Snus Stories!

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  • Tianlong
    • Nov 2010
    • 61

    Snus Stories!

    I dont know if there already is another thread like this but anyways.
    I think it would be fun for people to share their snus stories. Maybe from the adventure of quitting smoking or trying to get friends to try snus and so on (some times with hilarious results).

    Like when me and my friend went to a restaurant when i got my first order of snus to taiwan after not being able to use snus for several years. my friend is very curious about it and of course is eager to try since he have been using some chew and dip when in america. but before i give him an explanation he takes a big pile of general strong and put it in his mouth chew/dip style and asks if he is supposed to chew on it. I explain to him that he is supposed to bake it somewhat and put in it in his over lip and let it be, but before i finish my sentence his face is getting pretty pale and he throws up on his newly served 20$ beef steak.
  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    I once gave my drunk friend, who only partakes in snus when he goes to Europe, a GES Portion. Apparently, he started having a mildly psychedelic trip until he vomited profusely for a couple of minutes. He told me he loved it and wanted to do it again!


    • precious007
      Banned Users
      • Sep 2010
      • 5885


      One of my friend vomited for one hour ...

      He felt so sick that was barely even able to talk

      It was ettan los ... quite a pinch ... 3 mg (my usual size)


      • WickedKitchen
        • Nov 2009
        • 2528

        I've only been able to convince one friend to use snus. He's a marine biologist and he also has a major case of ADD. He takes Adderal but doesn't like it too much and he also claims that nicotine is a decent therapy for him. He is a non-smoker and occasionally buys dip. Like most people I know he's had it with the need to spit and has moved to Camel snus when he goes to sea for weeks on end. Lately I've been giving him a can of Grov every time I see him. I swear he looks forward to it and eagerly covets the can as soon as I give it to him. To my knowledge his wife is greatly opposed to tobacco in any form so I'll have to forward the Discovery Health article to him. He likes the fact that snus is discrete too as do I.


        • shag1952
          • Aug 2010
          • 83

          Nothing too interesting from me, I haven't got sick, I did quit smoking, i prefer the portions, every once in a while I get the hiccups from snus. I spend lot of time trying to research through al lthe BS about nicotine, and am finding the truth is hard to come by!


          • toddzilla
            • Jan 2011
            • 176

            Hmmm...let's see I used snus to quit smoking and I am so glad I did! the first time I ever used real snus it was general los and i accidentally swallowed half the prilla and I threw up for about 3 hours, it was horible haha so after that I switched to portions. Now I am finially ready to try the los again. Uhhh so far I haven't been able to convert any friends but im still working on them!


            • triplethreat675
              • Jan 2011
              • 64

              got a few!

              I was a two pack a day smoker and occasional dipper while I was in Iraq with the US Army. I discovered camel snus this last summer while working security at a music festival, when camel was giving the stuff away free. I came home from the festival and my wfie(who was opposed to my nicotine need) kissed mae and asked "what kind of gum are you chewing it smells really good" I told her a new kind and left it at that. it took her three weeks to figure out what the "good" smell actually was. Shes not opposed to it anymore and even partakes with me fairly regularly!

              While at the bar with my wife and one of her goody two shoes friends I had a tin of general Onyx and we were able to talk her into a portion in her inebriated state. From her response I think its safe to assume that the onyx was her first ever tobacco experience. after only two minutes she profusely vomited for agood 30 minutes and then without missing a beat said "yay now Im only 5 pounds away from my goal weight give me another one!"

              A coworker of mine discovered my habit at work one day and I let him try a GES portion and he started walking around saying buzzz buzzzz buzzzz... and to this day he still does whenever he has one in and thinks it the best thing ever considering our workplace is "tabacco free". Ive had just about ever manager ask me wha this deal is and if hes doing drugs because he acts unussually happy when hes "buzzzing" haha if they only knew.


              • Tianlong
                • Nov 2010
                • 61

                Originally posted by triplethreat675 View Post
                I was a two pack a day smoker and occasional dipper while I was in Iraq with the US Army. I discovered camel snus this last summer while working security at a music festival, when camel was giving the stuff away free. I came home from the festival and my wfie(who was opposed to my nicotine need) kissed mae and asked "what kind of gum are you chewing it smells really good" I told her a new kind and left it at that. it took her three weeks to figure out what the "good" smell actually was. Shes not opposed to it anymore and even partakes with me fairly regularly!

                While at the bar with my wife and one of her goody two shoes friends I had a tin of general Onyx and we were able to talk her into a portion in her inebriated state. From her response I think its safe to assume that the onyx was her first ever tobacco experience. after only two minutes she profusely vomited for agood 30 minutes and then without missing a beat said "yay now Im only 5 pounds away from my goal weight give me another one!"

                A coworker of mine discovered my habit at work one day and I let him try a GES portion and he started walking around saying buzzz buzzzz buzzzz... and to this day he still does whenever he has one in and thinks it the best thing ever considering our workplace is "tabacco free". Ive had just about ever manager ask me wha this deal is and if hes doing drugs because he acts unussually happy when hes "buzzzing" haha if they only knew.
                haha good ones


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