Reviews on Gotlands Snus

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  • theoldsearock
    • Jun 2007
    • 77

    I've 5 tins of Grey loose in the freezer, hoping to find a replacement for Nick and Johnny loose. :cry:

    So far, Skruf Stark loose doesn't cut it and this Offroad Licorice loose that I just baked tastes like candy, no tobacco flavor at all. :shock:


    • Dead Rabbit
      • Mar 2008
      • 315

      the yellow loose is good stuff. i think it gets a bad rap for its lack of bake ease. it stays together much better then the mud slide ala ettan.

      edit: the yellow snus is amazing. perfect balance of earthy chocolate and salt. yummy. stays together perfectly.


      • Hlidskjalf
        New Member
        • Apr 2008
        • 8

        hi to all!

        short introduction of myself:

        i am from germany (so my english isn´t that good, but i think you will understand), 22 years old, taking snus since 6 months (stopped smoking with it), favourites are ettan and offroad (didnt try much else by now)


        i read this thread and now i am interrested to take some cans of gotland snus to my next order. but i have an important question about that:

        the grey one has taste of anis someone of you wrote. do the other taste have this to? even just a bit? i am asking cause i cant stand the taste of anis, not just that i dont like it, i get something like allergic reaction. so, can i order the other two tastes (yellow and green) or would this be a bad idea.

        and a second one: shall i try portions or loose? prefer portions, but for a good snus i would do everything lol.


        edit: are there other popular snuses that include anis?


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          As far as I know, only the gray has anise in it. If you're truly allergic though almost any snus could have small amounts for flavor, and you wouldn't be able to tell by the ingredients. The only other anise snus I know of is Mocca anise, though there are some snus' that have a licorice flavor and could also include anise.

          The yellow and green are both very good, but I do prefer the yellow. The portions and lös are different enough that I think they should both be tried, and I think that applies to most snus' also. There's been a couple that I don't like in portion form, but I do in lös(and vice versa).

          Welcome to the forums, and the wonderful world of snus. Seeking out different brands is part of the fun :^)


          • Hlidskjalf
            New Member
            • Apr 2008
            • 8

            thanks for your respond :!:

            so i think i will try green and yellow, portions and lös


            • Xan_e
              • Feb 2008
              • 36

              Has anyone else noticed that the gotland portions tend to be shorter and fatter than the standard? Definitely not a bad thing, I love the design of their portions, and they have the perfect moisture content.


              • Harry
                • Dec 2007
                • 213

                So I decided to try and make the yellow my morning drive to work snus (the first of the day for me).

                I've got to say, I didn't particularly like it.

                There's a lot going on there. This was one of the first snus I tried after going through a ton of general that was available locally to me. I put it aside as I knew the rave reviews this snus gets, hoping to enjoy it more than on its first impressions.

                With that first order, I was lucky enough to find all the snus that are/were to become my favorite. Ettan, RL, and LS for portions.

                I just thought I'd give a dissenting opinion.

                The yellow to me has a tangy taste that incorporates a chocolate/ citrus/ planty taste. Just too much going on at the same time for my tastes. The pris also is a bit rough and the large (relatively) bits that become stray in the mouth are not as enjoyable for me to mince and eat with my teeth.


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  I'm sorry it didn't work out for you :^( It sounds like you dislike it for all the reasons I do like it LoL I guess that's why there's more than 1 brand, everybody has different tastes :^)


                  • yummi4tunekookie
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 277

                    I got my green and yellow portions, and I definitely love both of them. The flavor for the yellow is difficult to describe, but it's very pleasant. The green portions taste so much like apple to me, they're like candy! Mmmm... The green are nice for once in a while, but I can definitely see myself regularly using the yellow!


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      I love the green, I absolutely love it..... about once or twice a day. For whatever reason, I find the taste to extreme to use as a regular snus. but I do like to have a tin open in my fridge and just use it here and there. If I do that, I find that I am happy every time I pop one in.

                      For some reason, I found I didn't really care for the yellow as much as I expected to. But I *think* I may have thrown one in on my last order. I have so much coming to me right now from both Buysnus and Northerner, I forget what I have ordered. But like all snus, what I didn't like last month I probably will love this month. And what I love right now I expect I will hate a month from now.

                      Personally, I think there is something the snus makers put in snus to achieve this affect. I started smoking Benson and Hedges at 9, switched to Marlboro at 17, finally switched to Camel Turkish Gold at 40, then back to Marlboro at 42. When I was smoking, I never dreamed of switching brands every day, or suddenly one week no longer likeing my brand. So I think it must be something the snus guys does to it, something about getting people to always buy new snus.

                      Hell, with all the crap American cigarette makers did to their smokes over the years, I wouldn't put anything past any tobacco company. :wink:


                      • Hlidskjalf
                        New Member
                        • Apr 2008
                        • 8

                        @ sagedil

                        its something the snus companys DONT add to the snus but the zigaretteindustrie does add to the cigarette to keep you to their brand. i am sure about that


                        • snoosiphant
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 175

                          I have tried both the gray and the yellow now and my favorite is definately the gray. I can see the gray becoming a semi regular snus for me. The yellow is good, but unlike the gray, not something I would take care to always have around. I kind of agree that the yellow has maybe a little too much going on for me.


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