Lucky Strike? Cuban snus?

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  • tcperu
    New Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 4

    Lucky Strike? Cuban snus?

    Why can you not order Lucky Strike anymore?

    It was one of my favorite snus and the can was the best in my opinion. I wish I would not have thrown old cans away, how times have changed!

    Also, has anyone had the pleasure fo tasting the "forbiden fruit" which is monte cristo and romeo y julieta snus' from Cuba? Would love to get my hands on some. Maybe next time I'm in the UK visiting family I'll get some. Think I would love this snus since I like strong earthy tobacco flavours.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Lucky Strike has trademark issues. The EU owners aren't the same as the USA owners, so it can't be sold here. Romeo y Julieta isn't all that. It's a mild snus with a hint of anis. Gotland Grå is better if you think you'd like something like that. The Montecristo lös is very good, and is one I wouldn't mind getting on occasion, but Gotland Gul is similar, and much cheaper/available. The portions aren't anything special. Taboca, Gotland Gul, or Jakobssons Classic would all be suitable substitutes.


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