Reviews on Gotlands Snus

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  • DraculaViktor
    • Feb 2008
    • 66

    Reviews on Gotlands Snus

    Howdy. I just ordered Gotlands Yellow and Green in portions, and Gotlands Gray in loose form. Could anyone give me a personal review of it? Also does anyone get a good nic kick from it? I am gonna find out soon anyways, but thought I would ask. Thanks.
  • Soft Morning, City!
    • Sep 2007
    • 772

    I've only had Grey and Yellow in loose format, but here's a review of those for you.

    Yellow: This is my favorite loose snus, tied with Grov. It has a strong tobacco taste with very subtle herbal/floral undertones that blend together wonderfully.

    Grey: Dominant taste of anise, but not so much that you can't taste the tobacco. The two flavors are very well balanced. I don't use this one very often, but when I'm in the mood for something sweet I go for this. As far as flavored snus goes, this is probably my favorite.

    Green: Dominant taste of elder berry with subtle herbal/floral undertones. Not much tobacco taste, but very pleasant and refreshing. Again, I don't go for flavored snus very often, but this stuff is great. It's got a nice bittersweetness to it.

    *Edit- forgot to mention the nicotine kick... it's pretty much the same as the kick you would get from Grov or Ettan or any of the other SM brands. Standard. Gets the job done though.


    • DraculaViktor
      • Feb 2008
      • 66

      Thanks man. I appreciate the organized review you gave. Looking forward to the shipment. Also, how's the bump in your mouth? Has it gotten smaller? I guess the gly-oxide is a good product for general mouth care either way. Take care.


      • Soft Morning, City!
        • Sep 2007
        • 772

        No problem man.

        The bump in my mouth hasn't gotten smaller, but it hasn't gotten any bigger. I actually wouldn't call it a bump these days. I've looked at it a lot lately and it looks more like a skin tag or something. It's weird. It doesn't have any substance. If I touch it with my tongue, I can't even tell I'm touching it unless I'm looking in a mirror. My dentist appointment is next Monday though, so I'll find out soon enough.


        • Zero
          • May 2006
          • 1522

          I haven't tried the Grey, but I'd say the Yellow is less floral/herbal and more peat and moss. Floral/herbal reminds me of the green - light elements of nectar and subtle hints at sweetness. The Yellow to me tastes more like outdoors in the spring or fall...earthier.


          • Soft Morning, City!
            • Sep 2007
            • 772


            I agree with you, but I notice a very, very subtle floral/vaguely herbal element after I've had a pris in for an hour or so. I didn't notice it until recently. Maybe I'm just delusional.

            When I first started using Yellow, all I could pick up on was the tobacco taste. Then the peat/moss/earthy taste became more noticeable. Now I'm picking up on the floral thing.

            This is awesome snus. I keep discovering new flavor nuances that I never picked up on before. Who knows what I'll notice a month from now?


            • squeezyjohn
              • Jan 2008
              • 2497

              I'm a recent convert - and I'm sure you won't regret getting the Gotlands to try!

              Here are my reviews:

              Yellow - the portions are very good, and yes they do have a subtle floral/herbal taste. The lös however is absolutely fantastic - I'd say it has notes of chocolate from the tobacco and the flavour is almost orangey citrus. It also tastes far less salty than Swedish Match brands and is quite coursely ground. This means that you can occasionally get a little bit coming off in your mouth - but it's so mild that even that is pleasant. Can't wait for my next batch to arrive!

              Green - they only come in portions. I found it a bit overwhelming - very fruity taste a bit like apple. It's supposedly better towards May when the plants that they use for flavouring are fresh and in season so I might try it then. I emailed to ask if there was any plan to make a lös in the green flavour and got a response that it just doesn't work - they tried it!

              Grey - I've only tried this one as a portion and it just confirmed that I don't like the taste of anise - which I should have known anyway - I'm sure it is great if you like that flavour. I might try the lös, as the yellow has so much more flavour of tobacco than the portions.


              Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                Green - they only come in portions. I found it a bit overwhelming - very fruity taste a bit like apple. It's supposedly better towards May when the plants that they use for flavouring are fresh and in season so I might try it then. I emailed to ask if there was any plan to make a lös in the green flavour and got a response that it just doesn't work - they tried it!
                Do they really use natural plants for the flavoring? I assumed it was artificial flavoring due to the strong taste.


                • Subtilo
                  • Dec 2006
                  • 524

                  Yes, I think they are. Well, at least thats what I prefer to think. I do remember reading something about someone in here who claimed to be able to tell the difference between Gotlands Grön bought in the winter season and summer season. Sorry, can't find it right now ...

                  Oh, by the way - it's nice to be back! My broken hand has finally healed up, now it's time to catch up on all the keyboard-action I've been missing for the last month.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Originally posted by Subtilo

                    Oh, by the way - it's nice to be back! My broken hand has finally healed up, now it's time to catch up on all the keyboard-action I've been missing for the last month.
                    I forgot to give you a proper welcome back. Welcome back Subtilo!! It's good to see you around again :^)


                    • Slydel
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 421

                      First off, I do like both the green and yellow portions. The green is much more aromatic-green apple, fresh hay. The yellow smells like pepper and citrus. I like the yellow better than the green because the original flavor that you start out with last much longer. Although the green apple flavor diminishes, oh I would say in about 20 minutes, the sour flavor continues on making it worthwhile. If I were to buy again I would go with yellow. Unfortunately I have not tried the gray.


                      • phish
                        • Jan 2007
                        • 265

                        I like the whole range although the loose is better than the portions IMHO. Doesn't sound like there is much love for grey but it's my favorite flavoured snus and the only flavoured one I order regularly.


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          Originally posted by phish
                          I like the whole range although the loose is better than the portions IMHO. Doesn't sound like there is much love for grey but it's my favorite flavoured snus and the only flavoured one I order regularly.
                          I like the gray a lot. I would say my order from favorite to least favorite is yellow, gray, green. I prefer the lös, but I really enjoy the portions also, and in the case of yellow I like them almost equally. Gotland has the biggest difference between portion and lös flavors of the snus' I've tried. They're different enough that I can use some lös, then follow it up with a portion and it feels like a totally different experience.


                          • Subtilo
                            • Dec 2006
                            • 524

                            Originally posted by lxskllr
                            I forgot to give you a proper welcome back. Welcome back Subtilo!! It's good to see you around again :^)
                            :wink: Thanks!

                            For the last five or six weeks Gotlands green and yellow have been in my daily rotation (along with Ettan, Knox and some Skruf Original that I bought for sentimental reasons), and I just can't get enough of the stuff. Especially the green variant; I really love the fact that it is based on elderflower. It sort of reminds me of my grandmothers elderflowerjuice, with the sour element in the snus resembling the lemon that she always adds.
                            The only Gotland product I have not tried (yet) is the grey variant, but I'm sure it is composed just as beautiful as yellow, green and the julesnus. I'm not sure the grey would be a regular one for me ... due to certain experiences with certain types of alcohol I now have somewhat ambivalent feelings about anis.

                            I cant wait till they finally release Jakobsson's. It looks yummy in the ol'school way.


                            • DraculaViktor
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 66

                              Thanks for the feedback guys. Im still waiting for the order to get a first hand review and share the experience on my end. Anyone know when the new Gotlands snus is coming out by the way?


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