Would You Pay More For Lös? If So, How Much?

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  • WickedKitchen
    • Nov 2009
    • 2528

    I guess the idea is not to sell portion snus by weight. To me, they're selling it by dose. Some people prefer a smaller dose but they know they've got you so the idea is to sell it that way. The government taxes it by weight and it should all be the same rate of tax so yeah it's a rip off if you look at it by weight. I don't think a lot of people double up the minis. I wouldn't understand why they would unless it's a flavor only available in minis. Also, I don't get much more out of a can of los. This has always been my problem with los...I use too much. So to me each can of snus has 24-30 doses in it. If someone told me that the increased price for portions was equal to that of the additional los in a can I wouldn't be surprised. I think it makes sense. Though I would be miffed if los goes away completely.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
      Also, I don't get much more out of a can of los. This has always been my problem with los...I use too much. So to me each can of snus has 24-30 doses in it.
      That's why I'm a big fan of the IceTool. I can make the pris the exact same size every time. It was a little bit of an investment up front, but it's easily paid for itself many times over by now. I have big eyes when handbaking, and almost always make the pris too big. It ends up being a less than satisfactory experience, because I have too much snus in my lip. I'm sure my lip would stretch over time, but why bother? For $30, I got a money saving gadget that keeps my lip intact, and my nicotine ingestion regulated :^)


      • Rattlesnake
        • Nov 2010
        • 891

        Originally posted by lxskllr
        That's why I'm a big fan of the IceTool. I can make the pris the exact same size every time. It was a little bit of an investment up front, but it's easily paid for itself many times over by now. I have big eyes when handbaking, and almost always make the pris too big. It ends up being a less than satisfactory experience, because I have too much snus in my lip. I'm sure my lip would stretch over time, but why bother? For $30, I got a money saving gadget that keeps my lip intact, and my nicotine ingestion regulated :^)
        I would like for one of you reputable posters on this forum to take your Icetool, a can of snus, and a empty can.
        Portion (prilla out the full can into the empty can in 1gm. prillas)
        You might find like I did even though the can supposedly contains xgms you won't get that many prillas.
        Please take the challenge and let us Know.

        I know you are thinking! Ok a 50gm tin should yield 50----- 1gm prillas. It dosn't work out that way for me. I have tried it with several brands.
        I might be doing something wrong. Just asking somebody else to do it to see what they come up with.

        Fixed that for me.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Originally posted by Rattlesnake
          I would like for one of you reputable posters on this forum to take your Icetool, a can of snus, and a empty can.
          Portion (prilla out the full can into the empty can in 1gm. prillas)
          You might find like I did even though the can supposedly contains xgms you won't get that many prillas.
          Please take the challenge and let us Know.
          I was thinking of that myself. I'm going to do it, but it'll take a little while. I won't make a bunch and count them. It'll dry out the snus, and it's just boring. I'll check off hash marks on the tin, and count them when the tin's empty. That way there won't be any psychological adjustment to the pris size, and will be reflective of day to day use. I'll be opening a new tin, probably around the start of next week, and it'll take a awhile to empty it since I use a few different snuses at a time. I'll have the results by the end of February though. I'm gonna guess I get 45-47 servings out of a 50g tin.


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