Would you try....?

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  • Mr. Unloadingzone
    • Jun 2008
    • 317

    Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post
    Needless to say, people are competitive and if there was a snus available that it was in the mid to low 20's in the nicotine/mg level (portionssnus) would you be interested in buying it?
    Chad, the last thing in the world we need now is a snus with mid 20mg nicotine or the other product with 30mg nicotine. The anti-all-tobacco zealots are already pushing for a reduction in nicotine to below 1mg. These insanely high nic products will just give them and FDA the ammunition they need to accomplish this.

    I'm working on a story about Camel Dissolvables. According to Reynolds, they contain 1mg nic each. According to the anti-tobacco scientist, the only contain 0.83mg each. The so-called study is about the danger of children under 6 eating dissolvables AND snus portions. According to them, the minimum nicotine toxicity level for children under 6 is a blood level of 1mg per 1 kilogram of body weight.

    As an example, the study holds up 2 children between 2-3 years old who ingested snus portion(s) and suffered mild nicotine poisoning. Imagine the damage these same zealot researchers could do with 22-30 mg snus portions available?

    In the case of the particular manufacturer you are citing, if they want to be competitive, they should worry about making a good tasting snus first; not selling crap based on it being stupidly high in nicotine. The "who has the highest nic portion snus" game is just so 2009. If I want 30mg plus of nic, I'll just put in two portions of General Ekstra Sterk or Thunder Frosted......or a 5 click prilla of anything else. Hopefully, I'll survive the experience.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Originally posted by Mr. Unloadingzone
      In the case of the particular manufacturer you are citing, if they want to be competitive, they should worry about making a good tasting snus first; not selling crap based on it being stupidly high in nicotine. The "who has the highest nic portion snus" game is just so 2009. If I want 30mg plus of nic, I'll just put in two portions of General Ekstra Sterk or Thunder Frosted......or a 5 click prilla of anything else. Hopefully, I'll survive the experience.

      Gluttony shouldn't be encouraged by manufacturers, especially with an addictive, and potentially deadly chemical. Also, raising the ph to get more nicotine causes more damage to the mouth. Personally, I'm not too keen on having a tobacco/sodium hydroxide snus blend. Promoting gluttony is a disgusting, and particularly American pursuit. More isn't always better, and generally more is actually worse. The emphasis should be put on quality, and not cheeseball kiddie shit.


      • KarlvB
        • Feb 2008
        • 681

        I voted no. I would try it once just to see what it would be like but I am pretty sure it would make me sick. GES/Skruf Xtra seems to be my limit and even that I can't use all day. Personally, my preferred stark is N&J as it has just enough nic to keep me happy when drinking. Most of the time though a 3-click pris of Grov/Ettan from my 3ml Icetool is more than sufficient though.

        The nic wars started after I began using snus. I managed to quit smoking using nothing but General White and Grov OPs and I never felt like I needed more nicotine. I agree with lxskllr's statement - What happened?

        Oh, and one thing I did notice is that the little bit of gum recession I have had started occurring when I used nothing but starks for about a month. Even more reason for me to steer clear.


        • fishmeat
          • Feb 2011
          • 767

          Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
          More isn't always better, and generally more is actually worse. The emphasis should be put on quality, and not cheeseball kiddie shit.
          I'm with you dude...when it comes to snus and nicotine more isn't always better. I could careless if there is a 20-30mg nicotine snus out there just due to the fact that its too much. Its like buying a case of liquor and in one sitting drinking it all. Very wasteful and potentially bad for you.


          • snusjus
            • Jun 2008
            • 2674

            Personally, I wouldn't try it. I could see the Norwegians being all over it, since they prefer strong snus to save money.

            Anyway, here is how much nicotine you would actually absorb per portion, with the average level being 15%, and the snus nicotine level being in brackets.

            0.15 (20) = 3mg nicotine
            0.15 (22) = 3.3mg nicotine
            0.15 (25) = 3.75mg nicotine

            and just for sh*ts and giggles:

            0.15 (30) = 4.5mg nicotine

            Let's say you consume twelve 20mg/nicotine portions per day:

            0.15 (20) (12) = 36mg nicotine

            That's nearly 2 packs of cigarettes per day worth of nicotine! I guess that would be nice for chain smokers who want to switch to snus.


            • Jwalker
              • May 2010
              • 1067

              Why is everyone freaking out there's plenty of tobacco with high nicotine, a couple examples are makla ifrika and "black"(dark air cured) tobacco used for pipe smoking in third world countries.


              • timoteo
                • Dec 2009
                • 583

                Originally posted by snusjus View Post
                I could see the Norwegians being all over it, since they prefer strong snus to save money.
                Im curious where you herd this. I herd the Norwegians like strong snus because alot of them are using snus to quit smoking.

                It is my opinion that, starks dont last as long as regular portions, because they get too bitter and cant be left in lip as long.
                Atleast, this is how its been for me.


                • Kstolen23
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 281

                  They should call the next strong snus Elite I would have to try them at least once no matter how strong they get. I'm quite vain like that, I see myself as that guy in the classroom or at work when everyone has done the same thing, but I did it first and will make a point of telling you so, unless there is another one of them in the class then I'm more subtle about it. And to the people talking about double packing (not that I have anything against that but personally I don't do it) at the risk of roughly quoting 'The Social Network' and not making any sense but still making a point, nobody takes the picture of the guy holding up twelve trouts, the photo is of the three thousand pound flounder, or whatever. Elite snus, I'd buy that.


