Offroad - Does anybody like it?
Originally posted by CWCops: I like level, not my favorite, but ok on occasion, so :0P
The snus that I like but others don't is LD. They're all favorites except for the Guld portions which I think taste bad, but the others I think are great.
Never had the minis, I have read allot of bad things on Level & since I use it every once in a while I feel I have to keep an eye out and defend it on occasion :lol: . It is odd, how our (snus users) taste very, there are some brands it seems everyone likes, and yet some that have die hard fans where others cannot stand them. Personally, I just don't like Offroad portions; I just put in an order for a mix of los from Buysnus.com so I am sure I will be trying at least one can of Offroad los, not holding out much hope but who knows. Also, I have read allot of great stuff about Gellivare, tried it and hated it, I like Knox but even though Skruf has a good flavor it gives me a headache if I use it for too long. I have been snusing a few months now and I think I have settled on Ettan los and Three Anchor white portions (don't have a can in front of me so I will not try the correct Swedish spelling) as my everyday snus mainly los, but portions in polite company. However, I have a freezer full of everything else so I'll be mixing it up allot.
Lxskllr, I saw you like Miller, Sinatra, Ellington & Armstrong on the other post, so I guess I can't challenge your taste too much, at least in music.
Originally posted by RPatrickI certainly understand that we all have different tastes and I respect everyone's opinion of this product line. I apologize for my previous post that I think went over the top. I'd really like to discover a snus I would enjoy that is sweet with those unusual flavors and I am frustrated by what I've tried and read.
I've been wondering if the fact that this Snus is not made in Sweden affects the formulation of OFF ROAD. Are their products still subject to food processing laws ? Are the additives regulated ? I'd like to try every one of their flavors, but I've been scared away and do have questions about the quality and purity.
The snus tradition is something the entire Scandinavian area is aware of. Now, Offroad being a Danish product don't mean that they've deviated wildly from their origins. If anything just look at a map. Denmark to Sweden is about 10x closer than Detroit from Toronto (or Seattle from Vancouver even?).
These folks know damn well how the stuff is made after 300 years.
- signed: a very happy Offroad snuser.
I just ordered myself yet another roll of Cranberry Loose. I love the stuff. The phasntom blue portions are (to me) just as good as the cranberry portions. When I first posted my review of the blue portions, I was sad that there was no loose. Wish granted!. If i like the loose as much as I like the portions, I'll definately keep some around at all times like I do the cranberry.
As of right now, there are only 3 types that I order in rolls (and regularly)
OR Cran Loose
Grov Loose
General Loose
I never let another persons feeling towards a snus determine whether I like or dislike something. I will buy a can and go from there.
As far as what RPatrick had to say, I can definately feel your pain. It must suck not being able to find a taste that pleases you. Which of the Offroad flavors have you had thus far?
I've tried about ALL the different brands/flavors of snus available from the USA and Sweden. By far the sweetest of the "real" snus is the Triumph mint.
And.........after trying, what seems like a thousand different brands, My favorites in this order are...........
Offroad Coffee/Vanilla and Triumph Mint are tied for first place
Wise original 3mg. [actually tastes better than 6mg, to me]
Camel Frost
Camel Original
Triumph Original
Thats it, but I keep and can appreciate the Monticristo, the Romeo & Juliete, the Ettan and the Stark for occasional use.
I was just snooping around the Northerner site again and found that Catch makes [or made at one time] a Vanilla/ Coffee. When I tried to put it in my cart it wouldn't load so apparently its not available anymore and this is another one of their items that is no longer available that they didn't remove from their website. Big Bummer I was anxious to try it too.
Maybe Mr. TBob knows why it seems to be discontinued.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I'd try it in a heartbeat, if it were available. I guess it just went the way of so many. FYI: Your list is close to one I'd make. Did like Triumph (used up my supply) and do like Camel Spice. My current order is for stronger snus and we'll see if any can displace Wise 6mg in my use preferences. I should get it tomorrow -- including Mocca+Tobacco and some N&J West.
Originally posted by TropicalBobMy current order is for stronger snus and we'll see if any can displace Wise 6mg in my use preferences. I should get it tomorrow -- including Mocca+Tobacco and some N&J West.
As far as what RPatrick had to say, I can definately feel your pain. It must suck not being able to find a taste that pleases you. Which of the Offroad flavors have you had thus far?
Now, I've taken a good look at V2's website and have seen that they do manufacture snus in the Swedish Tradition. I'm going to give OFF ROAD another try.
I don't use portions much anymore, so I have placed an order for the OFF ROAD Loose Cranberry and American Wintergreen Longcut.
I have found several traditional Snus brands that I enjoy, but am still looking for a loose that satisfies my sweet tooth. These OFF ROAD loose products sound like the answer, so I am going to give them a fair try.
Outside of Probe (which I really like), and OFF ROAD, there are not any other loose sweet snus products to my knowledge, so I may as well try everything available. The order is coming next week.
Originally posted by Premium ParrotsI've tried about ALL the different brands/flavors of snus available from the USA and Sweden. By far the sweetest of the "real" snus is the Triumph mint.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Triumph only comes in portions. However, the pouches they use seem to be softer than others I've tried. The real problem is actually getting the Triumph snus. I was one of the very few that had tested the Triumh for Lorriard Tobacco before it was marketed, so I had tried it a long time ago. I loved it, but it took another 5-6 months to find someone in Ohio that I knew so I could ask them to ship me some. Just ask the members here that saw me beg for that snus. I'm sure they got sick of me asking. :wink: Finally, I found someone on my bird site that was from Ohio and she owed me a favor. She was gracious to ship me some. Now I have 12 tins and, since I rotate different brands of snus during the day, this should last me a few months..............hopefully. By then I expect to be able to get it locally near chicago. I believe that Triumph is now marketed in Georiga as well as Ohio. Good luck finding it as there is no place online where you can purchase it........as of yet.
Heres the up side........when my friend went to buy the Triumph for me alot of the stores carried the product but were sold out. So it seems that its a better seller than they realized. Lorrilard should be expanding the market pretty soon. Hopefully.
On another note.........I've been useing the same tin for 10 days now, not refridgerated, and its still as moist as the day I opened it. The stores don't refridgerate this snus so I'm imagining that the manufacturing process must be somewhat different than other snus. This is not a white portion but it sure as hell stays moist. AND the flavor lasts far longer than any other snus...........period. Try it and you will see what I mean.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
The "swedish way" of making snus isn't as foreign to Denmark as you might think.
The snus tradition is something the entire Scandinavian area is aware of. Now, Offroad being a Danish product don't mean that they've deviated wildly from their origins. If anything just look at a map. Denmark to Sweden is about 10x closer than Detroit from Toronto (or Seattle from Vancouver even?).
These folks know damn well how the stuff is made after 300 years.
I don't know anything about the regulation of OFF ROAD products, but the ingredients are not listed on the cans, so there is some degree of difference. <Correction> The ingredients are listed on the bottom of the can, thanks Xobeloot.
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