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  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    Two words: strong portions. I quit smoking cold turkey with the help of Nick & Johnny Original and Skruf Stark Portions, and I smoked about 10-15 cigarettes per day.


    • precious007
      Banned Users
      • Sep 2010
      • 5885

      The first few days without smoking are alwatys the hardest.

      But snus should help you out.. and you'll be fine in a couple of weeks.


      • muddyfunkstar
        • Aug 2010
        • 967

        Don't stress about the cigarettes so much. Allow yourself one if you fancy it, don't force the transition. After a while you'll find that the snus wins. It usually does.


        • Veganpunk
          • Jun 2009
          • 5381

          Originally posted by muddyfunkstar View Post
          Don't stress about the cigarettes so much. Allow yourself one if you fancy it, don't force the transition. After a while you'll find that the snus wins. It usually does.
          Listen to this guy! I smoked while I snused for the first 5 months I was on snus. I was smoking 2 packs a day before snus, tapered down to 1 pack while snusing, to eventually no cigs. In the words of the Sage "The snus WILL win!" Another thing that helps is to try all different kinds, strengths, shapes of snus. It sounds crazy, but I got addicted to trying all the different kinds, I lived on SnusOn for months, reading reviews, talking the the wonderful people on this board, kinda just forgot all about cigs. Oh, Welcome To SnusOn!


          • timoteo
            • Dec 2009
            • 583

            i suggest using extra sterk snus. or 2 or 3 regular portions to get through really bad cravings. i still smoke a couple ciggs a day sometimes. so the cravings still get bad. i use odens original extra stark or skruf xtra stark or general eckstra sterk. those ones settle the nic craving and have excellent flavor.


            • EricHill78
              • Jun 2010
              • 4253

              I was down to about 7-8 cigs a day when I quit.. The hardest part for me was the first thing in the morning cig.. I remedied that with thunder extra sterk.. Now I'm smoke free and don't need the extra strong anymore.. If you do order any extra sterk be sure to use them sparringly because they can raise your nic tolerance. Once you become comfortable with snus maybe one day you can try nasal snuff.. I never heard of it before I read about it on this board.. There's a section on here about it.. It's great.


              • GENERAL BILLY
                • Aug 2009
                • 528

                In addition to snusing come up with something to keep your hands busy. It really helps. Insert dirty joke here.


                • WickedKitchen
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 2528

                  I think there's other shit in cigs that give an effect that snus does not. True it has the main culprit, Mr. N, but your brain responds to the other chemicals differently as well. The cigarettes were terrible to quit. I did it w/o snus and I was downright depressed for a couple of weeks. I went through periods of insomnia and then those of almost narcolepsy. After a while the symptoms do dissipate and the snus will at least knock out the need for one on one time with Mr. N while you wait. This too shall pass...


                  • Enzo_Guy
                    • Oct 2010
                    • 40

                    About 7 months ago I was going through roughly 2 packs a day. It was getting expensive and then I moved to a state where the cigarettes cost $2 more per pack! Tried to quit but ultimately switched to dip for about a month (I had dipped off and on for the past 2 years) and then one day got a free snus sample. I liked snus better than dip or cigarettes, so for me it was an overnight thing.

                    Now I can't even smoke 2 cigarettes in a day. They leave a terrible aftertaste in my mouth, I can't even smoke when I'm drinking. I also feel that if I had to quit snus it would be much easier to do than quitting cigarettes. I would feel a little out of it and tired, but it wouldn't consume my mind like trying to quit cigarettes did.


                    • Spear7
                      • Oct 2010
                      • 48

                      Thanks everyone for the replies- I have a small update: Went 8 hours today without the withdrawl symtoms of not smoking. Had a cig in the morning, a snus, then nothing till the afternoon. Slowly getting some built in my system? Does it only get better?


                      • jagmanss
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 12213

                        Originally posted by epeer2 View Post
                        Thanks everyone for the replies- I have a small update: Went 8 hours today without the withdrawl symtoms of not smoking. Had a cig in the morning, a snus, then nothing till the afternoon. Slowly getting some built in my system? Does it only get better?
                        yep!! Just keep snuson


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