What do your kids think/say about snus?

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    What do your kids think/say about snus?

    My 3 year old calls em Daddy's pouches. It's so cute.
  • rickcharles606
    • Mar 2009
    • 2307

    My kids love snus, they're just happy I'm not smoking cigarettes anymore. They are my best salespeople, lol....a moment never passes when we're with friends or family that smokes, that they don't bring up their daddy and snus Gotta love em. My nine yr old girl uses the empties for her "stuff"...lol


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      My daughter's pretty much indifferent. Sometimes she picks out which snus I'm gonna use, and sometimes she fills my IceTool, but it's pretty much a non event.


      • Experimental Monkey
        • Mar 2010
        • 795

        My 2 and 3 yr old daughters ask to smell it all the time when i take a portion out. They just say "shooie shooie" and make weird faces letting me know it stinks. Lol. It's cute.


        • Monkey
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2009
          • 3290

          My kids pronounce snus properly (3&4). It is usually not a big deal but their mom is trying to quit smoking with the patch and I keep telling her to try snus. The kids know that is how i quit. (As in "Daddy doesnt smoke. He's got his snus.")

          She won't do it though and she'll be back smoking in less than a month...As usual.


          • WickedKitchen
            • Nov 2009
            • 2528

            I don't think that my kids even know about it. I keep my four or five cans in the butter dish so they're right there in the fridge but they've never asked about them. They've seen me put in a portion but again, never asked. Sometimes while reading to them I have a giant pris of los in and I'm amazed that they never bring it up. I don't have a problem telling them about it if they ask but for now I'm content letting sleeping dogs lie.


            • spirit72
              • Apr 2008
              • 1013

              My three aren't exactly thrilled with it. They're bombarded constantly with anti-tobacco propaganda at school, so they are positive that my face and/or nose is gonna fall off.

              But they'll take it over the Camels.


              • RobsanX
                • Aug 2008
                • 2030

                Originally posted by spirit72 View Post
                My three aren't exactly thrilled with it. They're bombarded constantly with anti-tobacco propaganda at school, so they are positive that my face and/or nose is gonna fall off.

                But they'll take it over the Camels.
                Same here...


                • Rattlesnake
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 891

                  My two year old only does 2 or 3 prilas a day, but they 5 year old keeps a portion or pris in most of the time. They both love the stuff and even when the 5 year old swallowed a portion the other day said it gives them a tingly felling. The two year old has finally learned what the little lines on the plunger of the Ice tool is for and says she likes it at the 3rd mark best. It is sometimes hard to get them to eat during the day because they don't want to remove as they say "bacy" from their mouths. But they will let the rotweiller lick their portions sometimes before putting them back in.


                  • devilock76
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 1737

                    My kids are young, so they think what I tell them to think. Heehehehehe.

                    Seriously though they ask when they see me with snuff, snus, or the e-cig, and I merely explain they help keep daddy from smoking.



                    • LincolnSnuff
                      • May 2010
                      • 676

                      Snus sometimes causes me to drop the kids off at the pool. Other than that, no issues with kids.


                      • truthwolf1
                        • Oct 2008
                        • 2696

                        I have been a little too relaxed with it and need to really keep it out of reach. Even with a 15 second sampeling and a spit out could lead to a trip to the emergency room.


                        • desirexe
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 1170

                          I have a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy in my home when it comes to snus and snuff. I'm not sure what I would say if my kid ever asked any questions...it just hasn't happened yet but I hide my stash to avoid questions and/or a curious kid from doing the taste test.


                          • precious007
                            Banned Users
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 5885

                            The worst thing about the kids, is to avoid letting them go through some of your cans ... I can swear my lil' boy will never smoke because I won't let him smoke :-)

                            He hasn't seen me snusing that often and never asked....


                            • SnusoMatic
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 507

                              i have two kids, one boy and one girl who are both in their mid twenties. The boy lives here but is away at school some and has a gf about two hours away so he is gone a lot. i smoked cigs the whole time they were growing up and they always tried to get me to quit. the girl was easy to convince snus was better than cigs.

                              My son is very logical and detail minded so it took longer. I told and showed him information about snus and all that. he really got interested in the fact that snus while not great is a lot better than smoking and American smokeless but all is considered "bad". i am a high school dropout. in high school we would have called it a report. not sure what the term is in college but it took him several weeks to study and put together a "report" on the subject. he is an 'A' student so i am sure it was done very well, etc. Basically the topic was how all tobacco gets lumped into the super bad category but not all belongs there and how snus can be used to quit smoking, etc. He even took some of my snus with him, opened the cans and passed them around so everyone could see this snus stuff. The teacher almost failed him on his "report". i told him it was because he said not all tobacco is a killer, etc.

                              anyway, neither kid has ever smoked, drank, drugged or dipped..... or if they have i have never had any reason to suspect it. The way i dealt with my smoking with them when they were growing up was of course teach them it was bad. i always kept my cigs put up so they could not get their hands on them. I never threw a cig on the ground around them without stomping the crap out of it so they could not pick it up. I always made sure i had my opened pack on me. My girl was never even curious about smoking. My son did get curious and got curious about snus too. The way i handled it when he was small and even now is i would show him the pack and let him hold it and check it out real good. That seemed to work with him. i donno it may not work with every kid but i would watch him and after he would check a new brand out or whatever in a few minute he got board of it and gave them back. he still likes to check out all the different snus cans but in a few minutes of looking he is done and gives them back. and i always told him i would beat the living hello out of him if he every smoked haha. but one big thing is i constantly talked to them about drinking, drugs, smoking and all that. i was (no longer use) a hard drug addict and drinker and my nightmare was my kids having to suffer those things.

                              sorry for the ramble. i read about all yalls small kids and figured i would throw out what seemed to help keep my kids off cigs.


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