It has a taste similar to general white with less drip and the portions are comfortable, the can looks amazing. I haven't tried it but that's my guess at what the reviews will look like.
Interested to see the new portion size they refer to. Presumably it's different to a long portion, otherwise they'd just call it a long portion, right?
Interested to see the new portion size they refer to. Presumably it's different to a long portion, otherwise they'd just call it a long portion, right?
Wonder if it could be that wraparound portion I dreamed about last night!?!
It's very soft and flexible and fits under your upper lip like, what? -- A hugging partial?!?
Would solve all kinds of problems, especially the questions on placement.
Talk about snus advancements.
Now, just have to tackle improvements to LOS for the masses!!
Maybe in the next dream.............
All admiration of the beautiful can aside, I think this snus will be lovely. General Silver is an awesome snus, almost worthy of being my everyday snus. I enjoy the mild taste. But Silver could use just a TAD more in the flavor and nicotine departments and this sounds like it will cover both bases quite nicely.
I think it'll be a winner too. General was the first snus that I tried and four years later I think the long portion is my favorite. My favorite General anyhow. It's not a staple for me but it could be. The whites are harsh on my gums and the OPs run on me faster than I'd like. I think the longs are in the middle and the smooth sounds like it would be a portion that has staying power. Can't wait to try it.