Thunder Berry Blend Ekstra Stark Portion

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  • smus
    New Member
    • Apr 2009
    • 5

    It's verrry similar to Offroad Cranberry Strong Portion. That said, it's much better - not quite as much of the tartness.

    This and GBRno2 will likely be my default order going forward. I'm a berry man, apparently


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      So it tastes like purple drank basically?
      I just ordered some and i'm a big fan of all the thunder flavors so hopefully it will be as good as you describe.

      Does it come in thunder berry AND thunder berry ES, or only ES?


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Okay so I bought some thunder berry since Jonathon was out of frosted and I am pretty impressed. Also, I also taste cherry. I don't care what they say there's cherry in there.

        I am really starting to think that Thunder is my favorite brand.


        • LaZeR
          • Oct 2009
          • 3994

          My impressions:

          Having less time with this one, I still feel compelled to share this impression of a rather interesting snus. Just like it’s name states, the berries are certainly pronounced and prevalent. Starting out a bit sweet but not overpowering or artificial, I pick up strawberry, a slightly sour raspberry, and banana flavor. Now while some reviewers point out a “bitterness” after 20 or 30 min.s, I would rather call it a flavor transition. If you just let things go, at the 1 hour mark you will get back to a much more subdued but pleasant berry blend which still seems to please enough to make this a 2+ hr snus.

          At (16mg/portion) nicotine, this one delivers!


          • pwnzoar
            • Nov 2009
            • 36

            This stuff is amazing. Currently better than Thunder Frosted in my opinion. Nuff said


            • MelangeMan
              • Mar 2008
              • 139

              I'm not a fan of strongs but I got a few of these in my order.

              Like everyone else says, its a very good mixed berry flavor. I don't need to add much to what everyone has said except that handling the portions leaves my fingers kinda stinky, which most very moist portions seem to do. That bugs me a bit. Don't like having to wash my hands every time I put one in. Thats why I prefer whites.


              • Jeremy
                New Member
                • Oct 2009
                • 11

                To me, this tastes and smells just like Discreet Strawberry but with the sting of higher nic snus.


                • G_Jones
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 69

                  Tastes like Skoal Berry Bandits, the snus-pouch like american dip, but without the sickening chemicals. Quite tasty. I use it daily.


                  • wa3zrm
                    • May 2009
                    • 4436

                    Good stuff! I'm beginning to like it better than Thunder Frosted! Nice change of pace. Much, much better than Offroad Cranberry.
                    If you have any problems with my posts or signature


                    • Joshua2007
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 15

                      I don't usually care fore fruity flavors, but this is amazing. If you like fruity and want enough vitamin N you should try this snus.


                      • texasmade
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 4159

                        when i was in the products test phase i could swear i tasted cherry...but after waiting awhile and otaining a can through a trade i have tried it again..i can definitely taste strawberry, maybe does remind me of fruit punch.

                        another great product from v2 I'll definitely be doing some more of this and writing up a full review like it deserves.


                        • mrmynd
                          • Apr 2010
                          • 101

                          i tasted strawberry as well, but to me it had a slight chemical taste to it. i'll order more but not anytime soon. got a lot of great snus out there to try!!


                          • Zanaspus
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 153

                            Well, I've read about the horrors of a snus turning on you, and now I have my first experience with it. When I first tried this, I loved it, could not get enough. However, now, upon popping one in my mouth, all I get is Robitussin. This is not at all pleasant on any level. I'm hoping this is temporary, but for now, Thunder Berry is right out.


                            • PipenSnus
                              • Apr 2010
                              • 1038

                              This isn't a snus I reach for often, as I don't feel the need to use many ES portions. Occasionally, yes, but most of the time a sterk or regular will do just fine. However, TBB is very tasty. I agree with those who taste strawberry, blueberry and raspberry. Tastes like fresh fruit, too, not like some artificial crap.


                              • midnight
                                • Mar 2010
                                • 175

                                I've been going through a can of this slowly and I have to say I just can't get into it. The berry flavor is a bit overwhelming to me, and I really don't taste enough salt or tobacco to make it seem worthwhile. Don't get me wrong, the berry flavoring tastes very natural and refreshing, but as for regular use it's just not my choice. The nicotine does come on very steadily and keeps you satisfied for a while, which is always nice, but thunder frost will fulfill those cravings just as well.


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