Wow General

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  • Spear7
    • Oct 2010
    • 48

    Wow General


    I've been reading through some of the material on the site. Its getting a bit clearer, but I am having a hard time finding an answer to my problem.

    I have been smoking 4-5 cig's a day for the last few years. I would like to quit cold turkey, but i tried for a few weeks with limited success. I heard great things about Snus, and bought my first tin of general.

    My goal is to completely switch over to Snus. With my current job, i cannot afford to be light headed or lacking concentration- at all. And I do not want to leave the office in the 8 hours that I am there at all either.

    I popped in about 4 general pouches today at work. I still have serious cravings by the end of the day for a ciggarette. Restlessness, complete lack of concentration, I'm sure a ton of you have experienced it.

    Does Snus simply not work for me? How long does it take to get adjusted to it? I am a light smoker by a lot of definitions, but I need that fix, period.

    Any advice, input, etc. would be extremely appreciated. I just want to know how long, if ever, I can expect to deal with the ciggarette withdrawl issues.
  • TheOneandOnly
    • Jun 2009
    • 616

    I dont get how you can even have any 'withdrawls' from smoking 5 cigarettes a day..Try a stronger snus, like General Sterk.

    Snus is probably not for you, at this point you will become even more addicted to nicotine by using snus rather than 5 cigarettes a day. Finish off your can and just do cold-turkey. Thats the best way.


    • c.nash
      Banned Users
      • May 2010
      • 3511

      Use some extra starks at first to help you kick the cravings.

      But I advise that once you stop having cig cravings to slowly work your way back down to regular portions.


      • myuserid
        • Jun 2010
        • 1645

        I didn't smoke 4 or 5 cigs a day until I started snus'ing. Right before I cut them out completely.

        Before snus, I was smoking a pack and a half a day.

        If you're only smoking 4 or 5 a day, just stop.


        • Spear7
          • Oct 2010
          • 48

          Thanks for the replies. I like the increase in concentration i get from nicotine, so i wouldnt be upset with using a couple snus everyday- my work is extremely dependent on my ability to concentrate, and I cannot risk just stopping smoking (When i try that for a week or two I start out with a complete inability to think, as if I am in a fog, and then progressivly get depressed) Can you really switch over to snus with no problems?


          • piks101
            • Sep 2010
            • 691

            Originally posted by epeer2 View Post
            Thanks for the replies. I like the increase in concentration i get from nicotine, so i wouldnt be upset with using a couple snus everyday- my work is extremely dependent on my ability to concentrate, and I cannot risk just stopping smoking (When i try that for a week or two I start out with a complete inability to think, as if I am in a fog, and then progressivly get depressed) Can you really switch over to snus with no problems?
   can switch over with little problems. I've found that if I smoked the nic hits fast and hard but the craving comes back sooner. Nothing delivers nic faster than the smoking/lungs but snus provides a steady stream of nic. Stick with the snus and cut out the cigarettes totally. Start on a Friday evening and by Monday you should be good to go. I would recommend thunder frosted long or 02 for starters, increased nic hit to offset cig cravings and more inconspicuous comfortable for work.


            • Roo
              • Jun 2008
              • 3446

              Yeah, keep using it and you'll find that cigs will lose their appeal quickly. That has been the experience of almost all of us. Give it a little time and report back. Welcome to snuson.


              • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                • Dec 2008
                • 2781

                Welcome to SnusOn!

                It does take a while to fully make the transition. The nicotine delivery is very different. It takes longer for snus to kick in but it stays with you longer. Plus there's that whole hand to mouth and watching the smoke addiction. Just smoke when you want to and throw some snus in other times. Give it time and don't let it stress or guilt you because you had a cig. Over time you'll feel more secure with snus and actually prefer it. Try to just let it happen at it's own speed so you don't have to worry about being thrown off for work.


                • Spear7
                  • Oct 2010
                  • 48

                  I like the community here! you've all provided some great replies, and fast too!

                  Sorry if this sounds repetetive- but you guys are in agreement that if i stick with this for a few days, I will no longer have that cig craving? After 6 or 7 hours of just using snus, the craving got bad. Its a little unnerving and since i dont actually know someone whose gone through this, I'm just experimenting. Like i said- im max a 5 a day smoker, so I don't think it should be too hard right? Do you guys notice all the same benefits from tobacco as you did smoking? (Increased concentration, metaboism, relaxation)?

                  Time will only tell if this will work for me, but i can tell you I'm certainly a fan of this forum


                  • piks101
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 691

                    Yes..same benefits and more. No smell, no tight chest, less jones'in. You are probably craving more nicotine after reducing from a pack and half to 5 cigs. I would recommend bumping up you snus strength and be a little more patient. It will come.


                    • myuserid
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 1645

                      Originally posted by epeer2 View Post
                      I like the community here! you've all provided some great replies, and fast too!

                      Sorry if this sounds repetetive- but you guys are in agreement that if i stick with this for a few days, I will no longer have that cig craving? After 6 or 7 hours of just using snus, the craving got bad. Its a little unnerving and since i dont actually know someone whose gone through this, I'm just experimenting. Like i said- im max a 5 a day smoker, so I don't think it should be too hard right? Do you guys notice all the same benefits from tobacco as you did smoking? (Increased concentration, metaboism, relaxation)?

                      Time will only tell if this will work for me, but i can tell you I'm certainly a fan of this forum
                      When I first tried snus, I had no intentions of quitting smoking. I smoked a pack and a half per day for 13 years.

                      After a full day with snus, I went to 4 or 5 cigs a day, and within a week, I was smoke-free. I couldn't believe it. I never even tried to quit.

                      Stick with it, and you'll surprise yourself how easy it is.

                      Good luck and keep us posted.


                      • Spear7
                        • Oct 2010
                        • 48

                        That was actually someone else- Ive been cut down to 5 cigs for over a year now, so 5 is my max actually. (i can usually manage with 3 or 4)


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          I think the hard part is the physical action of smoking. Snus can't really do much in that regard. It'll take awhile before you disassociate the act of smoking with nicotine intake. I'd suggest replacing 1 or 2 of those cigarettes per day with snus, and keep smoking the other 2, then wean yourself off that way. For awhile, I was just smoking in the car. I kept the tobacco out there so it would be a greater PITA to just grab a cig like I had for the previous 25 years. I could walk out and get one if I really wanted, but I found it usually wasn't worth the effort, though sometimes it was. In other words, if you position it so cigarettes aren't the easy choice, quitting will be easier, but I wouldn't completely cut yourself off. I still smoke a couple cigarettes per week, but I don't really have to. I can now smoke because I WANT to, which is nice. As a matter of fact, I think I'll roll one up now :^)


                          • Spear7
                            • Oct 2010
                            • 48

                            Has anyone here been in my type of situation? Do you remember the specifics of how you felt and what you went through the first few days, week, first time, etc?


                            • jagmanss
                              • Jul 2010
                              • 12213

                              epeer2, Welcome to SnusOn!

                              I think you have gotten some great advice here and don't have much do add except to use stronger snus and stop putting some much pressure yourself on getting rid of the smokes just yet.. stop 1 at a time while snusing. Smoke when you feel like it, Don't deny yourself those smoke because in the end the snus will win and take over the ciggs and you will find youself wanting a snus instead of a cig. I went from wanting a cig after a snus when i first strated to wanting snus after a smoke... Just give it some time... Check out this thread.. it may be older but still applies...


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