It's the 10 SNUS commandments

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    It's the 10 SNUS commandments

    I am assembling the 10 snus commandments, submit your 10 below.

    The best 10 will be compiled into a song sung to the beat of Biggie Small's "The 10 crack commandments" and posted here.

    Make em rhyme and win!

    Alternately, make a rhyming list of the 10 Snuson commandments!
  • Chigger
    • Aug 2010
    • 126

    OK, I'm game...

    1) Thou shalt not discard snus if not love at first taste. Freeze it for later, do not waste.

    2) Thou shalt try snus that is real. Marlboro and Camel are not a good deal.

    3) Thou shalt rotate your placement, not just for fun. You gums will thank you in the long run.

    4) Thou shalt post on Snuson quite regularly. It will bring you much wisdom and fill your heart with much glee.

    5) Thou shalt make large order because of the P.A.C.T.. If you don't, you'll be screwed by shipping costs, remember this fact.

    6) Thou shalt give Los a try, whether Icetool, or ghetto, or handbaking. The portion-less experience is a wonderful thing.

    7) Thou shalt recycle your tins. Who would have thunk, what a nifty place to put your small junk.

    8) Thou shalt not give up if you smoke and give in. Commandment number 8 is that the snus always wins.

    9) Thou shalt try lots of flavors. There are so many to savor.

    10) Thou shalt order more snus before for you're in need. Because if you run out, you'll be a sad panda indeed.


    • visiON
      • Mar 2010
      • 308

      Originally posted by Chigger View Post
      10) Thou shalt order more snus before for your in need. Because if you run out, you'll be a sad panda indeed.
      This is the most important one, well, for me at least :P


      • CoderGuy
        • Jul 2009
        • 2679

        Originally posted by Chigger View Post
        OK, I'm game...

        1) Thou shalt not discard snus if not love at first taste. Freeze it for later, do not waste.

        2) Thou shalt try snus that is real. Marlboro and Camel are not a good deal.

        3) Thou shalt rotate your placement, not just for fun. You gums will thank you in the long run.

        4) Thou shalt post on Snuson quite regularly. It will bring you much wisdom and fill your heart with much glee.

        5) Thou shalt make large order because of the P.A.C.T.. If you don't, you'll be screwed by shipping costs, remember this fact.

        6) Thou shalt give Los a try, whether Icetool, or ghetto, or handbaking. The portion-less experience is a wonderful thing.

        7) Thou shalt recycle your tins. Who would have thunk, what a nifty place to put your small junk.

        8) Thou shalt not give up if you smoke and give in. Commandment number 8 is that the snus always wins.

        9) Thou shalt try lots of flavors. There are so many to savor.

        10) Thou shalt order more snus before for you're in need. Because if you run out, you'll be a sad panda indeed.
        Awesome! You have a knack for commandment writing, surely all other contributors here will be fighting.


        • bipolarbear1968
          • Mar 2010
          • 1074

          I'll give just one...

          If you have to refinance your home just to pay for one roll of snus from Northerner, time to give it up.


          • WickedKitchen
            • Nov 2009
            • 2528

            Rule Uno: Try lots of different SNUS...try every single kind
            'cos you never know what love your mouth is gonna find
            You might not know which one is the best
            You wanna learn more? Just listen to the rest

            Rule 2: Place it up high in your lip
            A little to the front you you don't get no drip
            Some is good...but a lot, it aint funny
            SNUS turns on you when it gets to friggin' runny

            Rule 3: This one is important to me
            Don't you listen to all those warnings you see
            'Cos these here rules...they aint no jokin'
            We all know SNUSin' is better than smokin'

            Rule 4: This one's from the SNUS boss
            If you like portion SNUS you'd better try yourself some LOS
            It's like BAM...the flavor says "hello"
            If you can't hand bake...make a tool from the ghetto

            Rule 5: Don't bake your pris too tight
            or you just might
            get in a fight tonight
            'cos it'll feel like a rock, no taste up inside
            but bake it too loose and you'll get a mudslide

            Rule 6: You'd better swallow that SNUS
            'cos girls don't like kissin' a mouth full of loose
            When it's time to get busy...clean out yo mouth
            Take the damn prilla out before you go down south

            Rule 7: Don't you never run out o' SNUS
            'Cos don't nobody need that kind abuse
            Keep some in the fridge and keep some on ice
            'cos dealin' w/ PACT is like a rollin' the dice

            Rule 8: Don't throw no SNUS in the bin
            'cos don't you know wastin' snus is a SIN
            Post on the board and we can arrange
            to take it off your hands at the SNUS exchange

            Rule 9: I hear this one every now and again
            "My SNUS is dried out...what do I do then?"
            Add a little bit of water and close up the can
            Let it sit overnight...back in business my man.

