General Mini vs. Portion

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  • RYO
    New Member
    • Jan 2011
    • 1

    General Mini vs. Portion

    Hi, I've been reading the forums for a while now. I'm new to the site, but, I've
    been using snus for a while now.

    My first "snus" was Camel frost, I first tried it when I had the flu. I couldn't smoke
    my cough was too bad. I had the tins in my fridge, from the free coupons they used
    to send out. I figured I'd try it, and it worked for me. I was surprised it did the job
    for me, for a few days. What I mean was that it took the edge of enough to not
    smoke for a few days.

    When I was well enough to go back to work though, and I was back to my normal
    routine, I was back smoking.

    Like I've read here many times, if it wasn't for Camel, I would have never discovered
    the General. So there is something good about it. Marlboro "snus" on the other hand
    is the worst thing I've ever had. I only tried the mild, and never again will I use it. I spit
    the first one out after ten minutes. I tried a second one, and the same thing, the other
    four went in the garbage, and I'm cheap, I never throw tobacco out. lol

    OK, now I have a question for someone out there. Like I said, I now use the General,
    I started with mini mint, I love the taste, and it was the perfect transition from Camel.

    I've tried General White portion and I hated it at first, but now I've grown to like original
    more than white. I also like Wintergreen and Mint.

    The problem is that I feel that the mini mint tastes better to me(more salty to me) than
    regular mint or wintergreen. The original I get the salt taste I like too.

    Now, this is the weird part for me, and I was hoping someone could explain this
    to me or has noticed the same.

    I am still a smoker, and I roll my own, without filters, so I need a good nic hit.

    My problem is that feel I get a better nic hit, or maybe more consistent nic hit, from mini mint
    than off regular portions. Sometimes I do get a good nic hit off regulars, but
    not always. I always can feel the nic hit from the mini's.

    Has anyone else ever experienced this? I know the PH levels make a big difference
    in the usable nicotine. I don't yet totally understand exactly how the PH levels work.

    I have to add that I do take medication that dries out my system, especially my
    mouth and gums, could this have something to do with it? I am always drinking water. I hesitated to ask
    because I know it sounds back asswards, but I have tried to figure it out and
    I can't. I know regulars have twice the nicotine, any thoughts?

    Thanks in advance,
  • toddzilla
    • Jan 2011
    • 176

    Hey ryo! Sorry I can't answer your question as im pretty new to snus too, but I d have a question about the mini's. Are the minis alot more discrete? My parents hate snus and have "band" it from being done in the house so I was wondering if the minis would be alot easier to hide?


    • GoVegan
      • Oct 2009
      • 5603

      Yes - Granit mini's rock and I feel like I am getting all the nicotine I need. General mini's aren't bad either but they don't feel as strong. The mini's are very easy to hide and you can talk freely without anyone knowing you are using snus. The only problem with mini's it that they really suck in their pricing. You pay the same amount or even more per tin than a normal portion but you usually get 20 portions instead of 24 (Northerner Snus is an exception to this). I saw some lame excuse on this forum a while ago about production costs and stuff like that but no matter how you rationalize it, you are still paying more for less.


      • dreed2
        • Jul 2010
        • 256

        Thunder minis give a better nicotine hit than anything else I've tried, for when you have to be discrete. Another option for being discrete is Stonewall.


        • toddzilla
          • Jan 2011
          • 176

          Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
          Yes - Granit mini's rock and I feel like I am getting all the nicotine I need. General mini's aren't bad either but they don't feel as strong. The mini's are very easy to hide and you can talk freely without anyone knowing you are using snus. The only problem with mini's it that they really suck in their pricing. You pay the same amount or even more per tin than a normal portion but you usually get 20 portions instead of 24 (Northerner Snus is an exception to this). I saw some lame excuse on this forum a while ago about production costs and stuff like that but no matter how you rationalize it, you are still paying more for less.
          I'll have to pick up some mini's next time i'm at the speedway. Only 20 in a can? That's crazy, where I get my general the mini's are $4.35 for a tin of 24


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