah, I’m five years old in the old Famous-Barr department store down on Cherokee, picking out a new Little Golden Book – Tibor Gergely is my favorite illustrator – on my way to the toy department. The odor of desserts is wafting all over the store from the chic luncheon room, and late in the hour the RL portion yields a little taste of primo Crayola. Yum. Now to tackle this list of accounts receivable.

                RL’s nicotine release from its 8 mgs is a bit on the shy side, but I’m coming at this after a roll of Skruf plus evening sterks, so I’ll soon adjust to it. I can see Roda Lacket becoming a regular. Now to save up for a final, February order of Claq Qui, R.I.P.


                • Christi
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 2104

                  I like it, CQ is better tho


                  • Owens187
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 1547

                    RL is definately one of my favorites, though I get more of a "flowery" taste than a "fruity" taste. Its a nice, mild flavor for when you dont want anything too strong. 5 stars! 8)


                    • bondzai
                      • Apr 2008
                      • 362

                      I used to like it

                      Hey, I have been doing Triumph but its now history, so I used to like Roda lacket.. maybe its sweetness? So just ordered a tenpack.


                      • bondzai
                        • Apr 2008
                        • 362

                        Just found this on the web:


                        • TheRoyalWii
                          • Feb 2010
                          • 20

                          That's the first thing I thought when I tried it just a little earlier, "Damn, this is like having a boob in my mouth!" RL has a very pronounced fruity flavor without being overly sweet. It also doesnt have that windex flavor that gotslands' green does (comparing fruity flavored, not that this is apple by any means) It was more fruity than GR 2 to me, which I think of as being flowery or like a berry oil. I am hard pressed to describe the flavor, but I thought of dried apricots and cherrys though I've never heard anyone else say that. Definitely worth a try if you like the flavored stuff.


                          • skruflover
                            • Dec 2009
                            • 43

                            i normally dont like flavoured stuff, but this is amazing!! got a can today, it's perfect for me right now, since i just finished a can of skruf extra stark so i needed something "lighter" lol


                            • bondzai
                              • Apr 2008
                              • 362

                              Well I am settling on Roda Lacket I think. I got a can of Gotesborg as a mystery can but that funky taste is a bit much for me... I have not had Grov in a year and would like to compare RL to Grov ... but this RL tastes great! especially after having a gotesborg rape which I used to think was the best.


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