Cheating!!! Reduction from 50g to 45g / can

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  • Stephan
    New Member
    • Mar 2008
    • 1

    Cheating!!! Reduction from 50g to 45g / can

    I am new in this forum. I just wanted to say that in Sweden most of the Lös Snus products have been reduced in gramm. Instead of 50gramm, the can contains now only 45gramm. (-10%!!) By the same time price went up! (tax and I guess they want to earn more money )

    What do you think about it?

    I have the feeling that nearly nobody noticed that!
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    Yes, we all noticed. The price increase was entirely due to the large increase in taxes. Swedish match have never seemed to be the type to try to make dishonest profit, to be honest. I've not weighed my new 45g snus tins, but they seem to be exactly the same size as the old tins and filled approximately as much. I maintain a suspicion that Swedish Match merely re-labeled the 50g tins as 45g (likely within tolerance of Swedish law) without changing the contents - this to reduce the amount of tax one would have to pay. Judging by hand, I couldn't feel much difference between a roll of 50g Gotlands and 45g Ettan snus, but I'll check on a digital scale when I get the chance.


    • anweis
      • Aug 2006
      • 70

      It's been done before. In the past, several countries started selling packs with 19 cigarettes instead of the usual 20. I agree that the 5 g difference is annoying and cheating.


      • RealmofOpeth
        • May 2007
        • 407

        Originally posted by Zero
        Judging by hand, I couldn't feel much difference between a roll of 50g Gotlands and 45g Ettan snus, but I'll check on a digital scale when I get the chance.

        yeah, 5g by hand is very hard to tell out of 50..

        i have a small airplane that weighs 18g and it's super light.


        • snoosiphant
          • Feb 2008
          • 175

          Originally posted by Zero
          I maintain a suspicion that Swedish Match merely re-labeled the 50g tins as 45g (likely within tolerance of Swedish law) without changing the contents - this to reduce the amount of tax one would have to pay. Judging by hand, I couldn't feel much difference between a roll of 50g Gotlands and 45g Ettan snus, but I'll check on a digital scale when I get the chance.
          I would love to know the results of the test. I would like to think that SM would make the decision to benefit their customers by just relabeling, but corporations are all about the bottome line.


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            Originally posted by Zero
            yeah, 5g by hand is very hard to tell out of 50..

            i have a small airplane that weighs 18g and it's super light.
            Yeah, but out of a roll it's 50g difference - that's almost two ounces, and still ten percent.

            Think of it this way - I've calculated the density of snus to be approximately 0.7g/cc (=g/ml). That's 7.14ml of snus to make 5g, so imagine taking a 3ml icetool and filling it all the way twice (6ml, to be conservative) from a fresh tin of snus and ask yourself if the new 45g tins, which are the same size as the old 50g tins, are really missing that much snus.


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              I typically make quite large pieces with my 3ml, and after making a few (we'll say 3) the can is noticably reduced. I have only opened one 45g can, and I have to say that I do not believe that 5g were missing from it.

              I guess we'll just have to wait until somebody throws some on a scale.


              • Harry
                • Dec 2007
                • 213

                It's just good they didn't take 50g. If the snus producers found a way to still make their products available at a reasonable price under the ridiculous blanket of bureaucratic propaganda, I'll deal with a skim of 5gs as long as I still have access to the 45 other grams of goodness.


                • Xobeloot
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2542

                  Heck, American dip is only something like 32g per can. When I got my first 50g can of snus... just WOW. I can live with 45g any .day


                  • Craig de Tering
                    • Nov 2006
                    • 525

                    FWIW, cans of LD loose (red and gold) have always been 45 gram already and Offroad loose is still 50 gr as far as I can tell.


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