Please don't drink and drive

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  • Maher
    • Sep 2010
    • 242

    Please don't drink and drive

    This is an incredibly powerful video that brought me to tears. The choices
    we make can affect so many lives. Please, not just this holiday season, but
    always, please, please, DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE...EVER!!!

    Wishing everyone a safe Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    This needs to passed around to every human being who has the keys to a
    vehicle and the capability of driving while under the influence with
    impaired judgment and the possibility of causing a life changing incident to
    happen to everyone he or she comes in contact with while in this condition.

    This is perhaps one of the most intense commercials that I've ever seen and
    damn well made. I hope that by passing this along to others, that it will
    make a difference and if just one life is saved, it will all be worth the
    effort to simply hit "send" and maybe save a life today or tomorrow or in
    the future.

    Australia should be complemented on having the guts to "tell it like it is"
    and get this campaign out to all of it's licensed drivers and to air it on

    Please pass it along to all of your friends and maybe you can be responsible
    for saving some lives.

    Check this from Australia

    Please click on DUI
  • WickedKitchen
    • Nov 2009
    • 2528

    Holy hell.

    I'm sitting home...not leaving...and I had a buzz on. Screw it...i'm having another one after watching that S.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Damn, that's a crazy video.

      *Sent from my iPhone*

      *which I was operating as I was driving a car while under the influence*


      • Owens187
        • Sep 2009
        • 1547

        I'm damn near speechless. I actually had to sit here for like 10 minutes just to fully absorb that. Damn.

        This needs to be shown in every school in America, and ran on TV constantly. Why don't we have commercials like that here? Double Kudos to Australia.

        This really hits home for me. When I was 19 I was ran off the road by a drunk driver, the outcome of which is that I wrapped my van around a telephone pole, had three ribs not-so-gently insert themselves deep into my lungs, broken knee,fingers, and wrist, dislocated jaw, and "died" on the table multiple times, only to be brought back by jumpstart each time.....

        I fu*king hate drunk drivers.


        • rickcharles606
          • Mar 2009
          • 2307

          Originally posted by Owens187 View Post
          I'm damn near speechless. I actually had to sit here for like 10 minutes just to fully absorb that. Damn.

          This needs to be shown in every school in America, and ran on TV constantly. Why don't we have commercials like that here? Double Kudos to Australia.

          This really hits home for me. When I was 19 I was ran off the road by a drunk driver, the outcome of which is that I wrapped my van around a telephone pole, had three ribs not-so-gently insert themselves deep into my lungs, broken knee,fingers, and wrist, dislocated jaw, and "died" on the table multiple times, only to be brought back by jumpstart each time.....

          I fu*king hate drunk drivers.

          And tonight I was the Designated Driver while my wife and her friends got shitfaced, it was funny. I wish we could show this video here in the U.S....that was some powerful stuff. I never drive drunk, or buzzed anymore...the thought of me taking someone's life this way sickens me. It's just incredibly selfish IMO. Call a cab, or a friend...I've gone out to get many a drunk friend, and they now do it for me if needed.


          • texastorm
            • Jul 2010
            • 386

            They must have spent a fortune making that video with all those awesome stunts! Makes for an awesome watch, and I agree with everyone above, we should have more ads like that on US tv. Instead of the dumbass ones where the guy opens his car door/helmet/truck window and a flood of booze pours out. The ads we show aren't entertaining, nor funny, nor to the point. We should definitely do ads like this one.


            • precious007
              Banned Users
              • Sep 2010
              • 5885


              Jesus Christ he went straight into that Cayenne. =))


              • c.nash
                Banned Users
                • May 2010
                • 3511

                That first video I saw a couple weeks ago, my uncle sent it to me amongst others.
                It's a crazy video and really does make you think.

                That second video is crazy, that guy is an idiot and he gets ****kkked up. lol


                • CoderGuy
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 2679

                  I lost 4 people close to me from drunk drivers (all at different times). That's why you need a designated driver though as most people (especially drunk) don't actually realize they shouldn't be driving so someone needs to be there to forcefully stop them, for their own good as well as others.


                  • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 2781

                    Great video. I used to drink and drive when I was young and was lucky. I made a decision to stop doing it years ago. The DUI cost is bad enough alone but that's not what made me stop. It was all those times driving sober and having kids jump out in front of me. A bunch of really close calls while not drunk made me realize accidents will happen anyways and a couple drinks can make the difference between freedom and a long prison term. I've also witnessed a lot of accident scenes when I was an on-call photographer for the police. Not pretty scenes. I drink every night so basically don't drive at night. I'll drive after one drink but that's the limit. Taxis seem expensive until you compare it to other possible outcomes.

                    Be safe everybody!


                    • jbrandona119
                      New Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 13

                      Saw this video on the 4+ forums I belong to...

                      It's good to know that people everywhere are watching these things and understand the devastation drinking and driving cause to everyone.

                      And in that second video: Holy crap. Russians(?) are hardcore. The citizens and police beat that guy pretty badly...thank god the police in the US never allow that to happen.


                      • RobsanX
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 2030

                        Originally posted by precious007 View Post

                        Jesus Christ he went straight into that Cayenne. =))
                        In Soviet Union, police wreck you!


                        • CoderGuy
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 2679

                          Originally posted by RobsanX View Post
                          In Soviet Union, police wreck you!
                          Reminds me of Yakoff Smirnoff


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