Roda Lacket

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  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    Roda Lacket

    I have been using GR loose the past couple days and grew terribly bored of it. I popped open a can of RL loose last night and must say that I enjoy it quite a bit. It has such a soft texture (bakes just as well as prima fint), and the tobacco taste is great. It also seems to have somewhat more of a salt flavor than the other flavors I use regularly (not bad, I love salt!). I think RL loose is going to become one of my staple brands.

    As for the goteborgs rape loose. I probably wont be ordering another can for a while. Maybe i'll try the portions, but the loose didnt impress me beyond being ok for an occasional pris.
  • Backpacker
    • Feb 2007
    • 22

    I agree about Roda Lacket, both los and portions. They are among my favorites. I also like Grovsnus los. It packs exceedingly well.


    • aika
      • Mar 2008
      • 133

      Finding myself quite enjoying RL too


      • Soft Morning, City!
        • Sep 2007
        • 772

        Roda Lacket loose is wonderful. It's not in my normal rotation, but I make it a point to buy a few cans from time to time. It's easy to bake and the flavor is nice. I put it in the same category as Prima Fint if only because both are fairly mellow and very enjoyable in the evening.


        • PrisMaster
          • May 2007
          • 208

          Does Roda Lacket have a flavor like a original flavor snus or is it more sweet like cranberry or something fruity like that? I know you said the snus is a lot like Prima Fint to pack together to make a pris but what does it compare to in flavor? I have tried almost all Los snus, but this is one i have yet to try, because I thought it was going to be a sweet flavor. I think i tried the portions and finished the tin, but i can not recall at all what it tasted like.

          If anyone can tell me what it tastes like or what other snus it compares to in flavor i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks


          • Soft Morning, City!
            • Sep 2007
            • 772

            The Roda Lacket portions are a lot different than the loose. As far as I can detect, the loose has a mild tobacco flavor with a subtle sweetness similar to Prima Fint. The portions, by contrast, are almost fruity.


            • Harry
              • Dec 2007
              • 213

              This is a very unique and subtle snus. I enjoy it by itself whereas I like a lot of the others with coffee, beer, etc.

              It has a rich/heavy texture and the flavor compares when sat side by side to Prima.

              I do not like the white portions, but the original is a top-notch evening snus. Perfect for after dinner followed by a bit of B&B or a mellow cigar.

              It really is in a category by itself for me as the PF is a bit more herbal while the RL has the herbal quality and a quality high-brow fruity quality, such as a lychee or the sort.


              • PrisMaster
                • May 2007
                • 208

                Sounds good. Thanks for the information. Im not a fan of fruity snus at all really so I just wanted to make sure before I bought some. Thats whats been holding me back from buying it lately. Ever since i tried RL portions I just thought the los was going to be the same. I will definitely try it on my next order. Thanks again


                • Dead Rabbit
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 315


                  Roda Lacket has been my can of los for this week. If all los was like this, I can't imagine many people buying the ice tool. (I have to admit, hand baking is so easy that I really have yet to find a reason to buy one of those things...a heretical thought around here I know It backs perfectly!!! I enjoy the taste a ton more then I did the white portions. My only complaint, and this might just be in my head, is that it seems to be a little weak as a nicotine delivery system, even though it seems to be average in nicotine content.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Re: R

                    Originally posted by Dead Rabbit
                    (I have to admit, hand baking is so easy that I really have yet to find a reason to buy one of those things...a heretical thought around here I know
                    Get yourself a tin of Landströms, and you'll come back with your spirit broken :^P


                    • Xobeloot
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2542

                      I havent had much luck hand-baking gotlands. It is the only snus brand I havent been able to bake well (have yet to try landstroms).


                      • Jason
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 1370

                        I didn't get too excited over the portions, but now that I've finally started using loose daily, I'm very interested to try RL again. I'm definitely putting it on my next order, along with some GR and prismaster... :wink:


                        • Dead Rabbit
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 315

                          Re: R

                          Originally posted by lxskllr
                          Originally posted by Dead Rabbit
                          (I have to admit, hand baking is so easy that I really have yet to find a reason to buy one of those things...a heretical thought around here I know
                          Get yourself a tin of Landströms, and you'll come back with your spirit broken :^P
                          lol....i think i will stay away from that brand then


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Re: R

                            Originally posted by Dead Rabbit
                            Originally posted by lxskllr
                            Originally posted by Dead Rabbit
                            (I have to admit, hand baking is so easy that I really have yet to find a reason to buy one of those things...a heretical thought around here I know
                            Get yourself a tin of Landströms, and you'll come back with your spirit broken :^P
                            lol....i think i will stay away from that brand then
                            Ah, but you'd then be doing yourself a great disservice ;^) I highly recommend giving it a try, but if you do, get yourself a Prismaster. They're quite cheap, and Landströms is well worth the small investment. Of course when you're getting the Landströms, it would only make sense to throw in a can of Gotlands Yellow, which is also easier to deal with when using a tool ;^)


                            • Dead Rabbit
                              • Mar 2008
                              • 315

                              really.... i think I will buy the ice tool for myself next Christmas and take your advice and try Landströms.

                     last pinch of Roda Lacket....what a great los (pun intended or is that a double entente? double entente even the right word?). I never tired of it.


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