Level loose

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  • Marv
    • Mar 2008
    • 47

    Level loose

    I am enjoying my first taste of Level loose. I like the taste. Good moisture and texture. Nice aroma. Unbeatable for the price. The first few minutes, I thought I detected the taste of the plastic can? Am I right here? Or is my infantile palate just unable to pick up the more complex falvor? Any thoughts?

    I am also enjoying a glass of fine Idaho reisling with the snus. Question: How many users here drink alcohol and snus on a regular basis? The other questions: Does consuming alcohol and snus together increase the cancer risks? I am not sure about the research. I am very aware that smoking and drinking alcohol has a synergistically bad effect, ie., smoke and booze really increase the risk. What about snus and booze?

    All responses appreciated!
  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    I only tried the portions and found them horrible. They had a complex and somewhat interesting flavor, but the overall-impression was just bad, with a bitter aftertaste and an unpleasant feeling on the gums.

    Since most loose brands taste different from the portions, I guess the loose is surely worth a try but at the moment I have found enough favorites and also other brands to try before.

    About snus and booze:

    - Probe Whiskey loose goes well with a Bordeaux Red Wine
    - Ettan loose is perfect with a Pilsener
    - Hövels (a local beer-brand with a tradition that goes back to the year 1893) goes well with ... every snus-brand :lol:, at the moment it fits perfectly with Skruf Stark Lös.

    Snus is NO risk factor for oral cancer as far as I know. The difference between oral-cancer-cases in snus-users and oral cancer-cases in non-tobacco-users is zero. Some studies even found less oral cancer cases for snusers than for non-tobacco-users. One could argue, that snusers have less time to consume a snack of nitrosamine-loaden fast-food, but I believe that oral cancer is more a matter of genetics than of anything else.

    Overall, the risks for snusers to develop cancer seem to be slightly higher than for non-tobacco-users. The differences are all so small, that they could could come from the fact, that snus originally was mostly used by people, who had to do dangerous or dirty work and hadn't the money to buy poison-free 'bio-food'. Most medical studies, that compare snusers and non-tobacco-users, are a comparison between poor workers/farmers and middle-/upper-class people.

    I haven't read any detailed studies about the link between cancer and alcohol, but I have read that there is a link. Apart from that, I don't think that the combination of snus and alcohol multiplies the risks.

    Personally, I don't fool myself. Everything one does poses risks. There may be risks from snusing, but they surely are less than 2% of the risks of smoking, which would be my only alternative to get my nic-fix. And without nicotine, I would be a wreck or I would be consuming lots of pills or would just now be opening another bottle of Hövels beer...

    If you're interested in detailed medical studies about snus and smokeless tobacco in general, you could read the study by the Royal College of Physicians in London (the organisation that AFAIK originated the whole anti-smoking-, now anti-tobacco-movement in the 60's) or even the EU-strictly-anti-tobacco-but-no-bogus-propaganda-SCENIHR study. They both think, that smokeless tobacco is not the problem, though the latter study somewhat overstresses the nicotine-addiction-argument:

    BTW, I also very much appreciate the work of Prof. Rodu and his colleagues, but some short-minded people always mention the funding, that his university gets from USSTC, instead of realizing that noone of the anti-tobacco-professionals ever said that his studies were wrong or that most studies were done before the university got the funding OR that anti-tobacco-workers are mostly funded with the clear restriction to say nothing good about tobacco, no matter if this means to tell lies.



    • Kindrd
      • Oct 2007
      • 266

      I like the Level loose. I have been out of it for awhile but wouldn't mind grabbing some more.


      • Dead Rabbit
        • Mar 2008
        • 315

        Originally posted by chainsnuser

        BTW, I also very much appreciate the work of Prof. Rodu and his colleagues, but some short-minded people always mention the funding, that his university gets from USSTC, instead of realizing that noone of the anti-tobacco-professionals ever said that his studies were wrong or that most studies were done before the university got the funding OR that anti-tobacco-workers are mostly funded with the clear restriction to say nothing good about tobacco, no matter if this means to tell lies.


        I don’t think it’s possible to be short minded and at the very least mention funding thanks to the history of big tobacco. After all, you yourself just mentioned it, if only to provide a reasonable counter argument. In other words, big tobacco’s dastardly deeds of the past in the realm of funding have been so blatantly corrupt, one is forced to set the bar higher when it comes to doubt. Funding should be heavily debated and closely examined every time.

        Respectfully and only half serious,

        Dead Rabbit


        • Premium Parrots
          Super Moderators
          • Feb 2008
          • 9758

          ............silly wabbit

          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


          • Marv
            • Mar 2008
            • 47

            I am about 1/3 of the way through the can of Level loose. It is growing on me. For a cheap snus, I say it is quite good. The plastic I initially thought I tased might have had more to do with the poor quality wine I was drinking with it. Tonight I have upgraded the brand of wine, and, no plastic taste Maybe the plastic tase previously came from the plastic bottle the cheap hooch was stored in? :P


            • RealmofOpeth
              • May 2007
              • 407

              this is interesting as Level has a reputation for being considered the armpit of snus options
              i might just have to try a can, even with all it's bad rap


              • Asquar
                • Mar 2008
                • 256

                Originally posted by Marv
                The plastic I initially thought I tased might have had more to do with the poor quality wine I was drinking with it. :P
                It was undoubtedly the wine. When choosing wine, it's always important to find one in a high-quality carton or box, and to only drink it with a reputably-made polypropylene straw. :lol:


                • Craig de Tering
                  • Nov 2006
                  • 525


                  That was the first and last can I used (and a freebie at that IIRC).


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Originally posted by Craig de Tering

                    That was the first and last can I used (and a freebie at that IIRC).
                    Your comparison to LD red is informative. I dig the red, but the Level mini portions I had I thought were terrible. I'll probably get a can at some point in the future, but it's close to last on my list of snus' to try(it's a desperate race between V2 and Level for my last snus :^P).

