General Mint (White/Large)

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  • SnusNoob
    • Dec 2012
    • 29

    I have always been a menthol smoker, and started snussing ~3 weeks ago with American Camel Forst/Wintergreen and ~1 week ago with Sweedish Snus.

    This is the only Sweedish mint snus I have tried, and it is my favorite.

    In regards to comparing it with Camel Frost, I don't find it at all sweet as some of the users in this thread have mentioned. Camel Frost is the quintessential sweet, General Mint tastes more like "cold" and "blue" to me (No I don't have synesthesia but I am new to Sweedish snus and can't identify flavors). Honestly I don't even want to call it mint, just cold and blue, if cold and blue had a taste and it was not mint. This sounds retarded. In the next week or two I'll be getting more mints to compare this one with and update this post.

    In comparison to General White Strong and General Portion Long, I still can't say that the Mint is sweet; I can only say that the former two lack flavor while the latter one does not, but again this is probably due to me being new to Sweedish snus and unable to identify anything.

    I have tried Rape, which has a flavor but I can't identify it either.


    • OregonNative
      • Aug 2009
      • 647

      I liked this one when I started off, but found it was WAY to sweet for my taste. I prefer something along the lines of Thunder/Offroad Frosted. General makes a fine product, this one included, but it's way to sweet for me.


      • dman21
        • Jul 2012
        • 1141

        Out of all the mint flavored snusses I have tried, this one is by far my favorite. I've had this, Jak's, and Thunder, and of those I find the mint tastes nauseating. Never have that problem with General.


        • galv0nix
          New Member
          • Dec 2012
          • 4

          Yes, I agree this stuff is awesome. I just ordered 10 more. General Mint portion is probably my number 1 go-to snus right now. When it's under my lip, I feel all happy inside.


          • postjack
            • Feb 2012
            • 46

            Funny how tastes change the longer you snus. I remember my first real Swedish Snus was General WP, and it was an overwhelming salt explosion in my mouth. I recently got to laugh at a non-snusing friend (he is more of a dipper) when I gave him a General Strong WP. He ran into the room half-a-panic saying how salty and strong it was. Eventually the flavor settled down and he enjoyed it.

            Anyway, back to me, after my negative experience with General WP, I went for a can of General mint. Still it tasted like a bag of salt with faint mint undertones. See I was used to American Snuses and their sugar sweetness, and I just couldn't wrap my head around the Swedish flavors.

            Fast forward to a couple years later, where I'm now a regular Swedish snus user. General Strong WP is my number one snus, and all I taste with it is tobacco. I can still remember my mouth hypersalivating with nothing but salt flavor, but thats just not the case anymore.

            I was at my local tobacco seller this weekend and picked up a can of General Mint just to see how things have changed. Wouldn't you know it, all I taste now is a strong clean taste of mint, with subtle undertones of that General tobacco flavor. I really enjoyed the flavor, but for the most part I'm a straight tobacco flavor guy, and can only see this is a every now and again Snus, much like I am with Thunder Frosted Portion (my bedtime snus).


            • phantom
              • Jun 2011
              • 523

              I stopped by the local tobacco store last night to take advantage of the.99 sale again I haven't found a mint snus that I like so I thought I would try General mint white. Well I still haven't found one I care for, though I go through about a roll of breath savers candy a day I just dont know why I don't like mint snus I just find a nasty after taste.


              • Skell18
                • May 2012
                • 7067

                Originally posted by phantom
                I stopped by the local tobacco store last night to take advantage of the.99 sale again I haven't found a mint snus that I like so I thought I would try General mint white. Well I still haven't found one I care for, though I go through about a roll of breath savers candy a day I just dont know why I don't like mint snus I just find a nasty after taste.
                Mint sweets tend to be sweetened with sugar, whilst the snus is sweetner (thunder and oden's the exceptions they have no sugar or sweetner in them), sweetner leaves a nasty after taste I find so that may be why you don't like them too much


                • Burnsey
                  • Jan 2013
                  • 2572

                  +1 on the nasty aftertaste. I have a wm lg in right now, have been working on the can for a month and it just won't go away....... spearmint is even worse.


                  • evansss
                    • Mar 2015
                    • 29

                    This was my first swedish snus I tried. Ironically, I was looking for camel, walked into a bodega in Brooklyn and they had a fridge of the stuff just staring at me. I recall a huge difference in how it felt vs camel. It was most certainly stronger, but the mint flavor was much more pronounced. It tasted much more like real mint rather than the fake flavor that camel tended to produce. It burned a bit, but over time I think I got used to it. A pretty good hit of salt and mint flavor that lasted for at least 2 hrs. I can foresee this being my go to can, and hopefully it is because I bought a roll of just that. I think this might be a good starting point for those, like myself, who are just getting into it. Im going to develop a rating scale, then edit this post to reflect it.


                    • Ainkor
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 1144

                      Originally posted by evansss View Post
                      This was my first swedish snus I tried. Ironically, I was looking for camel, walked into a bodega in Brooklyn and they had a fridge of the stuff just staring at me. I recall a huge difference in how it felt vs camel. It was most certainly stronger, but the mint flavor was much more pronounced. It tasted much more like real mint rather than the fake flavor that camel tended to produce. It burned a bit, but over time I think I got used to it. A pretty good hit of salt and mint flavor that lasted for at least 2 hrs. I can foresee this being my go to can, and hopefully it is because I bought a roll of just that. I think this might be a good starting point for those, like myself, who are just getting into it. Im going to develop a rating scale, then edit this post to reflect it.
                      Talk about a flashback! I read the review I posted and I was like this is really informative and then I saw that I wrote it 6 years ago :P

                      Well, I just picked up 4 cans from the local gas station where they know me as their snus friend. Still love it and its by far my go-to snus. Hope you enjoy it!


                      • evansss
                        • Mar 2015
                        • 29

                        This was my first swedish snus I tried. Ironically, I was looking for camel, walked into a bodega in Brooklyn and they had a fridge of the stuff just staring at me. I recall a huge difference in how it felt vs camel. It was most certainly stronger, but the mint flavor was much more pronounced. It tasted much more like real mint rather than the fake flavor that camel tended to produce. It burned a bit, but over time I think I got used to it. A pretty good hit of salt and mint flavor that lasted for at least 2 hrs. I can foresee this being my go to can, and hopefully it is because I bought a roll of just that. I think this might be a good starting point for those, like myself, who are just getting into it. Im going to develop a rating scale, then edit this post to reflect it.

