I really want to order something new, but...damn shipping sucks.

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  • jagmanss
    • Jul 2010
    • 12213

    Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
    #9. In the end expect to pay about the same for shipping. First by splitting the original large orders shipping charges plus the shipping to the end user. Which will probably end up being about the same as if you ordered it direct. The only savings might be slight if you live in a high tax state.
    #9 Would not apply if the snus is ordered through Snuscentral or BuySnus with flat rate shipping


    • LincolnSnuff
      • May 2010
      • 676

      Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
      If we get enough people interested, I'm down for it. But I don't ever order any one snus by the roll as I don't have room for any 1 snus and always order mixed snus as I use a wide variety and have no use for an entire roll.... Not everyone would want a roll of any one snus .... I would want to try several new ones that just came out along with Thunder Coola let's say.... A whole roll of it would not work for me.... I use no less than 14 different flavors at any time... I'm not tied down to 1 or 2 snus...
      You, sir, are in the minority. Stop whining. Don't get involved if you can't handle rolls. Rolls are always cheaper than individual cans and would be necessary for this system to work.


      • Premium Parrots
        Super Moderators
        • Feb 2008
        • 9759

        Originally posted by LincolnSnuff View Post
        You, Stop whining. Don't get involved if you can't handle rolls.
        Lincoln must be into big gals.
        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

        I've been wrong lots of times.Ā  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


        • Premium Parrots
          Super Moderators
          • Feb 2008
          • 9759

          Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
          #9 Would not apply if the snus is ordered through Snuscentral or BuySnus with flat rate shipping

          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

          I've been wrong lots of times.Ā  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


          • LincolnSnuff
            • May 2010
            • 676

            Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
            Lincoln must be into big gals.
            LOL... nice PP.


            • chadizzy1
              • May 2009
              • 7432

              The reason I suggested a post count verification is if some new guy comes in with 1 post, he could be one of those setups like with tobacco stings. They could send someone in and have him PayPal money (which would seem legit) then someone ships to him and we find out he's a minor and they get in trouble for supplying to a minor. Either we go with a post count or we have to get IDs emailed/faxed which is a headache in and of itself.

              Just my two cents.


              • Owens187
                • Sep 2009
                • 1547

                Looks like Braden(and others) is gettin' the details worked out. Sweet. Sounds good so far.

                You'll have to forgive my cinicism of newbies earlier, weve just had some really rip-offs go through here, whole box passes dissapeared - people lost a ton of snus . . . Even though I myself wasn't affected, the thought still makes me bitter. I hate to see good honest folks get taken like that. Even though I've never actually met most of the folks here personally, I consider many of you friends, and I value this site extremely for being exactly what it is - a dysfunctional family of addicts, that once in a while actually manages to stay on topic(I stress once in a while, lol), and once in a while may fight amongst itself, but like any great dysfunctional family - everything is all good in the morning. I'd hate to ever see this place change, for any reason . . .


                • Owens187
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 1547

                  Originally posted by nicodude View Post
                  . . . now getting a copy of their license with name and address matching the shipping address . . .

                  This is exactly what I was going to suggest.


                  • Experimental Monkey
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 795

                    Hey guys SnusCentral is carrying over free shipping for orders over $200 into february. So this would be a good chance for you guys to get together and save some serious cash.


                    • Premium Parrots
                      Super Moderators
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 9759

                      Originally Posted by nicodude. . . now getting a copy of their license with name and address matching the shipping address . . .

                      Originally posted by Owens187 View Post
                      This is exactly what I was going to suggest.

                      sure.......make it EASY for the mass murderer will know exactly where to come get you.
                      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                      I've been wrong lots of times.Ā  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                      • dpete

                        Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post
                        The reason I suggested a post count verification is if some new guy comes in with 1 post, he could be one of those setups like with tobacco stings. They could send someone in and have him PayPal money (which would seem legit) then someone ships to him and we find out he's a minor and they get in trouble for supplying to a minor. Either we go with a post count or we have to get IDs emailed/faxed which is a headache in and of itself.

