- 20% extra for SnusOn members

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  • Tobakssmak
    • Jan 2010
    • 263

    Originally posted by Fredrik_Northerner View Post
    Well, since the bargain is based on number of purchases/buyers
    That seems strange to me. Why would it be based on the number of people instead of the number of can or rolls. What's the difference between 1 person wanting 50 cans, and 5 people wanting 10 cans each?

    The only difference I can see is the shipping, but I don't know why that would affect the bulk discount. If anything I would think you'd prefer the 1 guy who wants all 50 cans.

    (I know I know, it's 50 people not 50 cans, it's just an example)


    • justintempler
      • Nov 2008
      • 3090

      It's price per can, but you are buying rolls.
      So when it says....

      2 people have purchased this bargain.
      48 more buyers required before it becomes active.
      Bargain is currently inactive.
      That means 2 people have placed an order for 1 roll, (or maybe even 1 person ordering 2 rolls?)
      That means you need to get orders for atleast 48 more rolls before those 1st 2 people have chance of getting what they ordered.

      The gimmick here (as I see it) is to get your customers excited with a great price and get them to act as your salesman to get others to join in. It reminds me of Amway

      That doesn't make it a bad thing, it's just not for me. If I order something I want to get it, I don't want the disappointment of ordering it and then being let down if enough of my friends don't join in.

      I can go to snusbargain and order a roll of General Long Sterk for $26.40 (+ tax + shipping) and take my chances.
      1 can go to buysnus and order a roll of General Long Sterk for $28.23 (+tax +shipping) and know I'll get my order.


      • Fredrik_Northerner
        Just me
        • Aug 2009
        • 126

        Originally posted by Tobakssmak View Post
        That seems strange to me. Why would it be based on the number of people instead of the number of can or rolls. What's the difference between 1 person wanting 50 cans, and 5 people wanting 10 cans each?
        The difference is the manufacturers get their snus out to 5 times more customers. That's their focus (or one of them, the smaller manufacturers care about sales volume as well of course, but a company like Swedish Match for example want as many people as possible to try their snus).


        • Fredrik_Northerner
          Just me
          • Aug 2009
          • 126

          Originally posted by justintempler View Post
          It's price per can, but you are buying rolls.
          So when it says....

          That means 2 people have placed an order for 1 roll, (or maybe even 1 person ordering 2 rolls?)
          That means you need to get orders for atleast 48 more rolls before those 1st 2 people have chance of getting what they ordered.
          To clarify it means 2 people order ANY number of rolls.

          The gimmick here (as I see it) is to get your customers excited with a great price and get them to act as your salesman to get others to join in. It reminds me of Amway

          That doesn't make it a bad thing, it's just not for me. If I order something I want to get it, I don't want the disappointment of ordering it and then being let down if enough of my friends don't join in.
          Totally understandable, and it's certainly not for anyone that must have their snus right now.


          • pris
            • Mar 2025

            I worked out what I could save on a deal here in the UK on General Extra Sterk Long if enough people got interested to make the deal active.

            Buying 5 rolls I would get a discount of $95 on what I would normally pay (after EU sales tax, Swedish tobacco tax and shipping is added) and with the 20% free offer for SnusOn members that is currently running another free roll to boot (worth a further ~$50 discount to me) which sounds quite sweet from my end.


            • justintempler
              • Nov 2008
              • 3090


              Another point of clarification.

              You purchase one or more of the current bargains (you may buy as many of the current bargains as you wish but they have to be purchased separately). We only make a reservation on your credit card at this stage. Nothing is actually charged. With one exception - if you purchase an already active bargain, the funds will be charged instantly.
              If someone is using a debit card, or a prepaid credit card, they need to realize that they probably will not have access to those funds while the reservation is in place.
              Also, after the reservation expires it can take some banks a few days before you have access to the funds.

              You don't want people blaming you for overdrafts on their accounts.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by Fredrik_Northerner View Post
                Some of you may have used or visited This is pretty much the same.

                You the man Fredrik. I am a BIG groupon fan and this new service is definately of interest to me (assuming it works).

