I have always been a menthol smoker, and started snussing ~3 weeks ago with American Camel Forst/Wintergreen and ~1 week ago with Sweedish Snus.
This is the only Sweedish mint snus I have tried, and it is my favorite.
In regards to comparing it with Camel Frost, I don't find it at all sweet as some of the users in this thread have mentioned. Camel Frost is the quintessential sweet, General Mint tastes more like "cold" and "blue" to me (No I don't have synesthesia but I am new to Sweedish snus and can't identify flavors). Honestly I don't even want to call it mint, just cold and blue, if cold and blue had a taste and it was not mint. This sounds retarded. In the next week or two I'll be getting more mints to compare this one with and update this post.
In comparison to General White Strong and General Portion Long, I still can't say that the Mint is sweet; I can only say that the former two lack flavor while the latter one does not, but again this is probably due to me being new to Sweedish snus and unable to identify anything.
I have tried Rape, which has a flavor but I can't identify it either.
This is the only Sweedish mint snus I have tried, and it is my favorite.
In regards to comparing it with Camel Frost, I don't find it at all sweet as some of the users in this thread have mentioned. Camel Frost is the quintessential sweet, General Mint tastes more like "cold" and "blue" to me (No I don't have synesthesia but I am new to Sweedish snus and can't identify flavors). Honestly I don't even want to call it mint, just cold and blue, if cold and blue had a taste and it was not mint. This sounds retarded. In the next week or two I'll be getting more mints to compare this one with and update this post.
In comparison to General White Strong and General Portion Long, I still can't say that the Mint is sweet; I can only say that the former two lack flavor while the latter one does not, but again this is probably due to me being new to Sweedish snus and unable to identify anything.
I have tried Rape, which has a flavor but I can't identify it either.