                        Just my two cents.
                        I would be pleased to be involved in this though some very good points have been brought up. Obviously would not be in favor of a post count but it hadn't occurred to me about underage purchasers. If this were to happen and I was receiving the combined order (won't be, CA is trumped by others plus I am new) I would really want id's from all involved just to cover myself. Don't see the difficulty in doing so though it would be inconvenient. I'd be willing to be inconvenienced to make sure the fellow doing us a favor and being a help didn't get shafted for his trouble.

                        Jagmanss made an understandable point but for this bulk order I would think it would be far easier for the fellow shipping it all over to only have to deal with rolls. Maybe the second time it could be different if all goes well. I usually order like Jagmanss, too, as there are so many to try. Somewhere down the road I'll order 20 cans of 7 or 8 brands but it would be very painful if say 20 other people did the same thing in a group buy.


                        • Owens187
                          • Sep 2009
                          • 1547

                          Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post

                          sure.......make it EASY for the mass murderer will know exactly where to come get you.

                          Is that a threat old man? Just 'cause you got all them extra barrels laying around . . .

                          I guess this day and age there really is a lack of common sense floating around, so . . .


                          Please be sure to censor any location information, real or imagined, anytime you send a copy of your ID to other members. The management of SnusOn and its members, real or imagined, will take no responsibilities if a certain moderator, who shall remain nameless, but whose name may or may not rhyme with "Dreamium Ferrits", comes to your house, rapes you in the ass, chops you and your family to bits, dines on your descending colon and its contents(his favorite), stuffs and mounts your scrotum, and sticks you into big blue barrels which may or may not contain a certain type of acid. So do yourself a favor - dont be a dumbass.

                          That oughta work . . .


                          • Connavar
                            • Jan 2011
                            • 237

                            i would definatly be down for this seeing as i bought my snus fridge today and it looks kinda empty with only 47 cans in it...


                            • nicodude
                              • Jan 2011
                              • 688

                              Even if participation is limited by a certain post count being reached, there should still be an ID check to keep everything legal and by the book. That being said, I doubt that the feds are watching a snus forum, but even if they are, there would be no reason to devote a decent amount of time/money/resources into busting one guy for providing tobacco to a minor, which is a misdemenor, and only punishable by a fine, usually $100 dependent on state. Even if the person kept sending minors tobacco and kept getting busted, the only thing that would happen is that the fine would increase.
                              I do understand why the first few orders should be kept small and feel that snusdog's idea to just let a few noobs into the first orders while giving priority to veteran members is totally acceptable.

                              I am sorry to hear about the pass box though, and can understand why people would be cautious after that, shame though cause a pass box sounds like a great way to try new snus without buying somthing you may not like.

                              Also, an idea about the rolls, is that everyone interested votes on what kind/brands of snus they want, and the brands that people want the most are the ones that would be ordered in rolls. That way you still get the savings and the individual person can still get a variety of snus from the rolls ordered. It can even be made that a roll wont be put down for ordering untill all 10 cans from that roll are claimed and paid for. Then when the rolls come in, just divide them up according to who wants what, and ship them out in order to whom paid first.


                              • Owens187
                                • Sep 2009
                                • 1547

                                Originally posted by LincolnSnuff View Post
                                . . . Don't get involved if you can't handle rolls. Rolls are always cheaper than individual cans and would be necessary for this system to work . . .
                                Not to offend, but I absolutely agree with Lincoln. The days of economically and justifiably ordering only mixed cans are over, done, non-existant, and finacially inadvisable - in the states anyway. Oh how I long for those days to return.....but it just aint gonna happen. The new reality for us - rolls are the way to go, unless you got some deep-ass pockets.(My pockets ain't too shabby, please believe - but even I'm saying this). Man up and decide what you can live with, and life will just be that much easier.

                                I mean, just ask PP - he tried to fight the urge to indulge in necrophiliac-donkey-midget sex for years, but when the whole DNA forensics thing came about, he learned to adjust his habits accordingly - but I digress . . .


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