Thunder Frosted Los

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Thunder Frosted Los

    Reviews for Thunder Frosted Los.
  • desirexe
    • Feb 2008
    • 1170

    Thunder Frosted Los has become a new favorite los. I love the natural spearmint flavor! The texture agrees with my icetool and more importantly, my mouth. My only complaint is the 'extra starkness' of this and how quickly it hits, which may be a plus for some people. I use 1-1.5 click on my 3ml icetool and within minutes I can feel the nicotine. With that said, the nicotine not only comes quickly but it sticks around, I can only use this for about 20 minutes before I've reached my limit and have to spit it out, I don't want to be posting in the "I shit my pants today" thread. I'd easily recommend this to others who love spearmint. I'm crossing my fingers for the release of a 'regular' Frosted los, one that I could handle.


    • justintempler
      • Nov 2008
      • 3090

      Thunder Frosted has worn itself out as an everyday snus with me.
      It still tastes great but only as an occasional treat.


      • truthwolf1
        • Oct 2008
        • 2696

        This stuff is getting me through the holidays.


        • wintermute
          New Member
          • Feb 2010
          • 7

          Thunder Frosted Loose is simply great. The spearmint reminds me of Take 5 Rain chewing gum. It is sweet without being too sweet. It packs nicely and stays together for over an hour. The flavor lasts as long as you need it to. I find this particularly nice after a big meal. It is like getting dessert and nicotine all at once. I usually prefer tobacco flavor, but this is nice for a change. The burn is nice, too.
          You only need to make a half of the normal pris that you'd normally make. Perhaps this will make it last longer. And, it occurs to me, that this snus would be perfect for a hot Summer day. This one might also be good for those quitting menthol cigarettes.


          • PipenSnus
            • Apr 2010
            • 1038

            I've tried all the Thunder Frosted products except for the ES portions now, I believe. They're all good, but I think I like the lös the best. The lös has a little bit of a salty flavor underneath the spearmint that for some strange reason compliments the natural mint very well. I don't taste the salt in the others. And as other folks have observed, this hits hard and fast, which is fine with me. The burn is a cold burn, as one would expect from a minty snus. Feels like a large chip of ice under my lip. Won't be an everyday snus, but I'll keep some around, as I do with the minis and the Long + Strong.


            • clint404
              • Jul 2011
              • 317

              Salty and minty! I love it but damn its strong. I had to make half size prillas to even use this stuff. I'm not gonna compare this to general mints flaor because they are both different and both good snus. But thunder did good on this.

              A good day for me.

              A general mint just after waking up while still half asleep in bed and going to bed.

              Thunder frosted after meals.

              And a few prillas of general loose here and there.


              • Stoobroney
                New Member
                • Jan 2012
                • 10

                Big fan, especially because of just how many days a can will last me.

                I always considered Thunder Frosted Long + my go-to snus, but found I was going through a tin every two days. I've converted to Frosted Los due to each tin lasting me almost one week.


                • muddyfunkstar
                  • Aug 2010
                  • 967

                  I've never really been one for minty portions, and never really liked the portions of Thunder Frosted as it was way too minty but figured I'd try this one in Los as I've recently started getting into los more.

                  And wow, this stuff is good. The mint flavour is quite subdued compared to the portions, and for that reason it's a winner for me. Strength wise, it packs a decent punch but not particularly overwhelming - I've been making 1 1/2 click prillas with an icetool and it seems to be just about right.

                  I use this as a morning wake-up, and an after dinner pick-me-up. It's good stuff, will likely buy it again.


                  • OregonNative
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 647

                    For the last three years, Thunder Frosted has been my "go to snus". Both the portions & los are amazing, but considering this is a los review section I'll stick to the los.

                    Flavour: Spearmint, this is clear as soon as the pris enters your mouth. Strong, long lasting spearmint flavour that goes strong even after two hours. The flavour is the best mint I've ever had. It's not sweet at all, but rather a more natural mint. When I first tried the Frosted portions, I thought it was the greatest mint snus I've ever had, the los Frosted just blows the portions away. The flavour is so in your face MINT. If you love mint, do yourself a favour and buy a ROLL right now. Don't waste time with 1 can because you will be looking for more.

                    Smell: Spearmint, and the aroma is almost overpowering (in a good way), and punches you in the face the second you open the can. When I open a can, other people in the room try to find out where the smell is coming from.

                    Mouth feel: Burns a bit (mint burn) when you first put a pris in, but disappears soon after. Doesn't really "run" much which makes it what I'd consider to be a "clean" los. If you make a pris properly, you should be able to avoid "mud mouth".

                    Pris-ability: It's impossible to screw this one up. It's super easy to hand bake a pris with this one. It holds together perfectly, and I imagine it would be even easier (if thats possible) with an icetool/prismaster. Perfect grind & moisture.

                    Nicotine: The nicotine in this snus will hit you like a train. It comes on quick and just keeps coming. The first time I used Thunder Frosted, I nearly fell down when I tried to stand up. It will make your knees buckle if you are not used to the nicotine. My girlfriend mistook a Thunder Frosted portion for a regular portion and was literally sick from the nicotine. The los is a bit easier to misjudge as well since it is not pre-portioned. Be cautious if you are new to nicotine because TF will knock you on your ass.

