What perfect timing...

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  • Z480
    • Mar 2008
    • 20

    What perfect timing...

    I don't know why buysnus.com said that the Swedish post was "slow"--I placed an order early Thursday morning, and it showed up in my mailbox today. That's only 3 business days, which I think is pretty fast for any type of mail-order.

    Either way, I'm just now starting to get over this HORRIBLE case of the flu which was making it very unpleasant to smoke, so the snus was the best thing I could have received today.

    My order was the SM los tasting kit, plus a can of skruf stark and a can of knox. I went with all loose because of previous experience with American snuff (I learned to dip discreetly in high school, because American "portions" taste like dirt).

    Right now, I'm trying the Probe, and it's very surprising how smooth it is compared to any other type of "chew". There's absolutely no burn at all in my lip or throat, which is just amazing considering that I don't want a cigarette (meaning this stuff has to be pretty strong). I always thought it was the nicotine that caused the burning sensation, but maybe not?

    My only complaint is the amount of brown stuff that ends up on my fingers when baking a pris. Once it's in, everything is OK, but I don't think I would be able to bake one in public, or while driving. Maybe I'll turn around and order some portions after all...
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Re: What perfect timing...

    Originally posted by Z480
    My only complaint is the amount of brown stuff that ends up on my fingers when baking a pris. Once it's in, everything is OK, but I don't think I would be able to bake one in public, or while driving. Maybe I'll turn around and order some portions after all...
    Or get the wondrous invention called the IceTool ;^)

    Welcome to the forums, and I'm glad your digging the snus :^)


    • Z480
      • Mar 2008
      • 20

      Now I'm starting to get the impression that lossnus will be fine for use in public, because it lasts so long and doesn't need to be touched once it's in.

      I've been using a pris of Skruf stark for about an hour and a half now, and it seems to last longer than Probe does (it's still firmly in place, while the Probe starts turning to liquid at about 45 minutes).

      It looks like all I need is about 30 seconds alone + a handwash, once every 3 hours or so, which won't be a problem.


      • snoosiphant
        • Feb 2008
        • 175

        I thought northerner was pretty fast too, 5 days from order to delivery for me. Ordered on monday delivered on saturday (shipped on tues)

        I am trying to work up the courage to try loose at work, I dont thik portions are going to cut it for me.

        Tried ettan yet? For me it stays together and in place very nicely, using a prismaster to shape. Also it has a great subtle tobacco taste.


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