Discovery Health Article on Snus

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  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    Discovery Health Article on Snus

    This article is actually well balanced, and even points out that American tobacco companies purposely manufacture snus with low levels of nicotine to prevent people from quitting smoking. If Discovery Health is reporting on snus from an objective and logical standpoint, I hope the FDA will follow in their footsteps.

    My favorite passage from the article:

    "Tobacco control experts are saying not so fast. They warn that American snus products aren't actually snus. The tobacco delivers far lower levels of nicotine than traditional Swedish snus. This means that Marlboro and Camel snus won't calm nicotine cravings as effectively as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). If you think this undermines the companies' claim that snus can help people stop smoking, you're not alone."
  • Owens187
    • Sep 2009
    • 1547

    I'm just glad consumers are now starting to get some real info on Swedish snus, instead of what Big Tobacco tells them/claims. At least with some unbiased articles floating around, folks can do like most of us here did, and research Swedish snus for themselves.


    • WickedKitchen
      • Nov 2009
      • 2528

      Wow. I think this is the best snus article I've read to date, at least in the US. Of course, success stories will carry snus forward. I don't believe, however, those that use Camel or Marlboro will be initially wow-ed by Swedish snus due to the lower flavor level...that is until the nic kicks in.

      Does anyone know if Onyx of General ES are sold in the US? I think these would be winners moreso due to the the increased flavor rather than the increased nic. Of course, the nic would help but the flavor is the first thing we take into consideration with this stuff. Do you think that articles like this will cause US producers to up the nic level or will it cause the government to argue against it?


      • fdknuckles
        • Jan 2010
        • 169

        good read. Why is it taking so long for the public to recieve information that is discussed here on a regular basis?


        • shag1952
          • Aug 2010
          • 83

          Originally posted by fdknuckles View Post
          good read. Why is it taking so long for the public to recieve information that is discussed here on a regular basis?
          It's real simple, Big Pharma, Big tobacco and those damn tobacco haters.


          • Experimental Monkey
            • Mar 2010
            • 795

            To be real honest guys, any publicity that Swedish snus gets in widespread mainstream is bad news for us in my eyes. Look what all happened after the 60 Minutes piece. PACT got zoomed through congress and the bill was signed, what, 2 weeks later? I want my snus to stay on the down low personally.


            • chadizzy1
              • May 2009
              • 7432

              I remember seeing this. It was published 14 Sep 2010.


              • xMurderJunkiex
                • Aug 2010
                • 53

                It's nice to see, but Experimental Monkey hit it on the nose... I don't want Swedish snus to be more mainstream in America. Like anything else here, the more the people want it, the more the government will stick their nose in and want a piece.

                I'd rather stay off the radar and enjoy it in peace.


                • stubby2
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 436

                  Originally posted by Experimental Monkey View Post
                  To be real honest guys, any publicity that Swedish snus gets in widespread mainstream is bad news for us in my eyes. Look what all happened after the 60 Minutes piece. PACT got zoomed through congress and the bill was signed, what, 2 weeks later? I want my snus to stay on the down low personally.
                  The PACT act passing had nothing to do with the 60 minutes piece. That was all about New York state and the war on the those d%#$ Native Americans who where getting a little to uppity.

                  It is long past the time when you can stay invisible. I keep up with a few anti-tobacco groups and they are on a terror about snus and electronic cigarettes. Perhaps it scares them that people can actually use tobacco and not die from it. There is no going back now so it's full steam ahead.


                  • LincolnSnuff
                    • May 2010
                    • 676

                    Great article. I just saved for sharing with smokers/snus-doubters in the future. I disagree with the sentiments of Experimental Monkey and xMurderJunkiex that the existence of snus should be kept under wraps for selfish purposes. Getting the word out about snus will help more smokers convert to snus, thus increasing the size of our "army" to fight the anti-tobacco zealots.

                    The less accurate information that is accessible regarding snus will only increase public suspicion of it, keeping snus in the same category as dip or chew in the minds of Americans/the FDA, as it is now. People tend to demonize things they do not understand (i.e. people of a different race, cultures, science, etc.) so my belief is that this kind of article is a step in the right direction. Spread it around as much as possible.


                    • brant
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 108

                      Originally posted by LincolnSnuff View Post
                      Great article. I just saved for sharing with smokers/snus-doubters in the future. I disagree with the sentiments of Experimental Monkey and xMurderJunkiex that the existence of snus should be kept under wraps for selfish purposes. Getting the word out about snus will help more smokers convert to snus, thus increasing the size of our "army" to fight the anti-tobacco zealots.

                      The less accurate information that is accessible regarding snus will only increase public suspicion of it, keeping snus in the same category as dip or chew in the minds of Americans/the FDA, as it is now. People tend to demonize things they do not understand (i.e. people of a different race, cultures, science, etc.) so my belief is that this kind of article is a step in the right direction. Spread it around as much as possible.
                      Good take, Lincoln. I think increasing visibility and demand will help us all A.quit smoking B.hopefully enable folks like Rick to put more "real" snus in Cigar Shops and Speedways. I can see other's points of view too - but let's hope the more knowledge about Swedish Snus, the better.