                1 question though, why is shipping for 50 cans $21 from Pensylvania to CA? Does it include a free 100lb lead block with it? Or is this just more PACT bullshit adding a bunch of tax to the shipping process.

                Not bad though, tax on 50 cans is $17.00 which is pretty good. I'm going to place an order right now! Need some more after my last order from y'all showed up with half the rolls containing entire cans of busted portions

                To all who care: 50 cans to CA is $115, which is better than I expected!

                Edit: It says:

                "Use Administrative toolbar at the top of your screen to manage site content. Different site sections have their own button set that will help you to easily edit any type of information on the site"

                But I can't seem to see where the "my profile" bar is , where you can view your order history or what bairgains you've bought. Am I missing it?


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  How will you know if we're from snuson to add the extra $20? I'm guessing only snuson members will be buying lol.

                  Heres my confirmation for 50 cans of thunder berry:

                  Order ID: 730934

                  PayEx transaction number: 65176361
                  The sum of $ 115.57 was reserved on your card and no debit will be made until the offer is complete.

                  Thank you very much for purchasing the following bargain with us:

                  Thunder Berry Extra Strong Portion* - 50 cans

                  Bargain is currently: Inactive

                  GET THUNDER FROSTED


                  • Roo
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 3446

                    You're making progress sgreger. You are one of the elite minority who knows where the apostophe in y'all should go. But there's still no A in definitely. Keep up the good work son. On a side note: you're using Thunder Berry now? Lol. Sorry to hijack the thread. I'm an ass like that. Tomorrow I'll actually read it and learn how I can save on my next order cuz I'm broke. Its also about time to join the Gold Member Forum and order up some Thunder Original, a real man's snus. None of this Berry shit sgreger.


                    • GoVegan
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 5603

                      How about adding Gellivare to the selection?


                      • EricHill78
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 4253

                        Sgregrer that's a good deal.. Like 2.30 a can.. Wish I had extra funds..


                        • EricHill78
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 4253

                          It may be my phone.. But it's showing only foreign currency and no way to switch to US prices and warehouse.. Etc


                          • ice
                            • Oct 2005
                            • 142

                            Originally posted by Fredrik_Northerner View Post
                            Today we're making a soft launch of our new site - I won't say too much other than that right now, since I would love your feedback on the concept itself (not so much the design).

                            Absolutely clever! I personally like the concept a lot, it is something new and the benefits are very nice. Let's hope the site will be a success


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by Roo View Post
                              You're making progress sgreger. You are one of the elite minority who knows where the apostophe in y'all should go. But there's still no A in definitely. Keep up the good work son. On a side note: you're using Thunder Berry now? Lol. Sorry to hijack the thread. I'm an ass like that. Tomorrow I'll actually read it and learn how I can save on my next order cuz I'm broke. Its also about time to join the Gold Member Forum and order up some Thunder Original, a real man's snus. None of this Berry shit sgreger.

                              I like a big kick, which is why i always choose either your mom or a thunder brand portion. I really only prefer thunder frosted now. Coming in second is thunder orriginal, and then berry if need be. Since the only option here is berry, it's what i've chosen. Not a bad snus, one of the top 5 for me, but still wish they had thunder frosted.

                              Either way, to get tobacco for roughly $2 a can in ca is an amazing deal, especially post-pact. A can of dip is like $6-$7 at most places, and theres only 1 store i know of that sells snus and its only general regular potions which im not a huge fan of.

                              Anyways, you nigs better buy some ****ing berry thunder, because i need like 30 more people to buy it before the deal becomes active. The "time left" on the deal is 16 days and i only have 15 days of thunder left, so yall need to raise your hand, dig deep into your pockets, and pull out some ****in money cause sgreger1 get cracked out without his thunder.


                              • Fredrik_Northerner
                                Just me
                                • Aug 2009
                                • 126

                                Originally posted by justintempler View Post
                                If someone is using a debit card, or a prepaid credit card, they need to realize that they probably will not have access to those funds while the reservation is in place. Also, after the reservation expires it can take some banks a few days before you have access to the funds.

                                You don't want people blaming you for overdrafts on their accounts.
                                Good point! That definitly goes on the To Do list!


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