                  • Kstolen23
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 281

                    Originally posted by Mr. Unloadingzone
                    Chad, the last thing in the world we need now is a snus with mid 20mg nicotine or the other product with 30mg nicotine. The anti-all-tobacco zealots are already pushing for a reduction in nicotine to below 1mg. These insanely high nic products will just give them and FDA the ammunition they need to accomplish this.

                    I'm working on a story about Camel Dissolvables. According to Reynolds, they contain 1mg nic each. According to the anti-tobacco scientist, the only contain 0.83mg each. The so-called study is about the danger of children under 6 eating dissolvables AND snus portions. According to them, the minimum nicotine toxicity level for children under 6 is a blood level of 1mg per 1 kilogram of body weight.

                    As an example, the study holds up 2 children between 2-3 years old who ingested snus portion(s) and suffered mild nicotine poisoning. Imagine the damage these same zealot researchers could do with 22-30 mg snus portions available?

                    In the case of the particular manufacturer you are citing, if they want to be competitive, they should worry about making a good tasting snus first; not selling crap based on it being stupidly high in nicotine. The "who has the highest nic portion snus" game is just so 2009. If I want 30mg plus of nic, I'll just put in two portions of General Ekstra Sterk or Thunder Frosted......or a 5 click prilla of anything else. Hopefully, I'll survive the experience.
                    I'm not saying your wrong but the fact remains, if there is a large enough market base for extremely high nicotine level snus (and I'm willing to bet there is) , then it's just a matter of time before somebody makes it. However, it will most likely taste like shit and repeated purchases will diminish resulting in dis-continuation of the product unless they pull the infamous 'Mother' energy drink trick which is unlikely given the advertisement restrictions for nicotine products.
                    Speaking of Energy drinks. . .
                    Look at how big energy drinks are getting. I hate* most energy drinks but when I found out there was a ~780ml can of Rockstar, I had to buy it. I hated it and probably bought it once or twice more but I normally buy Mother now even though I think Red Bull tastes better, I think I'm getting better value for money for paying $3.50 for 500mls than $3.00 for 250mls. The same goes for snus, to a lesser extent I have been known to buy regular strength snus from time to time but I favour the stronger snus.


                    • BradenL
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 187

                      Originally posted by Mr. Unloadingzone
                      As an example, the study holds up 2 children between 2-3 years old who ingested snus portion(s) and suffered mild nicotine poisoning. Imagine the damage these same zealot researchers could do with 22-30 mg snus portions available?.
                      When I was 8 I thought the excedrin on my kitchen table was candy and ingested a couple of them. I nearly suffered acute hepatic failure, yet here I am in the land of the living. Children won't understand what to do with a portion or los and if they decide to put it in their mouth they'll just spit it out, because no child likes the first time affects of nicotine.


                      • Experimental Monkey
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 795

                        Originally posted by Kstolen23 View Post
                        I'm not saying your wrong but the fact remains, if there is a large enough market base for extremely high nicotine level snus (and I'm willing to bet there is) , then it's just a matter of time before somebody makes it. However, it will most likely taste like shit and repeated purchases will diminish resulting in dis-continuation of the product unless they pull the infamous 'Mother' energy drink trick which is unlikely given the advertisement restrictions for nicotine products.
                        Speaking of Energy drinks. . .
                        Look at how big energy drinks are getting. I hate* most energy drinks but when I found out there was a ~780ml can of Rockstar, I had to buy it. I hated it and probably bought it once or twice more but I normally buy Mother now even though I think Red Bull tastes better, I think I'm getting better value for money for paying $3.50 for 500mls than $3.00 for 250mls. The same goes for snus, to a lesser extent I have been known to buy regular strength snus from time to time but I favour the stronger snus.
                        Mother? You mean Monster? And yeah, please don't quote that dumb movie again. Energy drinks, social networking sites, absurdly high nicotine snus.. All are ridiculous. Shallow and bad for your health. Pick up a cup of coffee, a cell phone, and a regular strength portion, people. Today's society is so obnoxious and gullible.


                        • Kstolen23
                          • Feb 2011
                          • 281

                          No, its Mother. . . Maybe you don't have it in America but we do in Australia. It was first an 'all natural' energy drink (250ml) but it tasted like shit, then a few months later they brought out a 'new and improved mother' (500ml) that 'tastes nothing like the old one' with some pretty cool adds. It is a good drink. I'm not saying The Social Network was a bad movie, it wasn't great and it certainly did not deserve movie of the year but hey, this is about snus, and I stand by my previous post.


                          • Monkey
                            Senior Member
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 3290

                            I quit smoking with regular snus. I like the flavor of some sterks and extra sterks but I will use Strong minis or los as to not up my tolerence. If I have a regular portion of thunder I rip it in half. I really like their minis. I use an Icetool to portion the los.

                            I would not use a portion that has 25 mg of nicotine because it is a 25 mg snus.

                            If it was delicious and came in an 8-12 mg mini portion or a los i could portion myself then I would try it. If it sucked I would never buy it again....

                            I voted no though because the Sterk Wars is redonkulous....delicious first.....strong as hell is not a point to make me say "I have to buy this snus"

