Originally posted by Monkey
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Offroad Licorice Los
Okay so this was one of the few Snus available at my local 7-11(That normally only carries General Lös) -
I found it excellent, very nice taste of sweet licorice that really just lingers for a long time - Sadly I bought their last can and now I can't really find any places that sell it around here no more :/
I wen't through it in 1½ days even though I had 5 other cans open(I like variation), but this one was just enough to give my nic fix, and it also provided me with the best licorice taste I've ever had from snus. I normally don't like sweet licorice but this was really good, reminded me of when I was younger and I would eat tons of Finnish licorice.
Overall a fantastic snus, and as a licorice snus it is the best. 5/5!
I wouldn't say it's better than LD Black, but it's definitely right up there with LD Black, as far as flavor. I could do this one and only this one for the rest of my life, but I think I must have some odd licorice fetish. There's something about the blend with licorice and tobacco that works very well for me. This is an all time favorite snus for me and replaces LD Black post-PACT.