Ettan Kardus

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  • jagmanss
    • Jul 2010
    • 12213

    Originally posted by KCOLLINS18 View Post
    So I ended up bidding on the Ettan Kardus on just messing around and today I received an email saying I won the product for $41.00. Seems like a good price to me, but I was for sure that they were going to out bid me.
    Yeah, You got a better price than me.. I was the wining bidder and won the Ettan Kardus on SnusAction and paid a bit more than that... So Yeah, you got a good deal... I saw people paying over $80 and higher for it...


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      Just posting my thoughts from my blog.

      First of all - a very Merry Christmas to all of you. I hope your holidays are filled with happiness and of course - lots of snus. About a month ago, I wrote about Ettan Kardus, a very limited edition release from Swedish Match available at a few select online retailers. Northerner was kind enough to give some away in a recent Facebook contest, and they were kind enough to send some my way as well. Being a world famous snus blogger sometimes has its perks, I won't lie.

      A lot of people saw the pic of Ettan Kardus and said it looked rather like a book, and from the pic it did look a little big, I thought the same myself. However in this size comparison, you can see that the package isn't that big - but boy is it heavy. It's packed full of snus goodness! The paper is really classy looking - and as you remember, when we talked about Ettan Kardus last month, snus used to be wrapped in paper and called Kardus, meaning "letter tobacco", so this snus is about as old school as it gets.

      You can see from this pic just how special this snus truly was. The people at the Tobacco & Match Museum hand wrapped these which really shows you how much went into this. Much like Kardus Superior Blend which is released once a year, this was one that had a little extra effort thrown into it too. This particular one was wrapped 18 November 2010, which makes it pretty darn fresh. Okay, so let's unwrap this baby and see what's on the inside.

      Peeling off the label and the paper from around the box you'll find a simple cardboard box on the inside, much like a Cracker Jack box in density filled to the brim with snus. And I'm talking FULL. It's not just lightly fluffed in there, this snus is packed very well. I've wrote in the past about Ettan Los, so I won't go into detail about it, but I will say that this snus is just a little bit different than your traditional Ettan.


      • chadizzy1
        • May 2009
        • 7432

        And the last part of my review...

        The grind of course resembles Ettan. Very easy to bake. But the aroma and flavor is just a tad different. When you open the box the aroma that comes out is VERY smokey. That jumped out and grabbed me as soon as I opened it. The taste is a very traditional tobacco taste, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say it is in between Ettan and Grov. The flavor is a very prominent tobacco flavor with the great salt balance that I love about Ettan, but a very smokey flavor mixed in as well. I found it to be rather interesting. The snus itself tasted extremely fresh, it reminds me of some of the los I had when in Sweden earlier this year that was fresh off the factory line. All in all it's a very cool little package, and I was honored to get to try some. Happy Holidays!


        • jagmanss
          • Jul 2010
          • 12213

          Thanks for the Review Chad, And just in time as I plan on opening mine Tomorrow on Christmas and now know what to expect and sounds even more special and awesome. I was going to save it for a bit, But now, I couldn't think of a better time to open it and try it than Christmas.... Way Cool... looking forward to it..


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432


            Apparently there's another Ettan Kardus giveaway going on on their Facebook page.

            I know some people haven't got theirs yet from the last contest (Nash said he hasn't got his yet) this is kinda odd


            • GoVegan
              • Oct 2009
              • 5603

              I really wish we could order this!


              • EricHill78
                • Jun 2010
                • 4253

                Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                I really wish we could order this!
                absolutely.. it has a great taste


                • snusgetter
                  • May 2010
                  • 10903

                  Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                  I really wish we could order this!
                  For the hell of it (since I don't LOS) I did a trial order at snuscentral
                  and it wasn't kicked out of my shopping cart (until I removed it myself)...

                  Loose Snus - Swedish Match - - Kardus Superior Blend 2010

                  ... and it's on sale!!


                  • GoVegan
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 5603

                    Thats not Ettan Kardus snusgetter but I wouldn't mind trying that either. It would be fun if you could order a kardus of your favorite snus. Lets say for about $30.00 or less, the manufacturer will take about 5 cans worth of your favorite los and make sure you get the absolute freshest and extra flavored stuff in a package. I myself would love to see a Gellivare or Granit Kardus on the market.


                    • snusgetter
                      • May 2010
                      • 10903

                      Well, it shows to go you...

                      I've done multiple searches on the word kardus and came up empty-handed.
                      Actually, the closest thing I found was cardboard.

                      Just whatinhell is a kardus?


                      • GoVegan
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 5603

                        Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
                        Well, it shows to go you...

                        I've done multiple searches on the word kardus and came up empty-handed.
                        Actually, the closest thing I found was cardboard.

                        Just whatinhell is a kardus?
                        I believe it means letter or envelope.


                        • Rattlesnake
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 891

                          Kardus Superior Blend is the most exclusive and sought-after snus in the world. Made by Swedish Match each November, only 500 boxes maximum of Kardus are produced each year.
                          We now proudly present Kardus Superior Blend Vintage 2010: a limited edition of 500 boxes which is a historical document as well as the world’s finest snus. Select tobacco from Java is hand-processed; only the center leaves of the tobacco plant are used!

                          Kardus 2010 is flavored with the legendary distillate, Arrack. Americans also have a new fruit to learn about: the Tamerind. The porcelain in the box comes from the exclusive cargo of the original East Indiaman Götheborg’s last voyage 1745 and was salvaged from the wreck in 1905.

                          That is what Snus Central says about the SM version of Kardus.

                          I want some for me.


                          • c.nash
                            Banned Users
                            • May 2010
                            • 3511

                            Originally posted by Rattlesnake View Post
                            Kardus Superior Blend is the most exclusive and sought-after snus in the world. Made by Swedish Match each November, only 500 boxes maximum of Kardus are produced each year.
                            We now proudly present Kardus Superior Blend Vintage 2010: a limited edition of 500 boxes which is a historical document as well as the world’s finest snus. Select tobacco from Java is hand-processed; only the center leaves of the tobacco plant are used!

                            Kardus 2010 is flavored with the legendary distillate, Arrack. Americans also have a new fruit to learn about: the Tamerind. The porcelain in the box comes from the exclusive cargo of the original East Indiaman Götheborg’s last voyage 1745 and was salvaged from the wreck in 1905.

                            That is what Snus Central says about the SM version of Kardus.

                            I want some for me.
                            Buy some, snusgetter posted the link. It's pretty damn good stuff.


                            • Rattlesnake
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 891

                              Unh Huh I Did! But I'm confused with all this Kardus business. Is there more than one Kardus? It says this one is made by Swedish Match.
                              And that the other one is made in a museum. Ettan Kardus I think. Both sites refer to it coming from Göteborg, Sweden, But both refer to the porcelain in either one comes from that ship they found.
                              I'm just gonna look at the porcelain and eat the Snus, And act like I have brain.

                              Somebody tell me what I'm missing here so I won't be confused anymore.


                              • snusgetter
                                • May 2010
                                • 10903

                                Originally posted by Rattlesnake View Post
                                Unh Huh I Did! But I'm confused with all this Kardus business. Is there more than one Kardus? It says this one is made by Swedish Match.
                                And that the other one is made in a museum. Ettan Kardus I think. Both sites refer to it coming from Göteborg, Sweden, But both refer to the porcelain in either one comes from that ship they found.
                                I'm just gonna look at the porcelain and eat the Snus, And act like I have brain.

                                Somebody tell me what I'm missing here so I won't be confused anymore.

                                That makes 2 of us .............. and here I thought snus was easy!!


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