            Rule 10: If you got a question we can answer it
            'Cos there's a whole place for SNUS talkin' shit
            I'll tell you the place before I'm up and gone
            Pop in a SNUS...chill out and SnuON.

            Word to granny's panties.

            Oh yeah...I'm not done...I gots more
            On the pics of your'll find the snus whores
            What's in your mouth? That's where the people be postin'
            to pump up their points for all the braggin' and boastin'
            If you're new to SnusOn...don't be a lug
            Get your ass on the board and post your ugly mug
            But if you post crazy and get your ass out of hand
            you'll have to deal with that crazy bird man
            That'll have to deal w/ PP
            he'll whip yer ass and then surely you'll see
            That SnusOn is a place to talk about baccy
            Even though sometimes we get a little wacky
            We talk about religion and politics too
            And if it's UFO's...ask Tom502
            If it's a nice day...go out for a jog
            You'll get some free snus if you find the SnusDog
            And Vegan...he don't eat no meat
            There's even girls on here and that's a treat
            Chicks that SNUS? aww dog, that's coo
            Just ask Sage...he married one too
            We got Roos, and Blues, and BiPolar Bears
            Just post you're question and we'll answer it there
            I didn't forget don't be a hater
            We all know SNUS makes you a chronic masterbater.

            Peace out homeboys and homegirls.


            • Veganpunk
              • Jun 2009
              • 5381

              Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
              Rule Uno: Try lots of different SNUS...try every single kind
              'cos you never know what love your mouth is gonna find
              You might not know which one is the best
              You wanna learn more? Just listen to the rest

              Rule 2: Place it up high in your lip
              A little to the front you you don't get no drip
              Some is good...but a lot, it aint funny
              SNUS turns on you when it gets to friggin' runny

              Rule 3: This one is important to me
              Don't you listen to all those warnings you see
              'Cos these here rules...they aint no jokin'
              We all know SNUSin' is better than smokin'

              Rule 4: This one's from the SNUS boss
              If you like portion SNUS you'd better try yourself some LOS
              It's like BAM...the flavor says "hello"
              If you can't hand bake...make a tool from the ghetto

              Rule 5: Don't bake your pris too tight
              or you just might
              get in a fight tonight
              'cos it'll feel like a rock, no taste up inside
              but bake it too loose and you'll get a mudslide

              Rule 6: You'd better swallow that SNUS
              'cos girls don't like kissin' a mouth full of loose
              When it's time to get busy...clean out yo mouth
              Take the damn prilla out before you go down south

              Rule 7: Don't you never run out o' SNUS
              'Cos don't nobody need that kind abuse
              Keep some in the fridge and keep some on ice
              'cos dealin' w/ PACT is like a rollin' the dice

              Rule 8: Don't throw no SNUS in the bin
              'cos don't you know wastin' snus is a SIN
              Post on the board and we can arrange
              to take it off your hands at the SNUS exchange

              Rule 9: I hear this one every now and again
              "My SNUS is dried out...what do I do then?"
              Add a little bit of water and close up the can
              Let it sit overnight...back in business my man.

              Rule 10: If you got a question we can answer it
              'Cos there's a whole place for SNUS talkin' shit
              I'll tell you the place before I'm up and gone
              Pop in a SNUS...chill out and SnuON.

              Word to granny's panties.

              Oh yeah...I'm not done...I gots more
              On the pics of your'll find the snus whores
              What's in your mouth? That's where the people be postin'
              to pump up their points for all the braggin' and boastin'
              If you're new to SnusOn...don't be a lug
              Get your ass on the board and post your ugly mug
              But if you post crazy and get your ass out of hand
              you'll have to deal with that crazy bird man
              That'll have to deal w/ PP
              he'll whip yer ass and then surely you'll see
              That SnusOn is a place to talk about baccy
              Even though sometimes we get a little wacky
              We talk about religion and politics too
              And if it's UFO's...ask Tom502
              If it's a nice day...go out for a jog
              You'll get some free snus if you find the SnusDog
              And Vegan...he don't eat no meat
              There's even girls on here and that's a treat
              Chicks that SNUS? aww dog, that's coo
              Just ask Sage...he married one too
              We got Roos, and Blues, and BiPolar Bears
              Just post you're question and we'll answer it there
              I didn't forget don't be a hater
              We all know SNUS makes you a chronic masterbater.

