Less subtle tobacco flavours?

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  • nickyspaghetti
    • Mar 2008
    • 19

    Less subtle tobacco flavours?

    Are there some loose brands that have a strong aroma? I really like the skruf stark and I think so far it is the strongest aroma I have tried that I like. I have tried ettan, GR, general and a few others that don't seem to have such a particular taste and I would be hard pushed to tell the difference at the moment(admittedly I don't have a huge experience of all of them) But I can always tell when it is skruf that I have.
    Which others should I try if I like this kind of snus?
  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    Skruf stark is on a playing field of its own. It has a strong tobacco taste with added bergamot and rose oil which gives it that subtle flowery taste.

    Level and Kronan are extremely heavy on the bergamot/citrus, but they feel like crap under your lip compared to skruf (just my opinion).

    Grov has a very rich tobacco taste, but has a smoky undertone. It isnt nearly as aromatic as it is flavorful

    As far as aromatic and flavorful snus, give the Gotlands flavors a go. You can pack a pris of Gotlands and the smell/taste are wonderful. Personally, I cannot use it all day long, but one here and there is great. If you like a snus that will tingle your sense of smell along with taste, go Gotlands.


    • Harry
      • Dec 2007
      • 213

      There's been much talk about the ability to sense/taste the differences in our snus brands after a few months of using snus exclusively.

      It's much like wine, scotch, cigars, etc.

      I used to think Roda was the most subtle los, but now I find it quite flavorful. I couldn't taste Ettan for a long time, but now it's smoky/leathery flavor is distinct as all get out.

      I've been able to taste the rose in Skruf since the beginning, and it's not something I like. The stark quality also doesn't do me any good as one of the things I like most about snus is it's nicotine delivery. Original strength is quite enough for me.


      • aika
        • Mar 2008
        • 133

        Crazy, I was just about to post that I can't taste Ettan whatsoever.


        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          WHen i first started posting here, I actually gave away a can of ettan. I hated it! I still had some Prima fint and RL (all loose) in my fridge and was affraid I would hate them.

          After a couple months of using some of the bolder tastes, I popped open the Prima Fint, then the RL. All I can say is that they are both up in my top 5 loose snus picks. I have not yet placed another order, but when I do I will definately be getting another can of ettan to try.


          • nickyspaghetti
            • Mar 2008
            • 19

            I have the gotlands green portion which I like. It isn't that I can't taste the difference in the ettan and others, I just happen to really like the skruf flavour. I don't really notice the higher nicotine content but I do find I don't use as much because I find the taste stronger. MAybe my next order will include some more gotland ones.


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