What creates a low-cost snus. (+Kronan review)

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  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    What creates a low-cost snus. (+Kronan review)

    I just opened a can of Kronan, and I started pondering what dictates it's low price. Is it cheaper tobacco? Cheaper ingredients? Higher nitrosamine levels than a more expensive snus?

    The taste isnt bad (but not something im getting excited about either). I did not have a very good time trying to hand bake the stuff. It was definately an icetool snus for me. I cant quite place the flavorings in this snus yet. At first, sort of peppery, and the salt content was noticable. I can also notice a bit of that artificial smoke flavor. After attempting to hand bake it, it left my hands smelling like a lemon-scented wet-nap, so I assume there is some citrus in it that has yet to come forth in my mouth. The overall taste experience is interesting. If I had to compare it directly with any other snus I have tasted, it would be on par with Level.

    I'll finish the can, but I dont forsee myself jumping excitedly to see Kronan on my next order. Maybe a can here and there to remind me why I want to spend the extra bit of coin on something different.
  • ChemicalsLie
    • Feb 2008
    • 22

    skimping really...especially on tobacco.

    tobacco creates a variety of qualities within one plant, so the factory sorts through the leaves cutting out the best parts for the nicer product (less stems, better color and construction), and the other parts go in a slurry pile that gets used on whatever else can be sold for less.

    kinda like the nice furniture factory that makes particleboard tables with the saw wood.

    prolly cheaper everything else too, but it might be the same salt, ect.


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      Exactly - they buy tobacco in volume and sort at the factory, I imagine. Best stuff goes to the Kardus guys for their annual snus indulgence, top stuff to the Onyx guys, etc, Good quality goes into regular snus, low quality goes into bargain snus. Add a bit of extra flavouring on top and throw in some extra soda to crash the low nicotine (if needed, to boost it up) and bob's your uncle. I'd bet the low cost snuses have a bit more burn to them, although, having not tried them, that's only speculation.


      • Xobeloot
        • Jan 2008
        • 2542

        yes, I am on pris 2 of this stuff and my lip kinda hurts


        • snoosiphant
          • Feb 2008
          • 175

          I had wondered the same thing about knox vs ettan or skruf and I agree, it pretty much has to be the tobacco. All of the other constituents, salt, water, glycol, flavorings, are so cheap I don't see how they could affect the cost.

          The only other factor in the price would be brand recognition. Which might be a considerable factor now that I think of it. If you think about premium (pepsi, coke) soda vs generic brands, they are all basicially sugar water, so what you pay for is the brand.


          • Kindrd
            • Oct 2007
            • 266

            I like a lot of the low cost snus. Granit and Kronan are favorites. I also like LD Gold and Level. All in loose. I guess I am fond of the burn as I don't buy based on price within reason.


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              It isnt that the stuff is bad, but like Zero mentioned, it does seem to tear up my lip quite a bit. I can use Skruf, General, Prima, really any "normal" snus all day long and it almost feels "silky". I am finding that when I have used things like the Kronan (that i have open now), and the Level (a week or so ago), they just leave my lip and gums feeling beat up. I used two pieces of the Kronan tonight after work and switched over to an OR cran portion to give my lip a rest.

              That being said, strangely, the offroad snus varieties do not chew up my lip the way Kronan and Level do.


              • snoosiphant
                • Feb 2008
                • 175

                Originally posted by Xobeloot
                It isnt that the stuff is bad, but like Zero mentioned, it does seem to tear up my lip quite a bit. I can use Skruf, General, Prima, really any "normal" snus all day long and it almost feels "silky". I am finding that when I have used things like the Kronan (that i have open now), and the Level (a week or so ago), they just leave my lip and gums feeling beat up. I used two pieces of the Kronan tonight after work and switched over to an OR cran portion to give my lip a rest.

                That being said, strangely, the offroad snus varieties do not chew up my lip the way Kronan and Level do.
                Thanks for the review, I dont really care for alot of burn myself. Guess I can cross kronan and level off the "to try" list.


                • Xobeloot
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2542

                  Originally posted by snoosiphant
                  Thanks for the review, I dont really care for alot of burn myself. Guess I can cross kronan and level off the "to try" list.
                  I wouldnt do that. It does have an interesting flavor to it. You may try it and love it.

                  If there is one thing I have found about snus thus far- It is so incredibly personalized on a very general scale. What chews up my lip and leaves me feeling unsatisfied may become your favorite snus of all times!


                  • PseudoSwede
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 71

                    Well, my thoughts on Kronan...

                    I got it in my try-out pack from Northerner. Tried my first pris and was not at all impressed but thought I would "give it a chance". I thought maybe my tastebuds were playing games on me, it could have been the time of day, etc. So, I loaded the second pris later that same day and was met with the same results.

                    I couldn't take the flavor at all. Way too course for my liking. Way too overpowering bergamot flavoring for me. Needless to say, the rest went for a swim in the porcelain pool. I felt kind of bad, but I haven't looked back since.

                    I understand that it is a low-cost snus and some fellow snusers enjoy it, but it's just not for me.

                    Just my $0.02



                    • Soft Morning, City!
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 772

                      I liked Kronan when I first tried it. I remember it having a very noticeable citrus flavor. It wasn't my favorite, but it seemed to be decent enough. The loose didn't burn my lip at all. The portions, however, burned the inside of my lip so badly that I couldn't use the left side of my upper lip for a day and a half. I don't recommend the portions. Loose is alright though.

                      As far as low-cost snus goes, I stick to Granit and Knox. They don't taste cheap to me at all.


                      • snoosiphant
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 175

                        Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
                        As far as low-cost snus goes, I stick to Granit and Knox. They don't taste cheap to me at all.
                        I am liking knox quite a bit myself, has a nice herbal sort of flavor. Granite is ok, doesnt seem to have any really intresting characteristics compared to the others I have tried. (ettan, knox, skruf stark)


                        • Xobeloot
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 2542

                          All I know is that I've been using this stuff all day and it has yet to grow on me. I have a feeling that My can will be going thew path that Chainsnusers did when I get off work. Goin to Tampa for the weekend, so I think i'll just bring a can of General along with me. Thats a taste that I can never tire of.


                          • Premium Parrots
                            Super Moderators
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 9759

                            Hi, I've been thinking about mentioning this to the new snus users. When I stated snusing I really didn't like alot of the snus that I tried but there were several that I did like. After some time I went back and tried the snus that I didn't like and low and behold I found that I really did like it. It seems that our tastes do change somewhat after you snus for a while. So my advice is to keep any snus that you don't like [sealed well in the freezer] and maybe a month later give that awful snus a try again. You may be surprized that you might like it. Of course, this is just my experiance. Happy snusing
                            Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                            I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                            • Xobeloot
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2542

                              Definately good advice Parrots. As for myself, I am at that point of knowing what I like/dislike. This was definately a dislike. It took a header into the magic flushable bowl.


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