First of all, before I do this review, I've always wondered what "Lakrits" meant, so I Wikipedia'd that stuff. Lakrits is pretty much licorice of the black variety. I tried to translate before when I reviewed Fellinni Lakrito way back when and just left it alone. My SwEnglish isn't quite good enough to translate.....yet. Anyways, on to the review. This is one of two V2 white portions I've reviewed since I started doing Snubie, the other being Phantom Blue (White Portion). V2 doesn't seem to have a huge amount of white portions, like most other companies that have a white portion to almost every original portion they produce. Lakrits comes in a new Offroad can which is kinda this metallic/faded gray color. I really dig it, it's off-black if I had to give it a color.

When you open the can it's pretty recognizable what smell it is (if you're American and eat Jelly Beans). Ready? Wait for it....wait for it.....mmmmmm. Black Licorice Jelly Belly. If you haven't tried them, buy a bag and check it out. They smell pretty much identical. That's a good thing, because that's one of my favorite jellybeans. The taste is much the same. Tastes like a black Jelly Belly with a fair amount of salt mixed in. I dig this one, really flavorful stuff. The portion is amazingly comfortable for a white portion, one of V2's most comfortable snuses I've tried yet. Good stuff!