Gotlandssnus comment on Larry Waters lies!

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  • sharesnusinfo!
    • May 2008
    • 477

    Gotlandssnus comment on Larry Waters lies!

    Larry Water had a article on snuscentral and there you can read as follow:

    Olde Viking Snus, Gotlandssnus among poor selling Swedish snus
    For the apparently few Swedish snus lovers who buy these snus products via the Internet, some offerings from Gotlandssnus, Gustavus, Taboca, and the line of Olde Viking products made by GN Tobacco have/are being dropped by a number of Internet Snus Stores. The original Olde Viking products made at the other factory like Extra Stark Cinnamon will continue to be sold.,,, and an additional number of Swedish Snus eStores will be dropping the these and other products this week. With the proliferation of new snus brands, off-brands, and house brands, some profiteers have moved in for their share of Swedish snus consumers money. Other products no longer being stocked include some older names which have just lost their appeal to the new world-wide generation of Swedish snus users.

    Swedish Snus Manufacturers, like any other product manufacturer, evaluate product sales of particular brands and de-list those which are not selling. What is unique about this situation is that the manufacturers have not discontinued these products: the retailers have in response to consumer lack of interest.

    This week begins a culling out of those products which snus consumers just don't like or support enough to justify shelf space. They have not necessarily been discontinued by their respective manufacturers; they just will no longer be carried among the participating Swedish Snus eStores once their on-hand stock runs out.

    The following have been or will be removed from sale once existing stock is exhausted or expired:

    •Gotlandssnus Grey (Gråsnus) Portion Snus
    •Gotalndssnus Grey (Gråsnus) Lös Snus
    •Gotlandssnus Green (Flader) Portion Snus
    •Gustavus Lös Snus (non-USA available product)
    •Olde Viking Original Portion Snus
    •Olde Viking Ginger Lime Portion Snus
    •Olde Viking Spearmint Snus
    •Taboca Mini Portion Snus

    As with any other product, consumers vote with their wallet. These snus products just didn't get enough votes. Not to worry; there are still over 150 Swedish/Scandinavian great snus offerings left with some interesting new ones on the way!
    Enjoy the other great Swedish Snuses out there!

    Comment from Moe Unz:
    Sorry Feck. Especially the impact of new American snusers is making itself felt. Flader hasn't sold well for a while. It's not like Gotlandssnus doesn't know: Look at the last three Jakobsson's offerings: all designed for the American market theoretically.

    Gotlands has lousy/virtually no distribution in Sweden. They don't use SMD like everyone else.
    """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """

    Gotlandssnus AB answer:

    The Fläder portion is one of our most sucsessful snus on the internet!!
    The "GRÅSNUS" anis portion and loose is our first snus we launched 2002
    We have NO plan whatsoever to stop producing or stop selling on the internet regarding the flavours abow..

    Were Larry Waters have had his information from, we don´t know and it´s all lies!
    This is shame on Larry, since we always had a great contact in the history.

    We hope Larry will get the correct information out and stop tell you Snusers all this lies..

    One thing i can tell you that is correct is that the Original portion and Original Loose will be sold out on stock and disconinued. This is becolse of the werry low sales rate on the original portion and original loose
    For you who want a simular taste you can use: Jakobsson´s classic and Jakobsson´s Classic strong.

    We are selling our nicotine free products in the Swedish match distrubution line and SWMD have about 17000 retailers. for you to get the tru story.

    We at Gotlandssnus AB hope you all will get the truth in the future.

    Jimmy Karlsson
    Market, R/D
    Gotlandssnus AB
  • Experimental Monkey
    • Mar 2010
    • 795

    Wait... The gray label stays and the yellow is gone? Well it's official. I'll never buy another Gotlandssnus label product. I may try the Classic strong if I ever feel arsed to. The gray label makes me sick. I've been slowly trying to kill a can of it for 8 months now. Horrible.


    • sharesnusinfo!
      • May 2008
      • 477

      Originally posted by Experimental Monkey View Post
      Wait... The gray label stays and the yellow is gone? Well it's official. I'll never buy another Gotlandssnus label product. I may try the Classic strong if I ever feel arsed to. The gray label makes me sick. I've been slowly trying to kill a can of it for 8 months now. Horrible.
      Tru, Gray stays yellow.. gone!
      Licorice (grey "aniseseed") are not for everyone, (not my personal favorit) my favorit is Fläder (green label) and Jakobsson´s strong Mint.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        WTF Jimmy?! I could live without Gul portions. Jakobssons Classic is close enough for the amount of portions I use, but no lös?? Shit... That's the only bergamot lös left for sale in America. General isn't even close.

        I'm guessing Grå lös is gonna get dropped in the future too... :^(

        Hmm... I'm broke, and fairly well stocked on snus, but what would it take to have a custom run of snus made? Would you guys do that? If so, what would the minimum weight have to be to get a custom run produced? It would be a couple years before I'm out of snus(yea, I stocked up :^D), but I'd be good for few kg a year. Hell, if I ever get my money back on track, I'd be willing to fly to Sweden every couple of years, and stock up on extinct Gotland lös :'^(


        • raptor
          • Oct 2008
          • 753

          Gotlands gul loose is amazing, it's crisp like a champagne and while being a bit more flavored than normal General, I think it's better. I hope gul lös doesn't disappear


          • truthwolf1
            • Oct 2008
            • 2696

            I would like to see a Jakobssons Classic los version


            • chadizzy1
              • May 2009
              • 7432

              For Chrissakes what do I have to do to get some GREEN LöS?!?!


              • Jwalker
                • May 2010
                • 1067

                Wow so gotlands los original and portions are going bye bye, shoot I read this like oh cool green isn't going to be discontinued (I'm not a fan of grey but whatever), now it's oh yeah we're discontinuing our bergamot flavor wtf. So it actually turned out worse for me, not sure why bergamot would be unpopular but oh well Classic strong does sound good. Still after trying and liking the original portions and loving the los I'm a little curious as to whether people in sweden or the U.S. have taste buds.


                • Jwalker
                  • May 2010
                  • 1067

                  Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
                  I would like to see a Jakobssons Classic los version
                  I'd like to see a Jakobssons classic los that's relabelled gotlands yellow los.


                  • GoVegan
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 5603

                    That's terrible news! The Gotlands yellow los is fantastic and I hope they change their minds about this.


                    • KarlvB
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 681

                      You have to be kidding!!!!

                      How the hell can you stop producing what may be the best lös snus ever!!!!????

                      I don't usually become upset when snus is discontinued because it is usually rubbish but this hurts!


                      • Veganpunk
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 5381

                        Don't really care for the portions, but yea, the los is awesome. I think I only have two cans in reserve.


                        • Rattlesnake
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 891

                          Originally posted by KarlvB View Post
                          You have to be kidding!!!!

                          How the hell can you stop producing what may be the best lös snus ever!!!!????

                          I don't usually become upset when snus is discontinued because it is usually rubbish but this hurts!
                          I could not say it any better. Boo on losing this wonderful Snus


                          • GoVegan
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 5603

                            Wow, lets hope the VIP club can find a suitable replacement for this snus. Say something like Gellivares.


                            • KarlvB
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 681

                              Ok, I've just ordered two rolls of the portions and one roll of the los. One final fling with what was probably my favourite snus of all time....

                              Once again

                              DAMN IT!!!!!!

