I have been using GR loose the past couple days and grew terribly bored of it. I popped open a can of RL loose last night and must say that I enjoy it quite a bit. It has such a soft texture (bakes just as well as prima fint), and the tobacco taste is great. It also seems to have somewhat more of a salt flavor than the other flavors I use regularly (not bad, I love salt!). I think RL loose is going to become one of my staple brands.
As for the goteborgs rape loose. I probably wont be ordering another can for a while. Maybe i'll try the portions, but the loose didnt impress me beyond being ok for an occasional pris.
As for the goteborgs rape loose. I probably wont be ordering another can for a while. Maybe i'll try the portions, but the loose didnt impress me beyond being ok for an occasional pris.