              Peace out homeboys and homegirls.

              Wicked wins this hands down, lol. I almost lost a portion laughing at this.


              • raptor
                • Oct 2008
                • 753

                Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
                Rule 6: You'd better swallow that SNUS
                'cos girls don't like kissin' a mouth full of loose
                When it's time to get busy...clean out yo mouth
                Take the damn prilla out before you go down south

                This so applies to me...


                • snusgetter
                  • May 2010
                  • 10903

                  Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post

                  Word to granny's panties.


                  • thatguyjeff
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 103

                    Thou shalt remove your pris before blowing your nose.


                    • WickedKitchen
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 2528

                      ...or playing a disaster


                      • TWISTED VICTOR
                        • Jan 2010
                        • 38

                        Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
                        I didn't forget don't be a hater
                        We all know SNUS makes you a chronic masterbater.
                        Ahaaahaahaahaahaaahaaaaaa....I crapped myself......


                        • Owens187
                          • Sep 2009
                          • 1547

                          Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
                          Rule Uno: Try lots of different SNUS...try every single kind
                          'cos you never know what love your mouth is gonna find
                          You might not know which one is the best
                          You wanna learn more? Just listen to the rest

                          Rule 2: Place it up high in your lip
                          A little to the front you you don't get no drip
                          Some is good...but a lot, it aint funny
                          SNUS turns on you when it gets to friggin' runny

                          Rule 3: This one is important to me
                          Don't you listen to all those warnings you see
                          'Cos these here rules...they aint no jokin'
                          We all know SNUSin' is better than smokin'

                          Rule 4: This one's from the SNUS boss
                          If you like portion SNUS you'd better try yourself some LOS
                          It's like BAM...the flavor says "hello"
                          If you can't hand bake...make a tool from the ghetto

                          Rule 5: Don't bake your pris too tight
                          or you just might
                          get in a fight tonight
                          'cos it'll feel like a rock, no taste up inside
                          but bake it too loose and you'll get a mudslide

                          Rule 6: You'd better swallow that SNUS
                          'cos girls don't like kissin' a mouth full of loose
                          When it's time to get busy...clean out yo mouth
                          Take the damn prilla out before you go down south

                          Rule 7: Don't you never run out o' SNUS
                          'Cos don't nobody need that kind abuse
                          Keep some in the fridge and keep some on ice
                          'cos dealin' w/ PACT is like a rollin' the dice

                          Rule 8: Don't throw no SNUS in the bin
                          'cos don't you know wastin' snus is a SIN
                          Post on the board and we can arrange
                          to take it off your hands at the SNUS exchange

                          Rule 9: I hear this one every now and again
                          "My SNUS is dried out...what do I do then?"
                          Add a little bit of water and close up the can
                          Let it sit overnight...back in business my man.

                          Rule 10: If you got a question we can answer it
                          'Cos there's a whole place for SNUS talkin' shit
                          I'll tell you the place before I'm up and gone
                          Pop in a SNUS...chill out and SnuON.

                          Word to granny's panties.

                          Oh yeah...I'm not done...I gots more
                          On the pics of your'll find the snus whores
                          What's in your mouth? That's where the people be postin'
                          to pump up their points for all the braggin' and boastin'
                          If you're new to SnusOn...don't be a lug
                          Get your ass on the board and post your ugly mug
                          But if you post crazy and get your ass out of hand
                          you'll have to deal with that crazy bird man
                          That'll have to deal w/ PP
                          he'll whip yer ass and then surely you'll see
                          That SnusOn is a place to talk about baccy
                          Even though sometimes we get a little wacky
                          We talk about religion and politics too
                          And if it's UFO's...ask Tom502
                          If it's a nice day...go out for a jog
                          You'll get some free snus if you find the SnusDog
                          And Vegan...he don't eat no meat
                          There's even girls on here and that's a treat
                          Chicks that SNUS? aww dog, that's coo
                          Just ask Sage...he married one too
                          We got Roos, and Blues, and BiPolar Bears
                          Just post you're question and we'll answer it there
                          I didn't forget don't be a hater
                          We all know SNUS makes you a chronic masterbater.

                          Peace out homeboys and homegirls.

                          Epic! Damn near pissed myslef on that one....


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