                    Overall: 9.5/10 - LOVE IT! I will always have a roll of Thunder Frosted in my freezer.


                    • Ripantuck
                      • Jul 2012
                      • 22

                      This is a quality snus, except my last batch had a bit too much moisture making it a bit difficult to hand bale a pris. The spearmint tastes exactly lile Wrigley's spesrmint gum, but the rather high quality tobacco comes through as a noticable undertaste. The strong pepper taste that most of the Thunder portions have seems to be totally absent in Thunder Frosted Los. This stuff tastes the same when you first put it in as it does two hours later, except perhaps the very pleasant tobacco flavor becomes a little more noticable.

                      Unfortunately, I don't care much for the taste of spearmint, but for those who do this snus is an incredible value.


                      • The Stig
                        • Oct 2012
                        • 206

                        Thunder Frosted loose has always been a staple loose in my rotation since I first tried it 3 years ago. There are a couple of reasons why I feel that Thunder Frosted loose has become an all around favorite among snus users that are into extreme flavors. One, it's one of the very few loose snus brands that has a true Spearmint flavor. I say this because what I taste in Thunder Frosted loose is not a sweet Spearmint like you would find in Wrigley's Spearmint gum but a natural Spearmint, like taking a sprig of Spearmint and placing it in your lip. This type of icy cool Spearmint allows the subtle earthy and peppery flavors of the tobaccos come thru to give the overall flavor a earthy, savory mint profile. The flavor has lasted, for me anyway, for over 2 hours but, I like to spin the prilla after an hour and a half. This leads me to another reason for it being so popular, how easy it is to mold!

                        If you hand baketarded like me, you have to use a tool to get a good prilla made, from almost all loose snus, that won't turn into mud after 10 minutes of being in your lip. While I love using an Icetool for Thunder Frosted loose, hand making a prilla with it is actually pretty easy, even for me. I hand made a prilla and had it last for about an hour before it turned to mud so, for me, this is a good thing but, I still recommend using a tool for the hand-baking challanged. While you'll do well with a bit of practice, the snus is a bit moist and I just find by using my Icetool I can make a more comfortable prilla and one that lasts much longer than the one I make by hand.

                        The last thing is it's strength. At 16 mg of Nicotine per gram it's a really strong loose snus but, for the newbie, you have to understand that you're typical hand baked prilla is a little more than a gram. On a 3 ml Icetool, pull up on the plunger to the second line and you'll have a 1 gram prilla. As you make them bigger, you'll increase the Nicotine so, something I thought you should know. Overall, I do like Thunder Frosted loose and can see why it has such a huge following. My overall opinion of it is this; If your looking for a loose snus that's a break from the norm, and like the flavor of true, icy cool Spearmint, Thunder Frosted loose should definitely be on your list of snus to try!

                        Hope this helps!


                        • TFS
                          New Member
                          • Oct 2013
                          • 6

                          Thunder frosted loose is my favourite snus. I love a snus with a strong flavour that you can actually taste and smell straight up. Very good mouth feel. Soft and smooth. I love this grind. Strong spearmint flavour with a very good nicotine level.

                          I use my fingers to create a prilla which always turns out well. I usually leave it in for about 1.5 hours or so but could leave it in for longer. Depends on how much you play with it with your tongue. I would recommend this snus to everyone.


                          • GODOFSNUS
                            • May 2010
                            • 139

                            THIS STUFF IS JUST PLAIN FOOKING AWESOME!!!!!!
                            It is My new #1 snus. I am so in love with the warm nicotine buzz I get immediately upon placing even the smallest prilla in my lip. I also love the BURN!! It is such an endorphin rush as that burning/cooling-feeling just penetrates into your gums with a tingle that GETS ME HIGH!!!! LUV LUV LUV LUV LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!
                            ---The flavor is just a pure herbal natural spearmint symphony with no sugar. It is my newest guilty pleasure. I have also enjoyed the Frosted portions. They are very good, but the los is just simply gold-medal exceptional. They sell it at a local brick and mortar store here in LA for exactly $5.22 per can! V2 has really stepped up their game on this product!! I give it a 9.5 out of 10. LOVE IT!!! It has all the vitamin N to make me a very happy camper and the taste is so delicious!! Pure spearmint with tobacco and a hint of salt. Oh I love it.!!! -Get some Thunder Frosted Los if you want to have a wonderful soothing experience which will always leave you feeling frosty. It tastes especially delicious if served chilled. Kudos to V2. You are my new favorite brand. Please come out with raspberry los. Thunder Frosted is just about the best smokeless tobacco product money can buy. Especially here in HellLA!! LOL
                            Last edited by GODOFSNUS; 07-04-14, 08:08 AM.


                            • lird12
                              • Jan 2014
                              • 28

                              Thunder Frosted Los is my absolute favorite snus aswell! The buzz it totally different from any other strong snus I've tried.. I just ran out a few days ago and I can't wait to tons of em as I use it a lot throughout the day.


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