Close to dumping out my can Göteborgs Rapé

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  • Dead Rabbit
    • Mar 2008
    • 315

    Close to dumping out my can Göteborgs Rapé

    It’s official. I don’t like Göteborgs Rapé los. I’m barely making it through this can. I can’t stand the pepper and the flavor of Crunch Berries (a fruit that maybe only American breakfast eaters would be aware of).

    I also find it runs quicker. And so far, it’s the only los that I find to be disgusting when I remove it from my mouth. (Let it be known all American dip grossed me out when removing from my lip, and I had been dipping off and on since I was 12).

    Last weeks can of RL seems like a dream to me right now. I have a can of General los left, and am very tempted to deem Göteborgs Rapé as a sunken cost, and go for the Gen!

    I put an order in with Buysnus Saturday via standard Swedish mail. I’m thinking I’m in for the long haul until my roll of Lucky reg portion, roll of N-and-J and roll of Stark Skruff los arrives. Better not drain-pour the G-Rape.
  • Zofryer
    • Dec 2007
    • 66


    You'll regret it later. Snus does strange stuff to your body when it starts transforming you on the genetic level. You might find that you crave some goatrape in a few weeks. I can remember waking up in front of a volvo dealership, no idea how I got there, and suddenly wanting General, even though I hated General at the time. Then for weeks I bounced back and forth between citrusy and smoky. Back and forth 180 degree crazy ivan's. Or Crazy Sven's if you think about it. Actually William seems to be the most popular male name in sweden, but Crazy William reminds me of prince harry, and england gets enough attention.


    • Dead Rabbit
      • Mar 2008
      • 315

      Yeah…you’re probably right.

      I’m the type of guy who never takes leftovers home because I am full at the moment. At work I agree to take on any terrible responsibility if it’s a couple months in the future, not because I’m a go-getter, but because my goldfish like brain doesn’t have the capability to register that the present will one day become the future and vice versa.

      And considering I could be out of snus for a couple day….


      • Harry
        • Dec 2007
        • 213

        I say toss it. Life's too short to waste on bad snus.

        -Not that GR is bad, it's quite popular on this board (I don't much care for it either by the way)

        In the beginning I found myself finishing cans of stuff I didn't enjoy, just to use it up. Then I finally found it just wasn't worth it.

        Use what you enjoy. If you toss it, out of sight out of mind and you'll have the comfort of knowing you have a mini-fridge full of only your favorites.


        • M0RNA
          • Dec 2007
          • 46

          Originally posted by Zofryer
          .... I can remember waking up in front of a volvo dealership, no idea how I got there....
          Superb :lol:


          • Dead Rabbit
            • Mar 2008
            • 315

            Originally posted by Harry
            I say toss it. Life's too short to waste on bad snus.

            -Not that GR is bad, it's quite popular on this board (I don't much care for it either by the way)

            In the beginning I found myself finishing cans of stuff I didn't enjoy, just to use it up. Then I finally found it just wasn't worth it.

            Use what you enjoy. If you toss it, out of sight out of mind and you'll have the comfort of knowing you have a mini-fridge full of only your favorites.
            I have a pris in right now....damn i hate this stuff...your right...i'm tossing it....


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              I have also been back and forth on the GR Los fr about the past week. I do not hate it, nor do I love it. A few days ago, I was going to flush it but voted that idea down. I like the peppery taste, but not so much when combined with the juniper undertone. When i went to flush it, I realized that I only have a cumulative 2.5 cans of "normal" loose left (along with 7 cans of skruf stark and 2 cans of N&J los which I tend to open few and far between).

              I may wind up having to use the skruf for a couple weeks straight (hooray for having to ween off the nicotine level afterwards). I want/need to place another order, but the dog got sick and cost me a couple hundred bucks to fix. At least I still have 2 cans of general and about 1/4 can of RL left. After that, everything I have is a stark los or stark portion.


              • anweis
                • Aug 2006
                • 70

                Re: Close to dumping out my can Göteborgs Rapé

                For a while i was ordering all sorts of snus to see which one i like. That is when i got a can of Goteborgs Rape no 2. I used one or two puches a day and was nice, so i ordered a roll. That did not work well, as soon as i started using that stuff on a daily basis i started to hate it.
                General Onyx and Kronan seem to be the only ones that i like daily.


                • Z480
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 20

                  Personally, I'd put it in the freezer, and try it again in about a month. Tastes change, and there have been a lot of people here who said they hated a brand at first, but started to like it later.

                  Of course, this assumes you haven't already flushed it...


                  • sampotho
                    New Member
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 4

                    oh man, goteborg is great, don't make this mistake :s


                    • Dead Rabbit
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 315

                      Originally posted by sampotho
                      oh man, goteborg is great, don't make this mistake :s
                      lol....i comprimised...i didn't toss it, but i did bust open the general.


                      • victoryredchevy
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 303

                        There you go. General. Is it Los. General Los is hard to dislike imo. The GR has grown on me. I'm not sure if I'd say it's a fav of mine, but it's a very nice change of pace. GR No. 2 I like more than the regular.


                        • Dead Rabbit
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 315

                          Originally posted by victoryredchevy
                          There you go. General. Is it Los. General Los is hard to dislike imo. The GR has grown on me. I'm not sure if I'd say it's a fav of mine, but it's a very nice change of pace. GR No. 2 I like more than the regular.
                          At first I didn't like the pepper flavor in General as well. I even posted another rambling post about my dislike of pepper. But the next day, I woke up craving the general. Pepper still isn't my favorite flavor profile...but I by no means hate a snus because of it.

                          I like Ettans and Skruf Stark alot.


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