Poll: How may people here smoke?

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  • Kadett
    New Member
    • Feb 2008
    • 12

    I've been using Snus since the end of January from basically a 20-25 cigarette a day habit for many years. Its not been smooth sailing unlike like for some of you. I've been having some pretty crazy experiences. Basically whats happened is that using a snus I have stopped smoking for several days/ couple of weeks at a time and then have smoked a 3-5 cigarettes over the course of a few days where I had particularly bad cravings. Since the end of January I suppose I've smoked about 35 cigarettes mainly by smoking 5 or so at a time in the course of a day.

    So whats happened is that I've turned into a non-daily smoker but I'm finding it extremely hard to go to this being an absolute non-smoker forever type position. Theres no doubt that the snus has made the quitting I have done so far, so much easier. Theres no way I could have done it otherwise. Its just these intense periods where I really want a few ciggies. Its all on my own incidentally theres no social pressure aspect here. I have also noticed that since starting snus and having so many smoke free days I am beginning to have less tolerance for smoking. I can no longer smoke in the morning as soon as I get up for example. I find my body is slowly becoming reprogrammed to prefer a slower release of nicotine through snus. This change is remarkable as I usually lit up as soon as I got out of bed and put the tea on. If I try to smoke first thing now I feel ill. Likewise my tolerance for cigarettes appears to be decreasing. I can't have more than a few a day on the days I do actually smoke. If I have more than 5 I begin to feel sick and get a headache.

    My goal is obviously total smoking cessation. My problem is that I cant really say I disliked smoking, I've always enjoyed it and I find the psychological aspects really hard to let go. I know lots of people tell themselves that they never liked smoking and all this stuff but the reality is that its just not true in my case and I am unable to tell myself this as some kind of cognitive therapy. I find I get both nostalgia for smoking and also the feeling that if something is really stressful I somehow 'should' be smoking. However as I am spending more and more days smoke free and facing stress and such like without always smoking it seems to be that surely my psychological dependence is becoming less.

    So thats my smoking/ snus experiences so far.


    • DraculaViktor
      • Feb 2008
      • 66

      Good job man! It's a tough habit to break for anyone. In my situation, I quit smoking the instant I snused. Actually, when I found out about snus, then ordered my first order, I quit smoking because I was so psyched about snus just from reading all the forums and health issues of it. So I quit when I placed my order and have not smoked at all and not even craved a cigarette since. Before, I would smoke...then try to quit by chewing American tobacco, then after my mouth was tore up from that, I would say 'screw this' and go back to smoking. Snus saved me. As long as I know I have snus in the fridge or in my pocket, I feel great, even if I don't snus that day. Keep it up bro. You are making the right steps.


      • Erik327
        • Dec 2007
        • 64

        I smoked years ago, but quit due to the cost, terrible smell on my clothes and belongings.

        I acutally picked up snusing as I was interested in what snus was, tried it, and enjoyed it. So here I am!

        But I do dig cigars (mostly Drew Estate brands) in the summer time (can't smoke in the house, due to wife and baby), and a pipeful of MacBaren Vanilla Cream #1 or Dunhill early morning pipe when I get a chance.




        • Shrewd
          • Feb 2008
          • 118

          I smoked for near 10 years at a pack or more a day. In college I was around so many smokers and we had that sweet "for every hour of class you get a 15 minute break" deal that I could smoke to my hearts content. During college I probably smoked near 2 packs a day.
          Anyway, about 2 1/2 months ago I ordered my first order of snus. I only ordered mini's just to get the hang of it, but I didn't smoke at all immediately after I started snusing - a mistake because they didn't give me proper nicotine content. I had major cravings for a couple days, and I physically hurt all over (lungs, heat, muscles, etc...) but I persevered.
          Now I occasionally have a cig, maybe 1 a week, and really only because my mother-in-law smokes, so sometimes I can't help but bum one from her. You know what they say, you can't smoke if you don't have them.
          I expect I will always consider myself a smoker, even if it's been years since my last smoke. It's a state of mind, one that's different for smokers than non-smokers. I figure as long as my snus is easier for me to use, meaning I don't run out, and I don't buy smokes, I probably won't increase my cig intake (and hopefully eliminate that 1 a week).
          Another thing that will hopefully help is that I'm now starting to recognize what life is like without smokes, e.g. I can smell things, taste things, etc... Although my smell has only returned a little bit right now, so I can only smell strong smelling things really - and that's bad, currently all I can smell is my kids dirty diapers!!! Hopefully my sense of smell continues to improve!


          • Slydel
            • Mar 2008
            • 421

            As some might know from previous posts, I work in a tobacco-free workplace. I smoked for 15 years, not heavily about a 1/2 pack a day. The need for a smoke was so intense when I left work. Now that I use snus and rarely smoke unless I hold or go to a party, I don't have that intense pang for nicotine. Since I stopped smoking I don't feel guilty each time I use snus like I used to when I smoked. The feeling or need for tobacco is nowhere as intense as when I smoked. I will still love that quick nicotine release from a smoke when I have been drinking and probably will never completely give that up. I can say that I am so much happier about my health since I have switched over.


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