What Percentage of the Time Are You Actually Snusing?

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  • Asquar
    • Mar 2008
    • 256

    What Percentage of the Time Are You Actually Snusing?

    Just curious.

    In, say, a 16 hour day, (the time you are awake) how many hours do you have a snus actively going on?

    I've been a virtual chain user, switching between the harder core stuff like Stark and N&J, and then maybe just a little mini portion for a while. But as I get further removed in time from my last cigarette, I may begin to pursue a course of moderation.

    What are the traditional standards for how often and long people snus each day? Any thoughts on what "moderation" means in the snus world would be appreciated.
  • Harry
    • Dec 2007
    • 213

    I'm a bit compulsive, so even if I don't feel like I need to snus, I like to put one in because I like to finish a can.

    I'd say during the work day, 75%.
    at home, 50%
    weekend, 33%

    too much, I know. I'll be interested to hear what others have to say about what moderation means to them because I am far from it. Not sure I want to get there either.


    • Dead Rabbit
      • Mar 2008
      • 315

      This is an interesting question, one I’ve been thinking about myself.

      Ironically, I find one of the draw backs of snus is that, in some ways, it’s too good. What I mean by this is that compared to, say, American dip, I do not feel any of the negative effects of using snus.

      Dip used to give me terrible heart burn, to the point that the acid reflex would actually sometimes cause me to get bronchitis. (Yes, this is more common then you would think)

      I would obviously pay for chain smoking too.

      The negative consequences of poisonous American tobacco in some ways stopped me from doing as much as I can do snus.

      The only thing I get from chain snusing is a little weathered upper lip action from the salt and the fact I'm spending too much money.

      Yet, I firmly believe in the law of diminishing return and Aristotle’s golden rule of moderation.

      So, lately, I’ve been using snus as a sort of a treat or reward for other goals in my life.

      I can’t quite express how nice a fat lip of snus is after lifting weights or running a couple miles on the treadmill. I take a long shower, get dressed and then almost make a ritual out of it the way opiate users might.

      The risk of snus use is small enough, and the reward is so great, that’s it’s a pleasure I want to continue for many years. Thus, I’ve decided to cut back on my snus use, truly enjoying and savoring the moments when I do, in fact, snus. I find I enjoy the flavors so much more and the nicotine buzz can’t be beat.

      So, the upshot to my long winded answer is that I snus 2 or 3 times a day.
      It takes some discipline at first, and I would never judge how much any one else deems is the right amount of snus in a day, but I am finding I'm saving money and enjoying snus literally 10 times more this way.

      Oh...all rules are sometimes out the window on weekends, but I'm working on that. And there are sometimes when I'm dealing with nic fits....it aint always pretty.


      • Juxtaposer
        • Dec 2007
        • 94

        For me "in moderation" would include but not be limited to; no maxi's ; no doubling up ; no super-sized prillas ; no snus while eating ; no snus while sleeping ; no snus while snuffing ; no snus while smoking (pipe, cigar, etc.) ; minimizing strong style snus ; and at work, no new portion until I start yawning. With a goal of moderation I would set these as my standards. However I would suspect it would be difficult not to chain snus otherwise. Granted we all do some or all of these but I personally consider snus as the definition of moderate tobacco use.


        • Dead Rabbit
          • Mar 2008
          • 315

          Originally posted by Juxtaposer
          For me "in moderation" would include but not be limited to; no maxi's ; no doubling up ; no super-sized prillas ; no snus while eating ; no snus while sleeping ; no snus while snuffing ; no snus while smoking (pipe, cigar, etc.) ; minimizing strong style snus ; and at work, no new portion until I start yawning. With a goal of moderation I would set these as my standards. However I would suspect it would be difficult not to chain snus otherwise. Granted we all do some or all of these but I personally consider snus as the definition of moderate tobacco use.
          "no doubling up ; no super-sized prillas"......that is a good rule of moderation....but not one I follow....


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            In a 16 hour day I would say I use snus 14-20 hours(while sleeping sometimes too :^P). Not very moderate I suppose, but at least I'm happy :^)


            • aika
              • Mar 2008
              • 133

              6-7 portions in a regular day.


              • Soft Morning, City!
                • Sep 2007
                • 772

                A vast majority of the time I'm awake, I've got a portion or a prilla in. It's not very moderate, but oh well. I'm still nowhere near using a can per day. Even half a can. I keep snus in for a long time.


