This is an incredibly powerful video that brought me to tears. The choices
we make can affect so many lives. Please, not just this holiday season, but
always, please, please, DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE...EVER!!!
Wishing everyone a safe Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
This needs to passed around to every human being who has the keys to a
vehicle and the capability of driving while under the influence with
impaired judgment and the possibility of causing a life changing incident to
happen to everyone he or she comes in contact with while in this condition.
This is perhaps one of the most intense commercials that I've ever seen and
damn well made. I hope that by passing this along to others, that it will
make a difference and if just one life is saved, it will all be worth the
effort to simply hit "send" and maybe save a life today or tomorrow or in
the future.
Australia should be complemented on having the guts to "tell it like it is"
and get this campaign out to all of it's licensed drivers and to air it on
Please pass it along to all of your friends and maybe you can be responsible
for saving some lives.
Check this from Australia
Please click on DUI
we make can affect so many lives. Please, not just this holiday season, but
always, please, please, DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE...EVER!!!
Wishing everyone a safe Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
This needs to passed around to every human being who has the keys to a
vehicle and the capability of driving while under the influence with
impaired judgment and the possibility of causing a life changing incident to
happen to everyone he or she comes in contact with while in this condition.
This is perhaps one of the most intense commercials that I've ever seen and
damn well made. I hope that by passing this along to others, that it will
make a difference and if just one life is saved, it will all be worth the
effort to simply hit "send" and maybe save a life today or tomorrow or in
the future.
Australia should be complemented on having the guts to "tell it like it is"
and get this campaign out to all of it's licensed drivers and to air it on
Please pass it along to all of your friends and maybe you can be responsible
for saving some lives.
Check this from Australia
Please click on DUI