Off Road Cran runs really bad and tastes artifical. I did a can of portions and buy the end I coud not stand it.
Offroad - Does anybody like it?
Well, since I come from a different background, I like the Cranberry and wintergreen loose. I suppose it is my american (US) palate to blame. I did not like them at first because I was used to the sugar laden Longhorn. After I tried them warm, I really liked them. They are more coarse then the finer snuses but I liked the flavor. They both had there respective flavors plus the scent and taste of chocolate. The chocolate flavor only came through when the snus was warm. I don't suppose keeping it warm is a bad thing since they did not go bad. Something about the chocolate flavor makes me order more. I guess my palate is not as refined as others but I just enjoy the loose stuff.
Hehehe, seems like every once in a while this same question pops up again and everyone piles in with their respective (strong) opinions. :lol:
Anyway, I have tried licorice (los), original (los), cran (por), wintergreen (por) and have found none of 'em "bad". In fact; my favorite has for a long time been the original. I guess it's an acquired taste but I just placed another order for a roll or original and wintergreen (both loose).
Yeah, I have been away for a while. I don't know when that was but it just happened that I forgot to order snus in time and actually wondered if I could kick it if I wanted. Needless to say, I was off it after about a week of very very mild craving (more like sometimes thinking "I want to do something but I dunno what. O YEA! I want snus! Wait i don't have any. **** it then.")
But last week -with 0 craving- I decided to place an order again. I just enjoy the damn stuff and that's that.
Plus I finally decided to give in to my curiosity about our local Dutch nasal snuff.
A while ago I stumbled upon a website for a local tobacco mill which still operates as it did back in the 18th century. All by wind power with wood and canvas and granite millstones. 8)
Seems 'De Kralingse' snuffs are world famous! Who knew? I didn't.
Awesome stuff and very worth a try. I'd recommend it to anybody whether he/she smokes or not.
Ah, the old Offroad thread....
Offroad is a unique snus, unlike any other. Yes, it has a bit of a strange, chemical taste. If you accept that part, then it can be OK, but everyone reacts differently. Offroad, more than any other snus seems to have folks who either like (or at least tolerate it) or hate it.
When I first started using snus a year ago, I tended to depend on High Test snus to help me break the bond with cigarettes, Being poor, Offroad was a cheaper way to get there than N&J. In my first month, I went through two rolls of the strong Licorice, and when i couldn't tolerate it any more, I switched to the strong Cranberry. Finally, after about 1 1/2 months using snus, I no longer needed the strong stuff all the time, and gladly stopped using the Offroad.
But a few months ago, I just had to try the Cola. I was deeply suspicions but then shocked at how much I like it. For whatever reason, it just seems to work for me, And now is usually one of the 6 or 7 cans of flavored snus I buy each time. This last purchase, I decided to try the apple. I swear that they must have made a mistake at the factory cause it tasted just like the coffee version. Now I don't think I would mistake apple flavor for coffee flavor, but who knows. Buysnus included a can of Offroad peach as my bonus can this last time, so I will soon find out what that is like.
In the order I just put in, I added a can of strong licorice just because. It has been over 10 months since I last used it, and I thought it would be fun to go down memory lane again
I just opened a tin of regular Offroad Long Cut tonight. I have a close friend who's a Copenhagen junkie, and am trying to advocate snus for him, so I bought the long cut with the idea that he may learn to appreciate it.
Of course, it doesn't have the bite of Cope (I'm trying to educate him on the subtlety of snus, that he'll no doubt prefer it once he acquires the taste,) but it has a decent initial tobacco flavor. I agree 100%, sagedil, that it doesn't compare to a great snus like N&J, and the good flavor seems to dissipate rather quickly. And yes, it does seem to be a little more "chemical"- somehow less organic than other snus.
But it's pleasant, stays put like a long cut should, (my friend doesn't care for anything that might be hard to bake,) and has a nice kick. I won't be buying it in the future, not because I particularly dislike it, but because there's so much in the way of better snus out there.
I never wanted to try offroad snus because it is no Swedish but a Danish product. Now, I have absolutely nothing against Danish stuff but to me, snus is something Swedish so offroad just wouldn't fit in.
Then happened what I hoped would never happen: I got a free can of offroad cola portion with my last buysnus order. The parcel let a slightly noticeable cola-ish scent into the whole room just after opening it (the snus can still being closed). Thirsty as I was I immediately felt like a coke so I opened the can and tried a portion. The first thing I noticed was the strange/unusual material the portions are packed in, similar to the pouches of that nicotene-free onico stuff. The second thing was a fake and pretty artifical coke flavour and the third thing an unusual high saliva production resulting in swallowing tons of that fake coke flavour.
The portion lasted about three minutes and then I just had to take it out very quickly because I just couldn't stand it anymore.
Now the can is in the freezer as en emergency backup in case I should ever run out of snus.
I got my order with the coke flavor today. Mine doesn't have an overwhelming smell or flavor like aardvark's, but then I can barely taste any snus once I get it up in the lip. Maybe mine dried out a bit during shipping. They're my first regular portion, but they seem dryer than I expected.
The more I smell it the less it smells like cola, but something unique. I hope Mocca makes a cola flavored one soon.
Eh... After trying it for a few days, the cola flavor is too weak, and whatever radioactive plants they call tobacco and put in there release a pure, black, hateful pepperyness when it runs, which seems like ten minutes after you put it in. I Like the cola idea, but it needs more flavor, and much better tobacco to go with it.
I'm going to open up their Coffee and Vanilla tonight and see if it's any better.
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