                • Erik327
                  • Dec 2007
                  • 64

                  The longer I snus, the more comfortable I get with keeping a portion in longer. So, i'd say during the work days, i'm snusing about two thirds to three quarters of the day. Weekends, about one quarter to one third of the day. A tin still lasts me a solid 3 days, but i'm generally happy snusing constantly when i'm not sleeping


                  • CWC
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 114

                    Ok, I have to admit, right now, if I am awake there is a good chance I have a portion of snus in my lip. I haven't thought much about that since I have not smoked at all in the last month. I smoked cigarettes for years (back when a name brand was around $1.50 a pack and you could get generics for around $1 dollar I thought that was outrageous at the time), spent a short amount of time rolling my own, and then went to pipes and cigars for some years.
                    However, I am hoping in time I will be able to get more use out of a portion than I do now. It seems on the few occasions I have managed to put a piece in my lip and leave it alone it has lasted hours. Still being new to snus though, I often find my self playing with the portions, moving them around & squeezing my lip together at times to get extra juice out of it. Once the flavor is gone, the tea bag in my lip gets pretty annoying, out it goes and a new one replaces it. You old timers, particularly portion users, how long did it take you to get used to it, settle down and leave the snus alone? Or is this just another compulsive trait of mine not shared by the majority?


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      I constantly play with mine. Zero described it as using snus like candy, and I think that's quite accurate. I only put it in my lip for short term storage. Otherwise, I'm poking, prodding, and sucking on the portion. When I use lös, I constantly poke at the pris with my tongue, and chew on the bits that fall, I get about 1 hour out of portions and lös before I want some fresh snus. Much of that depends on convenience though. If I can't easily swap out my snus, I can leave it in for 2 hours or more.

                      Btw, when I started smoking, premium cigarettes were $0.75 per pack, and I don't think there was any such thing as discount cigarettes, at least not in the standard sense. Some grocery stores had store brands, and there were black and white label generics during the generic craze of the early 80s.


                      • snoosiphant
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 175

                        6 times a day max, probably average an hour or less each time, about 6 hours I guess. Möstly Los.


                        • CWC
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 114

                          Lxskllr, have you priced cigs lately? :shock: I missed the $.75 cent pack, I do remember trying some pretty bad generics in the mid 80s. A dollar and a half was my stopping point on cigarettes, I see signs at gas stations now with sales around $4.00 a pack and I cringe. If I was still smoking cigarettes & the amount I used to smoke I would be living in a cardboard box working twenty hours a day just to support the habit. Then again I remember swearing I would get a horse before paying more than $1.25 for a gallon of gas in the early 90s. I still have the truck, oh how I wish I could find gas for $2.25 a gallon. :? I wonder how many old timers are still out there complaining about how a Coke used to cost a nickel.


                          • PrisMaster
                            • May 2007
                            • 208

                            I guess the better question to ask me is how long do you NOT have a snus in during the day. I only use los snus and I put one in within ten minutes of waking up and take one out withing ten minutes of going to bed. I only take mine out when about to eat. I use los at home, work, birthdays, special occasions, whenever lol. I just love it.

                            I would say i have a snus in at least 90% of the day. I do not use any specific brands either. I love to try different snus all the time and am constantly using different kinds although there are a few i do get regularly like gustavus, general, goteborg rape and prima fint, knox, skruff stark, and a few others that i have recently enjoyed. I also go through a tin of los in about 2 days. I use very big snus everytime. I would say almost 6g of snus in each pris.

                            Basically i love snus and have no intention of ever stopping in the future no matter what friends, family, or my girlfriend say. They all still think it's as bad as American chew even how much I tell them it's not.

                            Long live snus!


                            • Shrewd
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 118

                              I'm in the "should cut back" camp - but probably won't . I go through a can in about 2 days, maybe 3. I'm not sure if there's much more than 1 to 2 hours a day where I'm not snusing. The only limits I have are:
                              1) no snusing in the shower (don't know why, just doesn't appeal to me)
                              2) no snusing while eating
                              3) no snusing when in a meeting with big-wigs (rare)
                              4) no snusing while horizontal dancing
                              5) no snusing while sleeping (I did this accidentally once, and I was sleeping on my side - I musta been drooling because my head was in a big brown puddle when I woke up my wife was none too happy about that)
                              6) extra snusing while drinking

                              All added together that's probably only 1 to 2 hours, otherwise, I've got a portion/pris in (portion during the day, los at night).

                              I've never counted, but probably somewhere near 10 portions a day and I keep each one in an average of an 1 1/2 hours. Some snus seem to lose their flavor quicker than others so I'll switch them out more often. I don't mind runny snus at all, it's only when they lose their flavor. Oh, and I don't play with my snus at all - set it and forget it. I often forget I'm snusing during a day, it's pretty habitual for me now.

