Offroad Licorice Los

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Offroad Licorice Los

    Reviews for Offroad Licorice Los.
  • Monkey
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2009
    • 3290

    Excellent flavor. A little sweet, strong licorice flavor that is perfect.

    To me, all of the V2 los I've tried has a waxy almost rubbery feel to them that I can't get over.



    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      My roll of this came in today, and I forgot just how much I liked this snus. Not much tobacco flavor, but loads of rich licorice, with a light sweetness. Not really an all day snus, but it's great when your in the mood for something with a lot of flavor. Anyone who likes LD Black, and would like a similar experience in lös should give this a try. It's easily my favorite V2 product.


      • Jimbob_Rebel
        • Jun 2010
        • 169

        This brand is one that I enjoy. I like the texture, a bit coarse and rough. You don't get the clay-like consistency common to many loose snus'. The flavor is a bit overpowering and I wouldn't want to use this stuff all the time. On the other hand, the flavor just won't die and it will last as long as you can prevent a mud slide, better than an hour and a half in my case.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          OK, just got my first can of this stuff. Just cracked the lid, and washed off my prismaster. Opening the lid now, I've been sick with a bad cold this last week, I hope they don't fire me from my job, though I hate it so much, but still I need a check...

          Anyway, smells nice, liquorice smell, not very strong, but noticable, my senses may be a bit off due to my sickness, bear in mind. Going to stick the Prismaster in it now. I really handbake usually, but feel like using the Prismaster for some reason I don't know.

          Damn... haven't used los in a long time, pris kinda broke apart on me, but I pushed it together with my tounge. OK, I think I have it placed well enough. I know it's gonna be all mashed in my teeth. Maybe I need more practice with loose? I don't know. But it does taste good. It has a subtle sweetness, good liquorice flavor, I always liked the taste of los, just using it has been the challenge for me.

          But in my opinion, this is good tasting flavored lossnus.


          • LincolnSnuff
            • May 2010
            • 676

            This is a great snus. You will like it. I always have a can open and in the rotation. Lately, though, I haven't been using as much of it seeing as I have been gravitating toward Ekstra Sterk.

            +1 on the "waxy" feel of V2 snus that monkey mentioned. This is actually one of the reasons I like the Licorice los.


            • Enzo_Guy
              • Oct 2010
              • 40

              I recently took advantage of a deal for 20 assorted cans of Offroad. Having never tried Offroad and having heard mixed reviews, I was admittedly a bit nervous. 10 of those cans were Offroad Los Licorice, which I was excited to see because I absolutely LOVE licorice!

              I'm used to "flavored" tobacco products usually tasting like a cheap knock-off of what they are trying to imitate and never really replicating the flavor. Not so with Offroad Licorice, I have it in right now and the flavoring is perfect. It's not overwhelming with flavor, but it tastes just like licorice should. When I am in the mood for loose snus, I have found myself reaching for Offroad Licorice every time since I have received it.

              As far as the texture, wax is a good description. Compared to the General and Ettan los I also have it is a different texture. But I wouldn't call it a bad thing, it sticks together rather nicely in the mouth.


              • precious007
                Banned Users
                • Sep 2010
                • 5885

                I've tried has a waxy almost rubbery feel to them that I can't get over.
                Hmm .... So I'm not the only one that noticed the rubber taste in Offroad snus.


                • LincolnSnuff
                  • May 2010
                  • 676

                  Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                  Hmm .... So I'm not the only one that noticed the rubber taste in Offroad snus.
                  Wrong. Re-read the quote. There is no rubber taste to Offroad snus - only a waxy feel to the texture/consistency. I have never tasted rubber in any V2 brand.


                  • Rattlesnake
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 891

                    Originally posted by LincolnSnuff View Post
                    Wrong. Re-read the quote. There is no rubber taste to Offroad snus - only a waxy feel to the texture/consistency. I have never tasted rubber in any V2 brand.
                    I will have to ask my girlfriend what a rubber taste like!!!!


                    • LincolnSnuff
                      • May 2010
                      • 676

                      Originally posted by Rattlesnake View Post
                      I will have to ask my girlfriend what a rubber taste like!!!!
                      I hope she doesn't make you wear a rubber.... I know this is a snus forum, but spitting is an option too.


                      • precious007
                        Banned Users
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 5885


                        The Orginal Los from Offroad tastes like natural rubber, honestly ...

                        It's supposed to bergamot/lime and it does taste to a certain extent... but if you remember those small rubber bouncing balls kids play with... well ... Offroad Original Los has the same smell and taste. :-)

                        The licorice is awesome/ Tom sent to me like 10 cans and I love it ;-)


                        • internope
                          • Oct 2010
                          • 215

                          I like the licorice/anise taste and keep a stash of licorice Altoids and candy-coated anise seeds in the cupboard. So far I have tried Catch Licorice mini-portions, Oden's ES Licorice portion, Northerner Lemon/Licorice, and Offroad Licorice. The others were okay, but Offroad beats them all for great long-lasting flavor. This is one snus that I will definitely will be ordering again.


                          • Veganpunk
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 5381

                            The best licorice snus out there. One of the few snus that I prefer the los to the portion.


                            • teeotee
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 251

                              So far this is my favourite licorice snus to date. I ate probably way too many Bassetts licorice allsorts as a kid and the flavor of this snus reminds of that. The flavor also never quits, it just keeps going. It's not an all dayer but is worth keeping some around for a change of pace. Will definitely be ordering more.


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