Blech! OD'd on Skruf Stark :)

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  • snoosiphant
    • Feb 2008
    • 175

    Blech! OD'd on Skruf Stark :)

    So I should have my second snus order arriving tomorrow or the next day and I have 3 cans of loose open. So I have been hoping to finish the loose I have open, because I know I will have to open at least a can of ettan and gotlands when I get the order. So I did a double dip of skruff stark. I know, from what I have read and seen in pictures here, that a lot of you all could easily handle the amount of skruf stark I took with no problem, but me, I had to lay down and take a nap.
    A pris right, a pris left and after about 30 minutes, me prone I had been on the fence about the flavor and texture and burn of skruf stark, and I am on the fence no more. I think this is the last can of it I will buy. I don't know if its the texture or what, but it seems to have a way of going right past fun to either unoticable or way too hardcore. Goodbye skruf stark.
  • phish
    • Jan 2007
    • 265

    Awww poor snoosiphant I wouldn't throw in the towel yet. If you are new to snus, skruf may be a bit strong especially two prillas of it! Once you have adjusted to snus an occasional prilla of skruf provides a nice kick when you need that extra bit of nicotine.

    As for the flavour, it is generally well regarded. Perhaps the nicotine onslaught coloured your opinion of the taste


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      :lol: Don't feel bad, man - I went through a roll of Skruf Stark loose and haven't bought it since. While the bliss of being euphorically saturated with nicotine was nice, it was certainly fleeting, and worse than being knocked on your ass by the stuff is building a tolerance to the point where it doesn't knock you on your ass. Then you find all your favourite, tasty brands of snus just don't cut it anymore, and that's tragic. I forced myself to get through a tin of General after that and it took a few more tins of regular snus before I was happy not having Skruf all the time. Nice for a treat, but it robs your soul, imo.


      • Xobeloot
        • Jan 2008
        • 2542

        I still have 6-7 cans of skruf stark. At first, I went through several cans of skruf and N&J portions for days. Now I do as Zero does, I use a can (or half a can) then I move back to one of my other brands. Often I just use the skruf in the morning or at the bar. It is a lovely snus, but again, like Zero said... It sucks when you have to make the pris of doom out of your favorite loose just to get the nicotine that i'd be used to from the stark.

        As I type this I have been on N&J all day :P


        • Asquar
          • Mar 2008
          • 256

          Until 6 weeks ago, I smoked strong unfiltered tobacco more or less constantly, so I guess I entered the snus world already as a hard core nicotine addict.

          I love the Skruf lös, and have developed a system where I bake (either by hand or with the Prismaster, which I inverted) two smaller pris, and insert one just off-center left, and the other to the right. I have this happening now, and both the nicotine hit and the flavor are wonderful...

          ... but if you're not already hard core, there's certainly no reason to go for the strongest snus available and learn to tolerate it. In fact, I should be working in the opposite direction, and get some milder snus and learn to appreciate it, lowering the nicotine expectation. I'm probably missing out.

          But since it's only 6 weeks since my last cigarette, I'm not in any rush. For now, Skruf Stark is the lös, and N&J the portion of choice. But again, I wouldn't work towards higher nicotine intake if I wasn't already there.


          • Juxtaposer
            • Dec 2007
            • 94

            I like the Scruff Stark for the occasional smaller pinch. It also seems to dry out slower since it's so juicy so the "tin" after opening gets tossed around to convenient locations outside the fridge.


            • snoosiphant
              • Feb 2008
              • 175

              Yeah I think I am going to leave skruf stark los alone for a while both for reasons of nic tolerance and texture. I do like the portions, at first I thought the portions burned too much but they seem fine now. They are great for work.

              I love the phrase "pris of doom"


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